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grouper-users - Re: [grouper-users] PSPNG: syncing fails with ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS when group has more than 1500 members

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Re: [grouper-users] PSPNG: syncing fails with ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS when group has more than 1500 members

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Dominique Petitpierre <>
  • To: <>
  • Subject: Re: [grouper-users] PSPNG: syncing fails with ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS when group has more than 1500 members
  • Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 03:57:11 +0200


after poring over DEBUG and even TRACE logs I eventually noticed that  LdapSystem.performLdapRead was retrieving members correctly while LdapSystem.performLdapSearchRequest was not. ldaptive DEBUG logs showed that the SearchEntryHandlers were different:

INFO  LdapSystem.performLdapRead(688) -  - Active Directory: Searching with Ldap RangeEntryHandler
DEBUG AbstractOperation.execute(122) -  - execute request=[org.ldaptive.SearchRequest@260620851::baseDn=cn=testgroup,ou=workflow1,ou=bpm-oracle,ou=bpm-poc,ou=application,ou=student,ou=grouper,ou=groups,ou=_unige,dc=isis-klif,dc=unige,dc=ch, searchFilter=[org.ldaptive.SearchFilter@-253519907::filter=objectclass=*, parameters={}], returnAttributes=[member], searchScope=OBJECT, timeLimit=0, sizeLimit=0, derefAliases=null, typesOnly=false, binaryAttributes=null, sortBehavior=UNORDERED, searchEntryHandlers=[],... 

DEBUG LdapSystem.performLdapSearchRequest(740) -  - Using attribute-value paging
DEBUG LdapSystem.performLdapSearchRequest(751) -  - Using ldap search-result paging
DEBUG AbstractOperation.execute(122) -  - execute request=[org.ldaptive.SearchRequest@-1826196816::baseDn=OU=student,OU=Grouper,OU=Groups,OU=_UNIGE,DC=isis-klif,DC=unige,DC=ch, searchFilter=[org.ldaptive.SearchFilter@948055064::filter=(&(objectclass=group)(gidNumber=5016234)), parameters={}], returnAttributes=[cn, objectclass, sAMAccountName, description, gidNumber, g
roupType, url, displayName, extensionAttribute7, member], searchScope=SUBTREE, timeLimit=0, sizeLimit=0, derefAliases=null, typesOnly=false, binaryAttributes=null, sortBehavior=UNORDERED, searchEntryHandlers=[edu.interne
t2.middleware.grouper.pspng.LdapSearchProgressHandler@41973d42, edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pspng.LdapSystem$1@6a6b8efd],...
In that request's result one can see that there is no values for the attribute member, but there is an extra attribute "member;range=0-1499" with the first 1500 values:
DEBUG AbstractOperation.execute(154) -  - execute response=[org.ldaptive.Response@152656682::result=[org.ldaptive.SearchResult@-274902094::entries=[[dn=CN=testgroup,OU=workflow1,OU=bpm-oracle,OU=bpm-poc,OU=application,OU=student,OU=Grouper,OU=Groups,OU=_UNIGE,DC=isis-klif,DC=unige,DC=ch[[member;range=0-1499[CN= ... [member[]],
When counting at the next step, only 0 member attribute values are found which causes the problem.

In the  code one can see that the request.SearchEntryHandlers is set to , but right after it is set again to something else, cf.

SearchRequest.setSearchEntryHandlers does indeed replace the values, cf.

This extra setSearchEntryHandlers appeared in PSPNG 2.4.0 patch 8, the last patch to contain LdapSystem, and unfortunately still exists in the latest version:

Although not familiar with the Grouper code and not a Java programmer I believe there is enough evidence to say this is a bug.

What baffles me is that it looks like since that patch was released in June 2019 only one other person reported the problem (cf.
- Is PSPNG used with Active Directory in "production" environments?
- If so, what is different that prevents that bug to cause problems? Or why people don't notice?

In any case, a fix in a patch for 2.4.0 would be welcome! (I'd like to get this working before upgrading to 2.5).


On 19.09.20 00:08, Dominique Petitpierre wrote:

thanks for the suggestion!

On 18.09.20 19:32, Jeffrey Williams wrote:
What do you have ldap.groupLdap1.pagedResultsSize set to?
ldap.groupLdap1.pagedResultsSize  was not set, but setting it to 1000 or 100 did not change the symptoms: The LDAP error ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS still occurs.
The effective settings and relevant logs are in annexe below.

I am perlexed:
- why is Jira issue GRP-2343 considered minor?  The problem described seems serious: synchronization does not work.
This might be the same problem: the message logs in the description are similar to the ones in Annex.

- Any other ideas or pointers to tackle this issue are welcome!


Annex: effective settings and relevant logs

dn: CN=Default Query Policy,CN=Query-Policies,CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=isis-klif,DC=unige,DC=ch
lDAPAdminLimits: MaxValRange=1500
lDAPAdminLimits: MaxPageSize=1000

grep -a '^2020-09-18 22:3.*Setting up LDAP Connection with properties:' grouper_error.log|tail -1 |sed -e 's/[:,] /&\n/g' |sed -E -n -e 's/(url|bindDn|ldapUrl|user|pass)=.*,/\1=***,/g' -e /=/p

sed -n -e '/^2020-09-18 22:3.*Provisioner.* - Setting /s///p' grouper_error.log
properties for activedirectory_student consumer/provisioner.
enabled to true
grouperIsAuthoritative to false
dataCacheTime_secs to 43200
sleepTimeAfterError_ms to 1000
grouperGroupCacheSize to 10000
grouperSubjectCacheSize to 10000
targetSystemGroupCacheSize to 10000
targetSystemUserCacheSize to 10000
createMissingUsers to false
needsTargetSystemUsers to true
needsTargetSystemGroups to true
supportsEmptyGroups to true
groupSelectionExpression to ${utils.containedWithin(provisionerName, stemAttributes['etc:pspng:provision_to'], groupAttributes['etc:pspng:provision_to']) && !utils.containedWithin(provisionerName, stemAttributes['etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to'], groupAttributes['etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to'])}
attributesUsedInGroupSelectionExpression to [etc:pspng:provision_to, etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to]
attributesUsedInGroupSelectionExpressionAreComparedToProvisionerName to true
userSearch_batchSize to 50
groupSearch_batchSize to 50
coordinationTimeout_secs to 300
coordinationUpdateInterval_secs to 10
areChangesToInternalGrouperSubjectsIgnored to true
grouperMessagingSystemName to grouperBuiltinMessaging
numberOfDataFetchingWorkers to 1
missingSubjectsWarningThreshold_percentage to 100
areCacheSizeWarningsEnabled to true
cacheFullnessWarningThreshold_percentage to 95
maxNumberOfTimesToRepeatedlyFullSyncGroup to 3
timeToSleepBetweenRepeatedFullSyncs_ms to 1000
properties for activedirectory_student consumer/provisioner.
isActiveDirectory to true
ldapPoolName to groupLdap1
maxValuesToChangePerOperation to 100
userSearchBaseDn to OU=UsersUnige,OU=_UNIGE,DC=isis-klif,DC=unige,DC=ch
userSearchFilter to (cn=${empty(subject.attributes["unigeChStudentUid"])?"0":subject.attributes["unigeChStudentUid"].iterator().next()})
userSearchAttributes to [dn, cn]
userCreationBaseDn to null
userCreationLdifTemplate to null
ouCreationLdifTemplate to dn: ${dn}||ou: ${ou}||objectclass: organizationalunit
attributesNeededingDnEscaping to [dn, distinguishedname, entrydn, uniquemember, member]
properties for activedirectory_student consumer/provisioner.
memberAttributeName to member
memberAttributeValueFormat to ${ldapUser.getDn()}
groupAttributeName to memberof
groupCreationLdifTemplate to dn: ${utils.bushyDn(name, "cn", "ou")}||cn: ${extension}||objectclass: group||objectclass: top||gidNumber: ${idIndex + 5000000}||description: ${org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.abbreviate(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.replaceAll((description?:""),"[\r\n]+"," "),900)}||groupType: 4||sAMAccountName: student`${org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.replaceChars(name,':','`').replaceAll("[\"\[\];|=+*?<>/\\, ]","_")}||extensionAttribute7: ${name}||url: ${empty(groupAttributes['etc:pspng:entityId'])?"":(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.replace(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.removeEnd(org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.removeStart(groupAttributes['etc:pspng:entityId'].toString(),"["),"]"),", ","\u000aurl: "))}||displayName: ${empty(groupAttributes['etc:pspng:is_member_of_value'])?"":groupAttributes['etc:pspng:is_member_of_value']}
groupSearchBaseDn to OU=student,OU=Grouper,OU=Groups,OU=_UNIGE,DC=isis-klif,DC=unige,DC=ch
groupCreationBaseDn to OU=student,OU=Grouper,OU=Groups,OU=_UNIGE,DC=isis-klif,DC=unige,DC=ch
allGroupsSearchFilter to objectclass=group
singleGroupSearchFilter to (&(objectclass=group)(gidNumber=${group.idIndex + 5000000}))
groupSearchAttributes to [cn, objectclass, sAMAccountName, description, gidNumber, groupType, url, displayName, extensionAttribute7]
ldapGroupCacheTime_secs to 600
ldapGroupCacheSize to 10000
memberAttributeIsCaseSensitive to false
enableBulkGroupSearching to true

sed -n -E -e '/^2020-09-18 22:3.*(\b1502\b|EXISTS)/s/.* -  - //p' grouper_error.log
Fetching subjects Completed (Success): 1502 items in 08.980s (10035.6 items/minute)
activedirectory_student-full/application:bpm-poc:bpm-oracle:workflow1:testgroup/#16234(Existing): 1502 correct member subjects. Sample: [''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'']...
activedirectory_student-full: Full-sync comparison for application:bpm-poc:bpm-oracle:workflow1:testgroup/#16234(Existing): Target-subject count: Correct/Actual: 1502/0
activedirectory_student-full: Group application:bpm-poc:bpm-oracle:workflow1:testgroup/#16234(Existing) has 1502 missing values
groupLdap1: Performing ldap mod (with retry) Mod Summary: dn=cn=testgroup,ou=workflow1,ou=bpm-oracle,ou=bpm-poc,ou=application,ou=student,ou=grouper,ou=groups,ou=_unige,dc=isis-klif,dc=unige,dc=ch|ADD 1502 member values|
groupLdap1: Problem while modifying ldap system based on grouper expectations. Starting to perform adaptive modifications based on data already on server: cn=testgroup,ou=workflow1,ou=bpm-oracle,ou=bpm-poc,ou=application,ou=student,ou=grouper,ou=groups,ou=_unige,dc=isis-klif,dc=unige,dc=ch: ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS
groupLdap1: Data already on ldap server Entry Summary: dn=cn=testgroup,ou=workflow1,ou=bpm-oracle,ou=bpm-poc,ou=application,ou=student,ou=grouper,ou=groups,ou=_unige,dc=isis-klif,dc=unige,dc=ch|1502 member values|
groupLdap1: Summary: Comparing modification of member to what is already in LDAP: ADD/1502 Values
groupLdap1: Comparing Attribute member. #Values on server already 1502. #Values in mod/ADD: 1502
FullSync Item done (Successful: Success). Stats: ins=1502|del=0|upd=0|tot=1502|t=38 secs/ProcTime: 38.330s Timing breakdown: init=0%/ReadGroupFromGrouper=0%/ClearingGroupCache=0%/StartCoordination=0%/StartProvisioning(get group & subject info)=0%/doFullSync=98%/FinishProvisioning=0%/FinishCoordination=0%/: Action="application:bpm-poc:bpm-oracle:workflow1:testgroup|qid=1|Trigger=Scheduled" full sync|ExternalRef=null|AsOf=Sep 18, 2020 10:36:27 PM|QTime=00.001s|Age=38.332s
FullSyncer(activedirectory_student): Full Sync of all groups progress: 1 groups of 1 (100%): ins=1502|del=0|upd=0|tot=1502|t=38 secs
FullSyncer(activedirectory_student): Full Sync of all groups: Finished. Stats: ins=1502|del=0|upd=0|tot=1502|t=0 secs

On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 4:21 AM Dominique Petitpierre <> wrote:


any advice on how to debug this problem?:

When synchronizing a target group that has more than 1500 members, even if there is nothing to do the PSPNG provisioner tries to replace all the members and fails with a LDAP error ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS.
This is with a Microsoft Active Directory target directory. It does not happen with 1500 members or less.
The 1501th member can be added without problem, but a subsequent full sync triggers the problem
This is clearly linked to this Active Directory feature: Range Retrieval of Attribute Values

dn: CN=Default Query Policy,CN=Query-Policies,CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=isis-klif,DC=unige,DC=ch
lDAPAdminLimits: MaxValRange=1500

Adding the searchResultHandler property to the groupLdap1 LDAP connector configuration does not help:

cf. vt-ldap to ldaptive migration for LDAP access

And of course the LdapProvisioner isActiveDirectory property is set:

changeLog.consumer.activedirectory_student.isActiveDirectory = true
A search in grouper-users shows old problems, in particular:

Re: [grouper-users] Active Directory >1500 group members

Re: [grouper-users] AD Range Attribute support with the PSP

There is a Jira issue GRP-2343 that shows the same symptom, although it is considered minor and is not fixed:

LdapSystem.performLdapSearchRequest doesn't return any members when group has more than 1500 memberships

- What could be the problem? Surely PSNG works in other sites with large Active Directory groups!

There must be something obvious I am missing, but I am at loss of ideas.

Thanks in advance for your lights!


Annexe: Relevant extract of the logs:

2020-09-18 07:30:06,640: [main] WARN  GrouperStartup.printConfigOnce(232) -  - Grouper starting up: version: 2.4.0, build date: null, env: test_2.4.0_grouper-loader
grouperPatchStatus read from: /usr/local/grouper-loader/
api patches installed:        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96
pspng patches installed:      0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
2020-09-18 08:23:11,479: [main] DEBUG LdapProvisionerConfiguration.readConfiguration(126) -  - Ldap Provisioner activedirectory_student - Setting isActiveDirectory to true
2020-09-18 08:23:21,963: [FullSyncer(activedirectory_student)-Thread] INFO  ProgressMonitor.completelyDone(81) -  - Fetching subjects Completed (Success): 1501 items in 08.833s (10195.9 items/minute)
2020-09-18 08:23:21,977: [FullSyncer(activedirectory_student)-Thread] INFO  Provisioner.doFullSync(1591) -  - activedirectory_student-full/application:bpm-poc:bpm-oracle:workflow1:testgroup/#16234(Existing): 1501 correct member subjects. Sample: [''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', '674039@u'/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'', ''/'person'/'']...
2020-09-18 08:23:22,076: [FullSyncer(activedirectory_student)-Thread] INFO  LdapSystem.performLdapRead(688) -  - Active Directory: Searching with Ldap RangeEntryHandler
2020-09-18 08:23:51,589: [FullSyncer(activedirectory_student)-Thread] INFO  LdapGroupProvisioner.doFullSync(194) -  - activedirectory_student-full: Full-sync comparison for application:bpm-poc:bpm-oracle:workflow1:testgroup/#16234(Existing): Target-subject count: Correct/Actual: 1501/0
2020-09-18 08:23:51,765: [FullSyncer(activedirectory_student)-Thread] WARN  LdapSystem.performLdapModify(450) -  - groupLdap1: Problem while modifying ldap system based on grouper expectations. Starting to perform adaptive modifications based on data already on server: cn=testgroup,ou=workflow1,ou=bpm-oracle,ou=bpm-poc,ou=application,ou=student,ou=grouper,ou=groups,ou=_unige,dc=isis-klif,dc=unige,dc=ch: ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS

Mr Dominique Petitpierre, user=Dominique.Petitpierre
IT Division, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Meilleures salutations,
Dominique Petitpierre
Université de Genève, DSTIC
+41 22 37 97117

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