Thanks for the clarification. Until now we've made very little use of folder ACLs, and I wasn't aware that create folder implies create group. It does work that way for me, although I noticed that the admin
UI doesn't show the option to create a new group unless you have create group.
Unfortunately, there still seems to be a problem, as shown in the diagram below. As I described before, the ACL-TEST folder, admins group, and CUSTOM folder are set up with the intent that any member of the admins group has full rights below the CUSTOM folder.
At the first level below CUSTOM, user1 creates the level-1 group and folder, and everything is ok. The admin group has admin privileges for the level-1 group and has create folder for the level-1 folder. After that, user2 creates the level-2 group and folder,
and there is a problem. The level-2 folder is ok, but admin privileges for the level-2 group are assigned to user2 instead of to the admin group. As far as I can tell, the reassignGroupPrivilegesIfFromGroup rule uses the create group ACL as the new admin ACL
for the group. The level-1 group would be ok because the CUSTOM folder has a create group ACL. However, since the level-1 folder does not have a create group ACL, no reassignment is done for the level-2 group. I also did testing where the CUSTOM folder did
not have a create group ACL, and saw that the level-1 group then had the problem as well.

create group is implied from create folder. Create folder is like an admin privilege. When I create a folder I only see CREATE FOLDER being assigned (the others inherited)... is that not the case for you?

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter DiCamillo []
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 4:32 PM
To: Chris Hyzer; Steven Carmody; Grouper-Users
Subject: Re: [grouper-users] rights inheritance ...
Thanks. I'm working with Steve, and I've been testing this, with the goal that from below a given folder in the tree, an admin group retains privileges to create and manage additional levels of folders and groups.
I set up a structure like this:
ACL-TEST folder
admins group
CUSTOM folder
The ACL-TEST folder has rules for reassignGroupPrivilegesIfFromGroup and reassignStemPrivilegesIfFromGroup. The admins group is given create group and create folder privileges for the CUSTOM folder. With that set up, working as a member
of the admins group, I created the new folder and new group under CUSTOM. The admin privilege for the new group was assigned to the admins group, as expected. Also, the create folder privilege for the new folder was assigned to the admins group. However, the
create group privilege for the new folder remained assigned to me.
Is that expected? Do I need to do something differently? I did this using Grouper 2.2.1.
On 1/26/15 5:49 PM, Chris Hyzer wrote:
> For #1, you just put it on an ancestor stem, you dont have to put it on the substeams, it will inherit. The rule fires immediately, I believe its in the same transaction as the group or stem create. Is that what you meant by "cycle".
This use case is what the rule is for, I would use that :) In general this is what sites generally need, otherwise it is difficult to have multiple local admins and when individuals leave you have a lot of individual privileges pepperred throughout the registry
when most of them should have been group privileges.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Steven
> Carmody
> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2015 5:25 PM
> To: Grouper-Users
> Subject: [grouper-users] rights inheritance ...
> Hi,
> we're making a major push giving Depts the authority to create and manage groups within Grouper. Each Dept has an Admins group with privileges within the Dept STEM.
> The default permissions assigned when a group is created, tho, is that the person who created the group gets rights. We want the members of the Admins group to get those rights. They work as a group, and they all need to be able to
see and manage the new group.
> We can think of two ways to obtain the outcome we want. But, we're sure we're not the only campus encountering this issue, and we're keenly interested in hearing how other campuses are approaching this problem.
> The two approaches we can think of are:
> 1) use Grouper's Rules functionality. There's a nice example in the Grouper doc:
> Reassign+group+privileges+if+from+group
> This is really clever. Our concern about this approach, tho, is its lack of transparency. You can't see or set these Rules via any known GUI. Its there... but no one in the Depts would ever see the Rules. Also, we don't know on what
cycle the Rules would be implemented.
> 2) Use a process outside of Grouper to reset the permissions when a group is created. We're thinking that the Change Log Consumer, when it saw a Create Group Msg, could reach back into Grouper and change the permissions, if appropriate.
The Depts wouldn't see this either, but we'd be able to easily see the logic.
> How are other sites dealing with this issue ? Do you have a different approach ? Thoughts on these two ideas -- which would you prefer ?
> Thanks very much !