Subject: Grouper Users - Open Discussion List
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- From: Chris Hyzer <>
- To: Wallaert-Taquet Brigitte <>, "" <>
- Subject: RE: [grouper-users] Problem with attributes loader ldap
- Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 14:12:16 +0000
- Accept-language: en-US
Was this resolved? I think that is not the GSH to see the new attribute framework… can you see the attributes in the database attribute views? I can give
you updated GSH if you like
From: [mailto:]
On Behalf Of Wallaert-Taquet Brigitte
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2015 5:27 AM
Subject: [grouper-users] Problem with attributes loader ldap
I am a problem with group that I assigned a grouperLoaderLdapDef : i can't see its attributes values anymore with liteUI, i've got this error when I activate ther "Filter" button (see screen) :
Error: Problem converting JSP to string: /WEB-INF/grouperUi/templates/simpleAttributeUpdate/simpleAttributeAssignments.jsp, Problem calling method assignFilter on edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.grouperUi.serviceLogic.SimpleAttributeUpdate
see traceLog.txt for more.
This appear when I add the value for the "Grouper loader LDAP search base DN" attribute. The first time, it seems accept the value (ou=groups) but do not display the value. So I try to add the value a second time but it says it exists and after, impossible
to display again all the attributes loader ldap... Note that i added the Grouper loader LDAP type attribute with value LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES
I try to see the values of loader ldap attributes with gsh but with no succeed :
gsh 20% getGroupAttr("lille1:TestGrpFiltres:grp-filtre-histo", "psp-publication");
gsh 21% getGroupAttr("lille1:TestGrpFiltres:grp-filtre-histo", "grouperLoaderLdapSearchDn");
// Error: Cant find attribute: grouperLoaderLdapSearchDn
// Error: unable to evaluate command: Sourced file: inline evaluation of: `` getGroupAttr("lille1:TestGrpFiltres:grp-filtre-histo", "grouperLoaderLdapSearch . . . '' : Error invoking compiled command: : Error in compiled command:
invalid group attribute: grouperLoaderLdapSearchDn
Thanks for any help.

Cheffe de projet GED Nuxeo
Experte Grouper d'Internet2
Université de Lille - Sciences et Technologies
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