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grouper-users - Re: [grouper-users] Provisioning in the UI

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Re: [grouper-users] Provisioning in the UI

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Alex Poulos <>
  • To: "Hyzer, Chris" <>
  • Cc: "Peak, Jason R" <>, "" <>
  • Subject: Re: [grouper-users] Provisioning in the UI
  • Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 07:43:36 -0400

Note the Attribute Assignments in the UI mean that you can assign the pspng provisioning attribute much more easily than in 2.3, even though the provisioning piece is not quite there. So it’s still much easier to use, I think.

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020 at 3:04 AM Hyzer, Chris <> wrote:

Welcome to 2.4 😊.  Check the roadmap for things fixed in 2.4.


The provisioning in the UI currently is groundwork that will be used in 2.5 in the near future.  Making plans to go to 2.5 now?  Probably not what you want to hear 😊  Its an easy upgrade from a fully patched 2.4 especially if you are already in a container…





From: On Behalf Of Peak, Jason R
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 8:19 PM
Subject: [grouper-users] Provisioning in the UI


Hello Grouper world,


I’m wanting to use “Provisioning in the UI” to provision (target?) LDAP, but it’s not clear whether this is possible at all yet.


In Grouper provisioning in UI, "including PSPNG”, is confusing me a little:

In a patch grouper_v2_4_0_ui_patch_35 in 2.4 we added provisioning in the UI. This can be for multiple provisioners including PSPNG and other things like Box provisioning. Note the provisioner needs to be able to key off the the attributes on groups and folders, which is not yet available for PSPNG. It is currently (grouper_v2_4_0_ui_patch_35) available for the Duo connector. We will add more provisioners.

Related, it seems like efforts towards LDAP provisioning are going to be focused on 2.5 ?

We just got upgraded to 2.4, we’re excited to check out the new levers and buttons; I’m sure there has been discussion around this, but I’ve been unable to find it in the wiki/mailing list archive.


Is anybody provisioning LDAP/AD from the UI in 2.4 (we’re using tier/grouper:2.4.0-80-u51-w10-p11-20191118).




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