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grouper-users - [grouper-users] Grouper 2.4 to 2.5 stategy

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[grouper-users] Grouper 2.4 to 2.5 stategy

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "O'Dowd, Josh" <Josh.O'>
  • To: "" <>
  • Subject: [grouper-users] Grouper 2.4 to 2.5 stategy
  • Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020 15:35:56 +0000
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We have been running v2.4 for the past year or so.  While we have been successful patching the API, fully, we have been unable to patch the UI beyond #34 without fatal startup; something that appears to occur during some hibernate caching process, where it closes sessions and then tries to use them again.  I have mailed a couple of requests(since the first of the year) for help with that issue, that have garnered no response, as yet.

I think at this point, I have spent so much time failing to get v2.4 fully patched, that I would like to consider just moving forward with v2.5.

My question is, would it be recommended to upgrade the current database(v2.4 on postgres) to v2.5, then build a new Grouper server and connect it to the existing database, or would it be better to build an entirely new v2.5 environment and then do a gsh export from v2.4 and import to v2.5?

Any thoughts?


Josh O'Dowd
Software Systems Engineer
Identity & Access Management Systems, IT Central

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