grouper-users - Re: [grouper-users] Help? Reasons simple loader job is not populating a group?
Subject: Grouper Users - Open Discussion List
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- From: Bill Thompson <>
- To: "O'Dowd, Josh" <>
- Cc: "" <>
- Subject: Re: [grouper-users] Help? Reasons simple loader job is not populating a group?
- Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2019 14:01:25 -0400
I was confused by this as well the first time. "Loader diagnostics" does *not* in fact run the job and populate memberships. It just checks to see if it would run. Try (Loader actions -> Run loader process to sync group). That should load the memberships.

On Fri, Jun 14, 2019 at 11:48 AM O'Dowd, Josh <> wrote:
Hi Folks,We are just getting started with setting up some loader jobs. The diagnostics output below indicates it is finding 51 results and having a successful subject lookup, so I am confused why the job is not populating the group when it runs...
Any possible reasons for this?
Thanks for any assist!######## CONFIGURATION ########
SUCCESS: grouperLoaderType is: LDAP_SIMPLE
SUCCESS: This is an LDAP job
SUCCESS: grouperLoaderType LDAP_SIMPLE is an LDAP type
SUCCESS: LDAP server id: cidp was found in
SUCCESS: LDAP server id points to url: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SUCCESS: LDAP subjectAttribute is set and grouperLoaderType is LDAP_SIMPLE!
SUCCESS: LDAP groupAttribute is set
SUCCESS: Cron '0 0/5 * * * ?' is set to: 'Every 5 minutes'
SUCCESS: sourceId 'oid' was found in the subject API
WARNING: Subject type is subjectIdentifier which is not as efficient as subjectId but maybe its not possible to use subjectId
SUCCESS: Search scope is set to: SUBTREE_SCOPE
SUCCESS: 'and groups' is not set
SUCCESS: Scheduling priority is not set and defaults to medium: 5
SUCCESS: 'groups like' SQL config is not set
SUCCESS: Extra attributes are not set
SUCCESS: Extra attributes filter _expression_ is not set
SUCCESS: Results transformation class is not set
SUCCESS: Group name _expression_ is not set
SUCCESS: Group display name _expression_ is not set
SUCCESS: Group description _expression_ is not set
SUCCESS: Subject _expression_ is not set
SUCCESS: Group types are not set
SUCCESS: Group privilege admins not set
SUCCESS: Group privilege attrReaders not set
SUCCESS: Group privilege attrUpdaters not set
SUCCESS: Group privilege optins not set
SUCCESS: Group privilege optouts not set
SUCCESS: Group privilege readers not set
SUCCESS: Group privilege updaters not set
SUCCESS: Group privilege viewers not set
######## CHECKING FILTER ########
SUCCESS: Ran filter, got 51 results in 6549ms
SUCCESS: Found subject 'rl135271e' in source: 'oid' by identifier: Subject id: rl135271e, sourceId: oid
######## CHECKING LOGS ########
ERROR: Cannot find a recent success in grouper_loader_log for job name: LDAP_SIMPLE__org:hlna:ref:emp:faculty__9f685adbae844506968d6c9ca238f87dSUCCESS: Found no errors in grouper_loader_log for job name: LDAP_SIMPLE__org:hlna:ref:emp:faculty__9f685adbae844506968d6c9ca238f87d
Josh O'DowdUniversity of Montana
- [grouper-users] Help? Reasons simple loader job is not populating a group?, O'Dowd, Josh, 06/14/2019
- RE: [grouper-users] Help? Reasons simple loader job is not populating a group?, Hyzer, Chris, 06/14/2019
- Re: [grouper-users] Help? Reasons simple loader job is not populating a group?, Bill Thompson, 06/14/2019
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