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grouper-users - [grouper-users] Traduction française / French tr anslation

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[grouper-users] Traduction française / French tr anslation

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Gasperowicz Jérémy <>
  • To: "" <>, "" <>
  • Subject: [grouper-users] Traduction française / French tr anslation
  • Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:35:30 +0200

Hi Folks,

This is an updated french translation of the Grouper UI with well-encoded accents

Please feel free to use it


Jérémy Gasperowicz
Université d'Artois

error.general=An error has occurred which prevented the page from displaying.
If the problem persists please contact your system administrator with the
details below:
error.undefined=The nature of the error could not be determined
error.too.many.subject.results=Too many results, please narrow your search
error.too.many.subject.results.for.source=Too many results returned by one or
more data sources - displaying truncated result set. Please narrow your search
style="color:#990000">truncated result set</span>)
access.grouper=Acc&eacute;der &agrave; grouper

intersection=and (intersection)
union=or (union)
complement=not (complement)

attribute.required.indicator=**Attribut requis
subject.view.yourself=Voir vos propres details for composite group math

groups.remove.all.success=Tous les membres sont supprim&eacute;s
groups.remove.selected.success={0} membres selectionn&eacute;s sont
groups.remove.none-selected=Vous n'avez selectionn&eacute; aucun membre
groups.remove.unkown.error=Impossible de d&eacute;terminer quels membres sont
&agrave; supprimer
groups.remove.composite.error=Impossible de supprimer des membres d'un groupe
composite;ges insuffisants pour supprimer
des membres

groups.remove.all.warn=Vous &ecirc;tes sur le point de supprimer tous les
membres de ce groupe, cette action est irr&eacute;versible, souhaitez vous
continuer ?
groups.remove.warn=Vous &ecirc;tes sur le point de supprimer des membres de
ce groupe, cette action est irr&eacute;versible, souhaitez vous continuer ?

groups.delete.warn=Vous &ecirc;tes sur le point de supprimer ce groupe et
tous ses membres, cette action est irr&eacute;versible, souhaitez vous
continuer ?
stems.delete.warn=Vous &ecirc;tes sur le point de supprimer ce dossier, cette
action est irr&eacute;versible, souhaitez vous continuer ?

groups.composite-member.indicator=This is a composite group
groups.composite-member.composed-as=is composed of
tooltipTargetted.groups.composite-member.composed-as=Click to examine
membership list for this group
groups.composite.remove=Supprimer le groupe composite
groups.composite.add=Cr&eacute;er un groupe composite
groups.composite.add.insufficient-saved=You need more groups in the Group
workspace to create a composite group. To add groups, browse or search for
the groups you require, then go to the Group Summary page and click the `Add
to group workspace` button.
groups.composite.replace=Replace composite factors
tooltipTargetted.groups.composite.replace=Select new factor group(s) used to
create this composite group. <br /><br />The current factor groups used to
create this composite group will be removed.
groups.composite.members-replace=Cr&eacute;er un groupe composite
tooltipTargettd.groups.composite.members-replace=Supprimer tous les membres
existants avant de cr&eacute;er un nouveau groupe composite
groups.composite.rightGroup=Groupe de droite
groups.composite.leftGroup=Groupe de gauche
groups.composite.type=Type devez choisir deux groupes
diff&eacute;rents pourcr&eacute;er un groupe composite ne pouvez pas faire du groupe
parent une partie du groupe composite groupe composite a &eacute;t&eacute;
sauvegard&eacute; avec succ&egrave;s
groups.add.member.error.circular=You cannot make a group a member of itself.
Other assignments were completed
group.view-attribute.insufficient-privileges=*Insufficient privileges* memberships
groups.manage=G&eacute;rer les groupes
groups.create=Cr&eacute;er des groupes
groups.join=Rejoindre des groupes
saved.groups=Espace de travail groupe
saved.subjects=Espace de travail entit&eacute;
saved.stems=Espace de travail dossier
liteUi.list=Lite UI
grouptypes.list=Types des groupes
grouptypes.list.can=Voir toutes les d&eacute;finitions de types des groupes


grouptypes.label.nullable=Nullable privilege
grouptypes.label.write-priv=Write privilege comme admin comme moi-m&ecirc;me
wheelgroup.action.submit=Changer les groupes dont vous &ecirc;tes membre les groupes que vous pouvez rejoindre groups where you may update membership lists or
assign privileges to others;er des nouveaux groupes ou dossiers tous les groupes auxquels vous avez
acc&egrave;s l'introduction et l'aide
g&eacute;n&eacute;rale en anglais direct privileges
groups.privilege.indirect=has indirect privileges direct privileges
stems.privilege.indirect=has indirect privileges des entit&eacute;s (personnes, groupes,
ressources, etc.) group types and their fields Lite UI

groups.action.flatten=Lister mes groupes
groups.action.unflatten=Montrer les dossiers et les groupes

groups.action.import-members=Import members to {0} {1} using format [{2}], user {0} needs to be in one of the
following groups: {1}

stems.action.flatten=Naviguer dans les dossiers et les groupes
stems.action.unflatten=Lister mes groupes

stems.create=Cr&eacute;er des dossiers
stems.manage=Gestion des dossiers

groups.current-memberships=Pour trouver les groupes dont vous faites parti,
vous pouvez :<br />&nbsp; - Naviguer dans l'arborescence <br />&nbsp; -
Lister vos groupes <br />&nbsp; - Rechercher les groupes par leur nom
groups.create.can=Pour trouver les dossiers o&ugrave; vous pouvez ajouter des
groupes : <br/>&nbsp; - Naviguer dans l'arborescence <br/>&nbsp; - Lister vos
dossiers <br/>&nbsp; - Rechercher les dossiers par leur nom
audit.query.can='Show' the search form to view results for a different time
period and/or sort results differently. Click on a link to see summary
information for the named entity. Click 'Cancel' to quit this page.
#No longer used - se field.displayName ID
#groups.edit.display-name= Name
groups.edit.type=Select group types
groups.edit.cancel=Retour au r&eacute;sum&eacute; du groupe

groups.move.cancel=Retour au r&eacute;sum&eacute; du groupe
groups.move.destinationStem=Dossier de destination
tooltipTargetted.groups.move.destinationStem=Enter the ID Path of the
destination folder. If you have folders saved in your folder workspace, you
will have the option to select one of them or enter a different one.
groups.move.groupToMove=Groupe &agrave; d&eacute;placer
tooltipTargetted.groups.move.groupToMove=Enter the ID Path of the group to
move. If you have groups saved in your group workspace, you will have the
option to select one of them or enter a different one.
groups.move.assignAlternateName=Set alternate name?
tooltipTargetted.groups.move.assignAlternateName=If you select this option,
the alternate ID path of the group will be set to the group's old ID path.

groups.copy.cancel=Retour au r&eacute;sum&eacute; du groupe
groups.copy.destinationStem=Dossier de destination
tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.destinationStem=Entrez l'ID Path du dossier de
destination. Si vous avez des dossiers dans votre espace de travail dossier,
vous avez la possibilit&eacute; de s&eacute;lectionner l'un d'entre eux ou un
groups.copy.groupToCopy=Groupe &agrave; copier
tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.groupToCopy=Entrez l'ID Path du groupe &agrave;
copier. Entrez l'ID Path du dossier de destination. Si vous avez des dossiers
dans votre espace de travail dossier, vous avez la possibilit&eacute; de
s&eacute;lectionner l'un d'entre eux ou un autre.
groups.copy.copyAttributes=Copier les attributs ?
tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyAttributes=Tous les attributs seront
copi&eacute;s dans le nouveau groupe. Si vous n'avez pas l'acc&egrave;s en
lecture sur les attributs du groupe, vous aurez une erreur de
groups.copy.copyListMembersOfGroup=Copier les membres du groupe ?
tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyListMembersOfGroup=Tous les membres du
groupe seront copi&eacute;s dans le nouveau groupe. Si vous n'avez pas
l'acc&egrave;s en lecture sur les listes, vous aurez une erreur de
groups.copy.copyPrivilegesOfGroup=Copier les privil&egrave;ges du groupe ?
tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyPrivilegesOfGroup=Tous les privil&egrave;ges
du groupe seront copi&eacute;s dans le nouveau groupe. Si vous n'avez pas
l'acc&egrave;s en lecture sur les privil&egrave;ges, vous aurez une erreur de
groups.copy.copyListGroupAsMember=Copier les membres o&ugrave; le groupe est
membre d'autres groupes ?
tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyListGroupAsMember=Si le groupe est membre
d'autres groupes, le nouveau groupe copi&eacute; sera ajout&eacute; comme
membre des autres groupes, si vous n'avez pas le droit d'ajouter des membres
aux groupes en question, vous aurez une erreur de privil&egrave;ge.
groups.copy.copyGroupAsPrivilege=Copier les privil&egrave;ges o&ugrave; le
groupe a des privil&egrave;ges sur d'autres groupes ou dossiers ?
tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyGroupAsPrivilege=Si le groupe a des
privil&egrave;ges sur d'autres groupes ou dossiers, le nouveau groupe
copi&eacute; h&eacute;ritera &eacute;galement des privil&egrave;ges des
autres groupes ou dossiers.

stems.move.destinationStem=Dossier de destination
tooltipTargetted.stems.move.destinationStem=Entrez l'ID Path du dossier de
destination. Si vous avez des dossiers dans votre espace de travail dossier,
vous avez la possibilit&eacute; de s&eacute;lectionner l'un d'entre eux ou un
stems.move.stemToMove=Dossier &agrave; d&eacute;placer
tooltipTargetted.stems.move.stemToMove=Entrez l'ID Path du dossier &agrave;
d&eacute;placer. Si vous avez des dossiers dans votre espace de travail
dossier, vous avez la possibilit&eacute; de s&eacute;lectionner l'un d'entre
eux ou un autre.
stems.move.assignAlternateName=Set alternate names for stems and groups?
tooltipTargetted.stems.move.assignAlternateName=If you select this option,
the alternate ID paths of the stems and groups being moved will be set to
their old ID paths.

stems.copy.destinationStem=Dossier de destination
tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.destinationStem=Entrez l'ID Path du dossier de
destination. Si vous avez des dossiers dans votre espace de travail dossier,
vous avez la possibilit&eacute; de s&eacute;lectionner l'un d'entre eux ou un
stems.copy.stemToCopy=Dossier &agrave; copier
tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.stemToCopy=Entrez l'ID Path du dossier &agrave;
copier. Si vous avez des dossiers dans votre espace de travail dossier, vous
avez la possibilit&eacute; de s&eacute;lectionner l'un d'entre eux ou un
stems.copy.copyAttributes=Copier les attributs de groupes ?
tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyAttributes=Tous les attributs seront
copi&eacute;s dans le nouveau groupe.
stems.copy.copyListMembersOfGroup=Copier les membres du groupe ?
tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyListMembersOfGroup=Tous les membres des
groupes dans le dossier de la liste par d&eacute;faut seront copi&eacute;s
dans les nouveaux groupes.
stems.copy.copyPrivilegesOfGroup=Copier les privil&egrave;ges du groupe ?
tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyPrivilegesOfGroup=Tous les privil&egrave;ges
du groupe dans le dossier seront copi&eacute;s dans les nouveaux groupes.
stems.copy.copyListGroupAsMember=Copier les membres o&ugrave; les groupes du
dossier sont copi&eacute;s comme membre des autres groupes ?
tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyListGroupAsMember=Si les groupes du dossier
sont copi&eacute;s comme membre des autres groupes, le nouveau groupe
copi&eacute; sera ajout&eacute; &agrave; comme membre des autres groupes, si
vous n'avez pas le droit d'ajouter des membres aux groupes en question, vous
aurez une erreur de privil&egrave;ge.
stems.copy.copyGroupAsPrivilege=Copier les privil&egrave;ges o&ugrave; les
groupes du dossier copi&eacute; poss&egrave;de des privil&egrave;ges sur les
autres groupes ou dossiers ?
tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyGroupAsPrivilege=Si les groupes du dossier
copi&eacute; poss&egrave;de des privil&egrave;ges sur les autres groupes ou
dossiers, les nouveaux groupes copi&eacute;s h&eacute;riteront
&eacute;galement des privil&egrave;ges des autres groupes ou dossiers. Si
vous n'avez pas le droit d'ajouter des privil&egrave;ges sur les autres
groupes ou dossiers, vous aurez une erreur de privil&egrave;ge.
stems.copy.copyPrivilegesOfStem=Copier les privil&egrave;ges du dossier ?
tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyPrivilegesOfStem=Tous les privil&egrave;ges
du dossier seront copi&eacute;s.

groups.edit-attributes.types-header=Type du groupe

groups.create.cancel=Retour &agrave; la gestion des dossiers

groups.heading.browse=Naviguer ou lister les groupes de groupes
groups.heading.manage=Gestion des groupes
groups.heading.where-is-factor=Groups where [{0}] is a used as a factor to
create a composite group
groups.heading.list-members=Liste des membres
groups.heading.export-members=Exporter les membres
groups.heading.import-members=Importer les membres
groups.heading.import-members-string=Importer les members manuellement ou en
copiant des donn&eacute;es

groups.heading.change-members-list-scope=Selectionner l'affichage format for member data
groups.export.submit=Exporter les membres format of file which will be uploaded file containing member data
groups.import.textarea-title=Type or paste text in the selected format
groups.import.submit=Importer les membres attribute not defined, or is
groups.import.message.bad-field-type=Field-type must be 'ID' or 'identifier'
groups.import.message.insufficient-fields=Insufficient fields
groups.import.message.existing-member=Already a member
groups.import.message.successful=Successfully added
groups.import.message.error=Error adding member entity identified
groups.import.message.subject-not-unique=Entity not unique
groups.import.message.insufficient-privileges=You lack sufficient privileges
to import members did not select a file or the file was empty members were added. Either no entities
were recognized, or the entities you selected were already members of the

groups.heading.list-privilegees=Entity list filtered by privilege other group
groups.summary.field-is-list=List field other lists

groups.membership.through.title=Assign privileges for all members of
groups.membership.chain=membership chain
groups.membership.chain.title=View the chain through which this entity is
considered a member.
groups.access.chain.title=View / modify {0} privilege for {1} on {2}
groups.access.modify-all.title=View / modify privileges for group
stems.access.chain.title=View / modify {0} privilege for {1} on {2}
browse.assign.title=Click to view / modify privileges for {0} on {1}
groups.membership.chain.cancel=Back to membership list
groups.membership.chain.member-of=is a member of
groups.membership.chain.member-of-list=is a member of the
<strong><em>{0}</em></strong> list field of
groups.membership.chain.indirect-member-of=is an indirect member of
groups.membership.chain.multiple-of=is a member, by {0} paths, of
groups.membership.chain.multiple=is a member by {0} paths

groups.membership.chain.member=is a direct member
groups.membership.chain.indirect-member=is an indirect member



groups.privilege.has-for=has {0} privilege for are not authorized to change privileges
privs.stem.member.none=You are not authorized to change privileges

groups.create.privs-for-all=Donner ces privil&egrave;ges &agrave; tous ses
groups.summary.cancel=Retour aux groupes
groups.action.edit=Modifier le groupe
tooltipTargetted.groups.action.edit=Modifier les attributs ou les
privil&egrave;ges par d&eacute;faut pour ce groupe
groups.action.edit-attr=Modifier les attributs
groups.action.edit-member=Change privileges on <em>{0}</em>
groups.action.edit-members=Gestion des membres
tooltipTargetted.groups.action.edit-members=Afficher la liste des membres
pour ce groupe, ou supprimer des membres
groups.action.find-new-members=Donner des privil&egrave;ges / Ajouter des
membres &agrave; [<em>{0}</em>]
groups.action.find-new-list-members=Find new members for [<em>{0}</em>],

groups.action.copy=Copier le groupe
tooltipTargetted.groups.action.copy=Copier ce groupe dans un autre dossier

groups.action.move=D&eacute;placer le groupe
tooltipTargetted.groups.action.move=D&eacute;placer ce groupe dans un autre

groups.action.audit=Audit log
tooltipTargetted.groups.action.audit=View actions performed on this group

grouptypes.action.audit=Audit log
tooltipTargetted.grouptypes.action.audit=View actions performed on this group

tooltipTargetted.groups.action.delete=Supprimer ce groupe et tous ses membres
groups.action.create=Cr&eacute;er un groupe
tooltipTargetted.groups.action.create=Cr&eacute;er un nouveau groupe entities with [{0}] privilege
groups.action.summary.return-to-chains=Retour aux membres
groups.action.summary.start-again-here=Commencer la navigation ici
groups.action.summary.return-to-subject-summary=Retour aux d&eacute;tails de
groups.action.summary.goto-this-subject=Voir les d&eacute;tails concernant
tooltipTargetted.groups.action.summary.goto-this-subject=Voir les
d&eacute;tails suppl&eacute;mentaires de cette entit&eacute;, <br
/>comprenant l'historique de modification, ses membres et privil&egrave;ges;sum&eacute; du groupe as factor where this group has been used
to create a composite group concernant l'entit&eacute; additional details about
this entity, including its edit history, memberships, and privileges

subject.action.audit.memberships=Membership audit
tooltipTargetted.subject.action.audit.membership=Show membership changes for

subject.action.audit.privileges=Privilege audit
tooltipTargetted.subject.action.audit.membership=Show privilege assignment
changes for entity

subject.action.audit.actions=Action audit
tooltipTargetted.subject.action.audit.actions=Show actions performed by entity

groups.action.saved=Groupe sauvegard&eacute; group attributes
groups.action.saved-attr=Attributes were saved des groupes for a group <br />(not a person,
resource, etc.) des membres edits, then add members or
assign privileges composite edits, then create a
composite group by which <em>{0}</em> is a member of

groups.list-members.filter-by-source=Montrer les membres provenant de
groups.list-members.any-source=Toutes les sources list
groups.list-members.scope.ordinary-membership=Default list
groups.list-members.scope.imm=Montrer les membres DIRECTS de ce groupe
groups.list-members.scope.eff=Montrer les membres INDIRECTS de ce groupe
groups.list-members.scope.all=Montrer tous les membres de ce groupe (directs
et indirects)
groups.list-members.scope.submit=Changer l'affichage
groups.list-members.none=Ce groupe n'a pas de membres
groups.list-members.imm.none=Ce groupe n'a pas de membres directs
groups.list-members.eff.none=Ce groupe n'a pas de membres indirects
groups.list-members.all.none=Ce groupe n'a pas de membres directs ou indirects
groups.list-members.custom.imm.none=Cette liste en contient pas de membres
groups.list-members.custom.eff.none=Cette liste en contient pas de membres
groups.list-members.custom.all.none=Cette liste en contient pas de membres
directs ni indirects
groups.list-privilegees.none=No entity has been assigned the specified
privilege for this group
stems.list-privilegees.none=No entity has been assigned the specified
privilege for this folder

groups.action.attr-save=Save attributes and finish
groups.action.attr-save-add=Save attributes and add members
groups.manage.can=To find groups where you may update the membership lists,
or assign privileges, you can: <br />&nbsp; - Browse the groups hierarchy <br
/>&nbsp; - List your groups <br />&nbsp; - Search for groups by name
groups.join.can=To find groups which you may join, you can: <br />&nbsp; -
Browse the groups hierarchy <br />&nbsp; - List available groups <br />&nbsp;
- Search for groups by name
groups.all.can=Vous pouvez rechercher des groupes dans
l'arborescence.<br/>(Vous ne verrez que les groupes pour lesquels vous avez
un droit d'acc&egrave;s.) groupe [{0}] est supprim&eacute; group [{0}] could not be deleted
because it is used as a factor to create one or more composite groups groupe [{0}] est sauvegard&eacute; group was successfully moved and its new ID
Path is [{0}]. group was successfully copied. The ID Path
of the copied group is [{0}]. groupe [{0}] est cr&eacute;&eacute;

#note: the single quotes need to be escaped in a message that has params,
#that is why there are two single quotes in a row
stems.message.error.add-problem=Could not create folder. Error is ''{0}''.
groups.message.error.add-problem=Could not create group. Error is ''{0}''.
groups.message.error.alternate-name-problem=Could not save group. Alternate
name must be in the same format as a group ID Path, such as
groups.message.error.update-problem-already-exists=Group already exists
groups.message.error.invalid-char=Could not save group: Group ID cannot be
empty or contain <strong>"&lt;&gt;/*'</strong>
groups.message.error.invalid-group=The ID Path is invalid.

stems.message.stem-deleted=Le dossier [{0}] est supprim&eacute;
stems.message.stem-saved=Le dossier [{0}] est sauvegard&eacute;
stems.message.stem-created=Le dossier [{0}] est cr&eacute;&eacute;
stems.message.stem-copied=The folder was successfully copied. The ID Path of
the copied folder is [{0}].
stems.message.stem-moved=The folder was successfully moved and its new ID
Path is [{0}].
stems.message.error.invalid-char=Could not save the folder: Folder name
cannot be empty or contain <strong>"&lt;&gt;/*'</strong>
stems.message.error.invalid-stem=The ID Path is invalid.

stems.action.find-new-members=Assign creation privileges for [<em>{0}</em>]

stems.message.stem-not-deleted=Le dossier [{0}] NE peut &ecirc;tre
groups.message.join-success=You successfully joined the group and are now a
groups.message.leave-success=You successfully left the group and are no
longer a member. results for query

#tooltip that shows when mousing over the group icon (e.g. on stem browsing)
group.icon.tooltip=Group - A collection of entities (members) which can be
people, other groups or other things (e.g., resources)
#note, this is a non-group subject
subject.icon.tooltip=Entity - A single thing which can be a member of a
group. Generally an entity is a person, but it could also be a resource.
#tooltip on folder / stem image
stem.icon.tooltip=Folder - A tree structure used to organize groups,
subfolders, and folder-level permissions groupe ne peut pas &ecirc;tre
supprim&eacute;, le getionnaire de groupes Internet2

#menu subtitles for sections of menu
menu.subtitle.enrollment=Mon inscription ou modifier les groupes dont
je suis membre
menu.subtitle.responsibilities=Mes responsabilit&eacute;s ou modifier les groupes,
les membres, les privil&egrave;ges, les personnes ou entit&eacute;s outils to assist you


auth.message.logout-success=Votre session a bien pris fin, cependant, il est
possible vous soyez toujours connect&eacute;. Le seul moyen d&apos;&ecirc;tre
s&ucirc;r d&apos;&ecirc;tre d&eacute;connect&eacute; est de fermer TOUTES les
fen&ecirc;tres de votre navigateur.
auth.message.logout-basic=Votre session a bien pris fin, cependant, VOUS
&Ecirc;TES TOUJOURS CONNECT&Eacute;. Le seul moyen d&apos;&ecirc;tre
s&ucirc;r d&apos;&ecirc;tre d&eacute;connect&eacute; est de fermer TOUTES les
fen&ecirc;tres de votre navigateur. Cela est d&ucirc; au type
d'identification impl&eacute;ment&eacute;. les r&eacute;sultats du dossier
stems.edit.display-name=Nom du dossier
stems.edit.full-name=ID path du dossier
stems.edit.full-display-name=Chemin du dossier
stems.edit.alternateName=Alternate ID Path du dossier
stems.action.edit=Modifier le dossier
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.edit=Modifier les attributs du dossier des dossiers'ID du dossier est l'identifiant de ce
dossier utilis&eacute; par le syst&egrave;me. Il est unique dans son dossier
parent et ne doit pas changer.
tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.display-name=Le nom du dossier est le nom
d'afffichage de ce dossier, vous pouvez le modifier
tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.description=La description peut contenir des
d&eacute;tails sur l'utilit&eacute; du dossier : ce qu'il repr&eacute;sente,
pourquoi a-t-il &eacute;t&eacute; cr&eacute;&eacute;, etc.
tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.alternateName=L'alternate ID Path du dossier
permet aux dossiers d'&ecirc;tre recherch&eacute; avec un nom alternatif, du
m&ecirc;me format que l'ID Path du dossier.<br />Utile pour d&eacute;placer
un dossier.
tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.full-name=L'ID du dossier repr&eacute;sente l'ID
unique de chaque dossier parent qui m&egrave;ne &agrave; ce dossier,
s&eacute;par&eacute; par des deux-points.Il est unique et ne doit pas changer.
tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.full-display-name=Le chemin du dossier
repr&eacute;sente les noms de chaque dossier parent qui m&egrave;ne &agrave;
ce dossier, s&eacute;par&eacute; par des deux-points

stems.action.create=Cr&eacute;er un dossier
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.create=Cr&eacute;er un nouveau dossier
stems.action.saved=Dossier sauvegard&eacute;
stems.action.delete=Supprimer le dossier
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.delete=Cliquer pour supprimer ce dossier et retour et travailler dans le nouveau
dossier et donner des privil&egrave;ges and list entities with privileges enities with privileges
stems.action.edit-member=Change privileges on {0} entities with [{0}] privilege

stems.movesandcopies.cancel=Retour &agrave; la gestion des dossiers
stems.action.movesandcopies=D&eacute;placements et copies
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.movesandcopies=D&eacute;placements et copies
stems.action.copy=Copier ce dossier
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.copy=Copier le dossier actuel dans un autre.
stems.action.move=D&eacute;placer ce dossier
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.move=D&eacute;placer le dossier actuel dans un
stems.action.copy-other-stem-to-stem=Copier un autre dossier ici
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.copy-other-stem-to-stem=Copier un autre dossier
dans le dossier actuel.
stems.action.move-other-stem-to-stem=D&eacute;placer un autre dossier ici
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.move-other-stem-to-stem=D&eacute;placer un
autre dossier dans le dossier actuel.
stems.action.copy-group-to-stem=Copier un autre groupe ici
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.copy-group-to-stem=Copier un groupe dans le
dossier actuel.
stems.action.move-group-to-stem=D&eacute;placer un autre groupe ici
tooltipTargetted.stems.action.move-group-to-stem=D&eacute;placer un groupe
dans le dossier actuel.

stems.heading.browse=Naviguer dans l'arborescence des dossiers
stems.heading.manage=Gestion des dossiers
stems.heading.list-members= Entity list filtered by privilege

stems.edit.cancel=Retour &agrave; la gestion des dossiers
stems.create.cancel=Retour &agrave; la gestion des dossiers search all data sources
find.results.selected-individuals=Selected individuals
find.results.selected-groups=Selected groups
find.results.none=No results
find.results.showing=Showing / select results
find.expand-collapse=Expand / collapse tree
find.expanded-collapsed=Expanded / collapse tree term in recherche
find.results.empty-search=Invalid search: the first search field and query
value must be entered in attribute attribute is a Grouper built-in or
custom item of information about a group. group type type search form
audit.query.filter-by-date=Filter by date
audit.query.asc=In the order they occurred
audit.query.desc=Most recent first
find.action.audit-query=Find entries performed on {0} performed by {0} changes to {0} changes for {0} changes
audit.query.extended-results=Show extended results

audit.result.label.acting-as=acting as details of Entity
responsible for action details of Entity
responsible for action
audit.result.label.view-subject=View entity
audit.result.label.member-id-did-change=memberId changed
audit.result.label.member-id-did-not-change=memberId unchanged
audit.result.label.defined-by=defined by
audit.result.label.member-added=was added as an <em>{0} member</em> to the
<em>{1} list</em> of
audit.result.label.member-deleted=was removed as an <em>{0} member</em> of
the <em>{1} list</em> of current group type definition Id

audit.result.header.query-count=Query count
audit.result.header.user-name=Server username
audit.result.header.description=Raw description / description / description / attributs des
find.groups=groupes les r&eacute;sultats par les r&eacute;sultats par dans : du dossier'importe quel attribut

find.all=personnes et groupes type &agrave; partir de
find.root=Root suivante
find.previous-page=Page pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente
find.return-results=Retour aux r&eacute;sultats de recherche
find.return-find=Trouver plus de membres
find.add-new-members=Ajouter des nouveaux membres
find.browse=Naviguer dans l'arborescence &ecirc;tes actuellement sur :;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Montrer les {0}-{1} de {2}
find.browse.change-pagesize=Changer la taille de la page

find.browse.return-to-quick-links=Show quick links
find.browse.hide-quick-links=Hide quick links and browse entire hierarchy
find.for-stems.cancel=Retourn &agrave; la gestion des dossiers
find.for-groups.cancel=Retour au r&eacute;sum&eacute; du groupe
find.groups.searched-for=R&eacute;sultats de recherche pour : {0}
find.subjects.searched-for=R&eacute;sultats de recherche pour : {0}
find.groups.searched-from=From [{0}] groups matched your search criteria
find.groups.done=Retour au r&eacute;sum&eacute; du groupe
find.groups.add-new-members=Ajouter des membres
tooltipTargetted.find.groups.add-new-members=Ajouter des nouveaux members, ou
<br />modifier les privil&egrave;ges des membres existants
find.groups.add-new-privilegees=Assign this privilege to more entities

find.stems.searched-for=Search results for [{0}]
find.stems.searched-from=From [{0}] folders matched your search criteria d'entit\u00E9 trouv\u00E9e avec vos
crit\u00E8res de recherche

find.selected-people=Selected individuals
find.selected-stems=Selected folders
find.selected-groups=Selected groups
find.result.none=None found

find.heading.browse=Naviguer dans les dossiers et les groupes des personnes ou des groupes les privil&egrave;ges &agrave; donner
&agrave {0} les entit&eacute;s &agrave; qui attribuer
les droits
find.heading.audit-search=Search audit log entries;cifier une source de
#this is also used for the infodot pour
sp&eacute;cifier dans quelle source de donn&eacute;es faire la recherche

find.heading.groups-advanced-search=Recherche de groupe avanc&eacute;e
infodot.subtitle.find.heading.groups-advanced-search=Select a group attribute
to search from the first pulldown list, then type the term you are searching
for in the text box labeled 'for'. <br /><br />You may combine more than one
term in your search, using the 'and', 'or' , 'not' from the pulldown lists at
the end of each line.<br /><br />If you select an attribute but leave the
'for' box blank on a given line, the search term entered in the nearest above
will be used. de groupe avanc&eacute;e
find.heading.stems-advanced-search=Recherche de dossier avanc&eacute;e avanc&eacute;e
find.action.cancel-advanced-search=Annuler la recherche avanc&eacute;e dans le chemin dans le nom not search in name or path in the ID path in the ID not search in the ID or ID path une source de donn&eacute;e

priv.assign=Donner des privil\u00E8ges
priv.action.assigned=Les privil&egrave;ges ont &eacute;t&eacute; donn&eacute;s
priv.action.assigned-failed=Les privil&egrave;ges n'ont pas &eacute;t&eacute;
priv.action.revocation-failure=The following privilege(s) could not be
revoked. This is due to the fact that the privilege was not assigned directly
to this entity, but to a group which the entity is a member of:
priv.create=Create group
priv.stem=Create folder
priv.member-list-field=member of <strong><em>{0}</em></strong> list

# If you have enabled member sorting (member.sort.enabled) and disabled
default sorting (member.sort.defaultOnly), be sure to add labels for each
default sort string configured in
member.sort.string1=Login Id

member.sort.change-sort-attribute=Changer l'attribut de tri un texte de recherche pour trouver
des membres dans la liste :&nbsp; for member: les membres la recherche

group.member.effective.privileges=Indirect privileges privileges are
not assigned to the direct membership of this entity to this group, and
cannot be directly unassigned.


priv.CREATE=Create Group
priv.STEM=Create Folder

tooltipTargetted.priv.CREATE=Entity may create groups in this folder (but not
tooltipTargetted.priv.STEM=Entity may create subfolders in this folder and
assign 'Create Folder' and 'Create Group' privileges
tooltipTargetted.priv.MEMBER=Entity is a member of this group
tooltipTargetted.priv.OPTIN=Entity may choose to join this group
tooltipTargetted.priv.OPTOUT=Entity may choose to leave this group
tooltipTargetted.priv.VIEW=Entity may see that this group exists
tooltipTargetted.priv.READ=Entity may see the membership list for this group
tooltipTargetted.priv.UPDATE=Entity may modify the membership of this group
tooltipTargetted.priv.ADMIN=Entity may modify group attributes, delete this
group, or assign any privilege to any entity


priv.message.assigned=Les privil&egrave;ges s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s sont
attribu&eacute;s. did not select any privileges. Please go back
and check your input.

priv.privilege=privil&egrave;ge les entit&eacute;s avec &agrave; la liste des membres to memberships
priv.stems.list.cancel=Retour &agrave; la gestion des dossiers
priv.stems.list.cancel-and-work-in-new=Retour et travailler dans un nouveau
find.stems.add-new-privilegees=Assign this privilege to more entities
tooltipTargetted.find.stems.add-new-privilegees=Assign the selected
privileges to other entities

debug.error.disabled=Debugging is disabled
debug.error.not-allowed=You do not have permission to debug
debug.error.editor-not-allowed=You do not have permission to use the JSP
debug.prefs.edit.isActive=Enable debug display
debug.prefs.edit.i2miDir=Webapp root for I2mi
debug.prefs.edit.siteDir=Webapp root for your site
debug.prefs.edit.doShowResources=Show resource keys and values at end of page
debug.prefs.edit.doShowResourcesInSitu=Show resource keys rather than values
in page
debug.prefs.edit.doShowTilesHistory=Show dynamic tiles
debug.prefs.edit.editor=Executable for JSP editor
debug.prefs.title=Debug preferences preferences
debug.prefs.saved=Your preferences were successfully saved
debug.prefs.not-saved=Your preferences could not be saved. Check the value of
'debug.prefs.dir' in preferences
debug.prefs.edit.doHideStyles=Remove CSS stylesheet references

audit.query.title=Audit log

audit.query.import-importExport=Imported XML file
audit.query.deleteGroupType-groupType=Deleted group type definition
audit.query.move-stem=Dossier d&eacute;plac&eacute;
audit.query.copy-stem=Dossier copi&eacute;
audit.query.updateGroupPrivilege-privilege=Updated privilege
audit.query.addGroupField-groupField=Added field to group type definition
audit.query.updateGroupType-groupType=Updated group type definition
audit.query.addAttributeDefName-attributeDefName=Added attribute definition
audit.query.updateStem-stem=Dossier mis &agrave; jour
audit.query.addGroupPrivilege-privilege=Assigned privilege
audit.query.deleteGroupField-groupField=Deleted field from group type
audit.query.addGroup-group=Groupe cr&eacute;e
audit.query.deleteGroupMembership-membership=Membre supprim&eacute;
audit.query.updateGroup-group=Groupe mis &agrave; jour
audit.query.deleteGroupComposite-groupComposite=Removed composite member
audit.query.deleteGroup-group=Groupe supprim&eacute;
audit.query.updateGroupField-groupField=Updated field in group type definition
audit.query.deleteGroupAttribute-groupAttribute=Deleted group attribute
audit.query.copy-group=Groupe copi&eacute;
audit.query.addGroupComposite-groupComposite=Added composite member
audit.query.addAttributeDef-attributeDef=Added attribute definition
audit.query.unassignGroupType-groupTypeAssignment=Unassigned group type
audit.query.addGroupType-groupType=Added group type definition
audit.query.addStemPrivilege-privilege=Assigned privilege
audit.query.addGroupAttribute-groupAttribute=Added group attribute
audit.query.updateGroupMembership-membership=Updated membership
audit.query.deleteStemPrivilege-privilege=Unassigned privilege
audit.query.updateGroupComposite-groupComposite=Updated composite member
audit.query.changeSubject-member=Changed subject of Member
audit.query.addStem-stem=Dossier ajout&eacute;
audit.query.updateStemPrivilege-privilege=Updated stem privilege
audit.query.deleteStem-stem=Dossier supprim&eacute;
audit.query.addGroupMembership-membership=Assigned membership
audit.query.assignGroupType-groupTypeAssignment=Assigned group type
audit.query.deleteGroupPrivilege-privilege=Deleted group privilege
audit.query.move-group=Groupe d&eacute;plac&eacute;
audit.query.updateGroupAttribute-groupAttribute=Updated group attribute

cancel=Annuler sur la page pr\u00E9c\u00E9dente another search audit log to page prior to audit log sur la page
pr&eacute;c&eacute;dente sur la page

logout.confirm=Cliquez OK pour vous d&eacute;connecter, sinon annuler.

browse.expand=Expand to show group summary for: {0} to show entity details for: {0}
browse.expand.stem=Click to expand and show viewable contents of the folder: to expand and show viewable members of the group:
browse.assign=Click to assign privileges to the entity: to browse the folder: the group: the entity:

list.instructions.assign=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Selectionner les
privil&egrave;ges ci-dessus, les entit&eacute;s concern&eacute;s ci-dessous
et soumettre le formulaire
list.instructions.browse=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Click a folder name to view
its direct members, or a group name to see its summary;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Click a result to
browse it;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Click a group
name to display its summary;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Click an
entity name to display its details;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Click a folder
name to browse it
list.instructions.find-new=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cliquer sur le nom d'un
dossier pour voir son contenu direct, ou sur un lien membres pour
s&eacute;lectionner les membres de ce groupe, ou sur un lien attributs pour
voir ses d&eacute;tails ou s&eacute;lectionner un groupe et soumettre le
formulaire pour ainsi donner des privil&egrave;ges

list.instructions.member-links=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cliquer sur le nom
d'une entit&eacute; pour voir ses d&eacute;tails ou cliquez sur la
description d'un membre pour voir/modifier ses privil&egrave;ges.

list.instructions.privilege-links=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Click an entity
name to view entity details, or click a privilege description to view/modify

subject.summary.view-list-field-members=View <em><strong>{0}</strong></em>
membership list
subject.summary.memberships=Cette entit&eacute; fait partie des groupes
subject.summary.access-privs=This entity has the selected group privilege for
the following groups:
subject.summary.naming-privs=This entity has the selected creation privilege
for the following folders:
subject.summary.start-again-here=Voir les membres et les privil&egrave;ges
concernant cette entit&eacute;
subject.summary.subject-type=Entity type
subject.summary.browse-this-group=Voir le r&eacute;sum&eacute; du groupe

subject.privileges.from-grouperall=h&eacute;rite de EveryEntity
subject.privileges.from-groupersystem=h&eacute;rite de GrouperSysAdmin (via
le groupe SysAdmin)
subject.privileges.has-for=which has privilege(s)
subject.privileges.current=Current entity is
subject.privileges.chain=poss&egrave;de les privil&egrave;ges suivants.
subject.privileges.chain.none=ne poss&egrave;de pas de privil&egrave;ges.
subject.privileges.chain.change=Changer les privil&egrave;ges
subject.privileges.chain.assign=Donner des privil&egrave;ges et privil&egrave;ges concernant cette
entit&eacute; un des boutons, ensuite
cliquez sur le bouton Changer l'affichage pour voir les membres et
privil&egrave;ges concernant cette entit&eacute;.

subject.list-membership.scope.imm=Montrer les groupes dans lesquels cette
entit&eacute; est un membre DIRECT
subject.list-membership.scope.eff=Montrer les groupes dans lesquels cette
entit&eacute; est un membre INDIRECT
subject.list-membership.scope.all=Montrer les groupes dans lesquels cette
entit&eacute; est un membre (DIRECT ou INDIRECT)
subject.list-access.scope.priv=Montrer tous les GROUPES pour lesquels cette
entit&eacute; poss&egrave;de des privil&egrave;ges&nbsp;
subject.list-naming.scope.priv=Montrer tous les DOSSIERS pour lesquels cette
entit&eacute; poss&egrave;de des privil&egrave;ges&nbsp;
subject.list-all-access.scope.priv=Recherche avanc&eacute;e
subject.list-all-naming.scope.priv=Show all FOLDERS where this entity has ANY
creation privileges
subject.list-membership.scope.submit=Change selection

access.priv.infodot=MEMBER: L'Entit&eacute; est membre de ce groupe<br
/>OPTOUT: L'Entit&eacute; peut choisir de quitter ce groupe<br />OPTIN:
L'Entit&eacute; peut choisir de rejoindre ce groupe<br />VIEW:
L'Entit&eacute; peut voir si ce groupe existe<br />READ: L'Entit&eacute; peut
voir les membres de ce groupe<br />UPDATE: L'Entit&eacute; peut modifier les
membres de ce groupe<br />ADMIN: L'Entit&eacute; peut modifier les attributs
du groupe, supprimer ce groupe, ou donner n'importe quel privil&egrave;ge
&agrave; n'importe quelle entit&eacute;
naming.priv.infodot=Create Group: L'Entit&eacute; peut cr&eacute;er des
groupes dans ce dossier (mais pas dans les sous-dossiers)<br />Create Folder:
L'Entit&eacute; peut cr&eacute;er des sous-dossiers dans ce dossier et lui
donner les privil&egrave;ges 'Create Folder' et 'Create Group'

subject.list-membership.none=Cette entit&eacute; n'est membre d'aucun groupe
selon vos crit&egrave;res de recherche
subject.list-membership.imm.none=Cette entit&eacute; n'est membre direct
d'aucun groupe
subject.list-membership.eff.none=Cette entit&eacute; n'est membre indirect
d'aucun groupe
subject.list-membership.all.none=Cette entit&eacute; n'est membre d'aucun
groupe, ni direct ni indirect
subject.list-membership.custom.eff.none=This entity is not an indirect member
of the selected list for any groups

subject.list-access.none=This entity does not have the selected group
privilege for any groups
subject.list-naming.none=This entity does not have the selected creation
privilege for any folders or groups in the hierarchy recherche d'entit&eacute;
subject.action.return-results=Retour &agrave; la liste des entit&eacute;s groups and display privileges for this
entity Entity is


subject.message.error.process-search-term=An exception has been thrown for
entity {0}, the exception message generated is: {1}

members.return-to-subject-summary=Back to entity details

members.remove.selected=Supprimer les membres s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9s
members.remove.all=Supprimer tous les membres &agrave; l'espace de travail groupe
saved-subjects.add.subject=Ajouter &agrave; l'espace de travail entit&eacute;
saved-stems.add.stem=Ajouter &agrave; l'espace de travail dossier

tooltipTargetted.saved-subjects.add.subject=Ajouter cette entit&eacute;
&agrave; l'espace de travail entit&eacute; (menu de gauche sous Mes
outils).<br /><br />L'espace de travail entit&eacute; contient des
entit&eacute;s s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es (personnes, groupes, ressources)
pour &ecirc;tre utilis&eacute; sans avoir &agrave; les rechercher plus tard,
par exemple pour mettre &agrave; jour des privil&egrave;ges sur plusieurs
entit&eacute;s en m&ecirc;me temps. ce groupe &agrave; l'espace
de travail groupe (menu de gauche sous Mes outils).<br /><br />L'espace de
travail group contient des groupes s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s) pour
&ecirc;tre utilis&eacute; sans avoir &agrave; les rechercher plus tard, par
exemple pour mettre &agrave; jour des privil&egrave;ges sur plusieurs groupes
en m&ecirc;me temps.'espace de travail entit&eacute; contient des
entit&eacute;s s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;es (personnes, groupes, ressources)
pour &ecirc;tre utilis&eacute; sans avoir &agrave; les rechercher plus tard'espace de travail groupe contient des
groupes s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s pour &ecirc;tre utilis&eacute; sans avoir
&agrave; les rechercher plus tard

saved-subjects.intro=Les entit&eacute; (personnes, groupes) sont
conserv&eacute;s dans cet espace de travail durant cette session et
n'appara&icirc;tront plus &agrave; la prochaine connexion. <br />Les groupes
ajout&eacute;s &agrave; votre espace de travail groupe sont &eacute;galement
affich&eacute;s sur cette pagee.
saved-subjects.none=<br />Vous n'avez pas encore ajout&eacute;
d'entit&eacute; &agrave; votre espace de travail entit&eacute;.
#saved-subjects.list=Current list
saved-subjects.added=Ce sujet est ajout&eacute; &agrave; votre espace de
travail entit&eacute;.
saved-subjects.remove-selected=Suppression s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;e
saved-subjects.removed-selected=Les entit&eacute;s s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s
sont supprim&eacute;s

saved-stems.intro=Les dossiers sont conserv&eacute;s dans cet espace de
travail durant cette session et n'appara&icirc;tront plus &agrave; la
prochaine connexion.
saved-stems.none=<br />Vous n'avez pas encore ajout&eacute; de dossier
&agrave; votre espace de travail.
#saved-subjects.list=Current list
saved-stems.added=Ce dossier a &eacute;t&eacute; ajout&eacute; &agrave; votre
espace de travail dossier.
saved-stems.remove-selected=Suppression s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;e
saved-stems.removed-selected=Les dossiers s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s sont

saved-subjects.add-new-members=Donner des privil&egrave;ges aux
entit&eacute;s de votre espace de travail entit&eacute;

saved-subjects.groups.intro=Les groupes sont conserv&eacute;s dans cet espace
de travail durant cette session et n'appara&icirc;tront plus &agrave; la
prochaine connexion.
saved-subjects.groups.none=<br />Vous n'avez pas encore ajout&eacute; de
groupe &agrave; votre espace de travail.
#saved-subjects.groups.list=Current list
saved-subjects.groups.added=Ce groupe est ajout&eacute; &agrave; votre espace
de travail groupe.
saved-subjects.stems.added=Ce dossier est ajout&eacute; &agrave; votre espace
de travail dossier.
saved-subjects.groups.remove-selected=Suppression s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;e
saved-subjects.groups.removed-selected=Les groupes s&eacute;lectionn&eacute;s
sont supprim&eacute;s

groups.heading.export-members=Export members

page.skip.current-location=Skip current location
page.skip.children=Skip children for search form
page.skip.stem-links=Skip folder controls group controls

homepage.intro.title=Grouper - getting started
homepage.intro.text=Grouper is a system for creating and maintaining
institutional groups in a central repository. Groups might be used for many
different reasons, such as maintaining mailing lists, determining which set
of people are permitted to access specific web applications, or for sharing
resources. The goal is to create a group once, but to use it as often as
necessary in as wide a range of systems as possible.

tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.extension=ID is the unique identifier you
set for this group. <br /><br />The ID must be unique within this folder,
and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this
group. <br /><br />The ID field cannot contain spaces or special characters. Path
field.displayName.alternateName=Alternate ID Path
field.displayName._any=Any attribute
groups.summary.extension= ID ID path

#prefixes for messages

tooltipTargetted.groupTypes.grouperLoader=Group membership automatically
managed via an external source, e.g. SQL query
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderDbName=For sql based loader, this
is the name in the of the db connection properties.
If this is set to: grouper that is a special reserved term for the
grouper db (in
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderIntervalSeconds=If a
START_TO_START_INTERVAL schedule type, this is the number of seconds between
the start of one run to the start of another run
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderPriority=The loader has a max
number of concurrent jobs, and when the max is reached, then jobs are
prioritized by this integer. The higher the better, and the default if not
set is 5.
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderQuartzCron=Quartz cron-like string
(if CRON schedule type): Seconds Minutes Hours Day-of-Month Month Day-of-Week
Year (optional field). e.g. 0 0 6 * * ? is everyday at 6am
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderQuery=This is the query to run in
the DB, which must have certain columns required or optional based on the
grouperLoaderType. e.g. for SQL_SIMPLE, the SUBJECT_ID is required, and the
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderScheduleType=CRON: This is a
cron-like syntax that I think is quartz specific, START_TO_START_INTERVAL:
This is a repeated schedule that runs based on a delay from the start of one
run to the start of another run
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderType=SQL_SIMPLE: a group whose
membership is managed from a query. SQL_GROUP_LIST: requires a GROUP_NAME
column in query, so one query can control multiple group memberships
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderAndGroups=If you want to restrict
membership in the dynamic group based on other group(s), put the list of
group ID paths here comma-separated
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderGroupTypes=If you want types
assigned to a group when managed by loader, list the comma separated types
tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderGroupsLike=If you want the group
(if not used from anywhere) or members deleted when no longer in loader sql
results, list the sql like name, e.g. stem1:stem2:%:%org stands for Universal Unique
Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other UUID in this or
any other system. <br /><br />The UUID does not change, and can be used as
an identifier in other systems.
tooltipTargetted.groups.summary.types=Each group has one or more group types
associated with it. The Grouper distribution contains support for a single
group type called: base, but sites may register additional types, together
with the attributes and lists associated with them, within their Grouper
installation. Doing so enables management of groups with a richer information
model or a more diverse set of information models.


tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayName=Le nom de chaque dossier
parent plus le nom du groupe, s&eacute;par&eacute;s par des deux-points.
tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayExtension=Le nom de ce groupe, peut
&ecirc;tre chang&eacute;.
tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.extension=ID is the unique identifier
chosen by the group creator for this group. <br /><br />The ID is unique
within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other
systems to refer to this group.'ID Path se compose de l'unique ID
de chaque dossier parent menant jusqu'au groupe plus l'ID du groupe
s&eacute;par&eacute; par des deux-points. <br /><br />Cet ID Path est unique
pour chaque groupe est ne doit pas changer. Il est utilis&eacute; par le
syst&egrave;me manipuler ce groupe.
tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.alternateName=Alternate ID Path allows
groups to be searchable using an alternate name. The format is the same as
the format of ID Path.<br /><br />This is especially useful when moving a
group, which will add the old ID Path of the group as the Alternate ID Path
by default. Like the ID Path, the Alternate ID Path can be used by other
systems to refer to this group.
tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.description=Peut contenir des notes
concernant le groupe: <br />par exemple ce qu'il repr&eacute;sente, pourquoi
il a &eacute;t&eacute; cr&eacute;e, etc.

field.stem.displayName.displayName= Chemin du dossier
field.stem.displayName.displayExtension= Nom du dossier
field.stem.displayName.extension=ID du dossier path du dossier
field.stem.displayName._any=Any attribute

subject.summary.LOGINID=Login ID
subject.summary.subjectType=Type d'entit&eacute;

tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.LOGINID=The ID the entity uses to log in
(e.g. to Grouper)
tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.LFNAME=The name of the person in the grouper
tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.subjectType=The type of this entity (e.g.
person, group, resource, etc.) ID of this entity. Systems might use
this ID to refer to this entity. path ID path de cr&eacute;ation de cr&eacute;ation (entity ID) d'entit&eacute; de
cr&eacute;ation de derni&egrave;re &eacute;dition du dernier &eacute;diteur (entity ID) d'entit&eacute; du dernier
&eacute;diteur d'entit&eacute; entity ID of who
created this record entity type who
created this record entity ID of who
last edited this record entity type of
who last edited this record entity's type, e.g.
person, group, resource, etc.

groups.tooltips.disable=Disable tooltips
groups.tooltips.enable=Enable tooltips

groups.infodot.example=This is example of grouper infodot text Showing if you
click the infodot button

infodot.disableText=Disable infodot help buttons
infodot.enableText=Enable infodot help buttons

# internet2 sponsoredBy message is sponsored by

## Define tooltips and terms here:
## tooltips must start with "tooltip." Terms start with "term."
## there should be one and only one tooltip for a term.
## tooltips and terms are linked by the common name,
## which is the suffix of the key. e.g.
## group is a collection
## term.groups.3=gro
## term.groups=groups
## term.groups.1=Groups
## term.groups.2=GROUPS
## tooltip.groups=Groups are many people or groups
## these are linked because they all end in "group"
## if you only want a tooltip on a certain message (not wherever it appears
in text),
## that is a targetted tooltip
## priv.ADMIN=admin
## tooltipTargetted.priv.ADMIN=Entity may modify group attributes, delete
this group, or assign any privilege to any entity
## So wherever the message priv.ADMIN shows up, it will have a tooltip of
"Entity may..."
## There is another variation on this where the value of the targetted
tooltip can be a reference to another tooltip
## tooltipTargettedRef.priv.admin=tooltip.targetted.priv.ADMIN

tooltip.groups=Groups are 'localized!' many people or groups

#tooltip.admin=Entity (typically group or person) may modify the membership
of this group, delete the group or assign privileges for the group

#term.createGroup=Create Group
#tooltip.createGroup=Add or create the name for a new group at this location
in the hierarchy and the entity that creates a group is given Admin rights to
the group by default.) group name that is displayed when browsing or searching

#tooltip.path=The path is the concatenation of the hierarchy (folders and
groups) that lead to the unique location of this group

#term.textualId=Textual ID
#tooltip.textualId=An unique identifier describing this group that is
searchable but generally not exposed to the user. This name cannot be changed
after it is edited

#tooltip.groups=A collection of members which can be groups or other entities
e.g. people member direct member is an entity (person, group, resource,
etc.) that is assigned to the group.
term.indirect.member=INDIRECT member
tooltip.indirect.member=An indirect member is an entity (person, group,
resource, etc.) that becomes a member of a group by virtue of its membership
in another group. One group could be a member of another group.

tooltip.everyEntity=Default group privileges that are inherited upon group

tooltip.grouperSysAdmin=the highest level administrative user of the system

term.hasDirectPrivileges=has direct privileges
tooltip.hasDirectPrivileges=The privileges are assigned at this group

term.hasIndirectPrivileges=has indirect privileges
tooltip.hasIndirectPrivileges=The privileges are assigned in another group
for which this entity is a member

#term.manageFolder=Manage Folder
#tooltip.manageFolder=This is where you can create or edit the folders within
the hierarchy or add groups to the hierarchy

#tooltip.member=Any entity (typically group or person) that is a part of this

term.permanentPath=Permanent Path
tooltip.permanentPath=An internal concatenation of the hierarchy to this
group that is generally not exposed to the user

#tooltip.optin=Entity (typically group or person) may choose to join this

#tooltip.optout=Entity (typically group or person) may choose to leave this

#tooltip.person=a type of entity

term.entitiesWithPrivileges=Entities With Privileges
tooltip.entitiesWithPrivileges=The entities (typically people or groups) that
have this privilege (typically group or person) may see the membership list
for this group

term.groupWorkspace=Group Workspace
tooltip.groupWorkspace=A session specific area where you can store groups
that you will need to create compound groups, etc.

term.entityWorkspace=Entity Workspace
tooltip.entityWorkspace=A session specific area where you can store groups
that you will need to create compound groups, etc.

#tooltip.folder=A fundamental unit (container) of the hierarchy that can have
a parent (folder or root) or children (folders or groups)

#term.createFolder=Create Folder
#tooltip.createFolder=The ability to create children folders or branches in
the hierarchy

term.creationPrivileges=Creation Privileges
tooltip.creationPrivileges=A hierarchy Is made up of folders. The folder
subfolder relationship define the path through the hierarchy


#tooltip.entity=An entity is an abstract item which can be a member of a
group. The two most common types of entities are person or group. (In the
future, additional entity types might be used to describe computers or

#tooltip.update=Entity (typically group or person) may modify the membership
of this group

#tooltip.view=Entity (typically group or person) may see that this group

tooltip.sysAdminGroup=All people in this group have full system admin

tooltip.groupMathAnd=The common entities between two groups. - Has to be in
both Group A and Group B

tooltip.groupMathOr=All entities in both groups. - Included if they are in
either Group A and Group B

tooltip.groupMathNot=The entities in the first group but not in the second. -
Subtract Group B from Group A

#tooltip.root=The top of the hierarchy from which all folders and groups

## Define infodot text here:
## infodot must start with "infodot."
## the page titles are generated dynamically in the tile: title.jsp and need
to be of the format "infodot.title."
## so a name for an infodot is based on title id,
## and if there is a subtitle, concatenate. Then if there is an infodot
based on that name,
## display the infodot.
## The name of the infodot will appear in the HTML comments
## so it is easy to configure.
## Here is an example comment:
## <!-- trying title infodot with key: infodot.title.groups.all -->
## Here is the entry in the
## infodot.title.groups.all=Find a group, click the group name and act on the
group (edit properties, show members, etc.) using the buttons at the bottom
of the screen

infodot.title.stems.action.movesandcopies=Sur cet &eacute;cran, vous verrez
des liens pour d&eacute;placer et copier des groupes et des dossiers
bas&eacute;s sur vos privil&egrave;ges sur le dossier actuel
infodot.title.stems.action.copy=Vous pouvez copier ce dossier vers un autre
dossier. Vous devez disposer des privil&egrave;ges Create Folder sur le
dossier de destination.
infodot.title.stems.action.move=Vous pouvez d&eacute;placer ce dossier vers
un autre dossier. Vous devez disposer des privil&egrave;ges de cr&eacute;er
un dossier sur le dossier de destination. Notez que ceci mettra &agrave; jour
le chemin de l'ID de tous les groupes dans ce dossier (y compris les
sous-dossiers). Le chemin de ID est utilis&eacute; par le syst&egrave;me pour
d&eacute;signer les groupes.
infodot.title.stems.action.copy-other-stem-to-stem=Vous pouvez copier un
autre dossier dans ce dossier.
infodot.title.stems.action.move-other-stem-to-stem=Vous pouvez
d&eacute;placer un autre dossier dans ce dossier. Vous devez disposer des
privil&egrave;ges Create Folder sur le dossier &agave; d&eacute;placerNotez
que ceci mettra &agrave; jour le chemin de l'ID de tous les groupes dans le
dossier d&eacute;plac&eacute; (y compris les sous-dossiers). Le chemin de ID
est utilis&eacute; par le syst&egrave;me pour d&eacute;signer les groupes.
infodot.title.stems.action.copy-group-to-stem=Vous pouvez copier un groupe
dans ce dossier.
infodot.title.stems.action.move-group-to-stem=Vous pouvez d&eacute;placer un
groupe dans ce dossier.Vous devez disposer des privil&egrave;ges ADMIN sur le

infodot.title.groups.all=Trouvez un groupe, cliquer sur son nom et agir sur
celui-ci (modifier les propri&eacute;t&eacute;s, visualiser les membres,
etc.) en utilisant les boutons du bas de page le nom et les
d&eacute;tails d'un groupe et effectuez toutes une s&eacute;rie d'actions
(modifier, liste, ajouter, etc.) sur le groupe.
infodot.title.groups.action.edit=On this screen you can edit the text for the
ID, name or description. You can also assign privileges but cannot edit the
path or path ID. the members of the group and
provides an ability to add or remove members and modify permissions (click is
a direct member). Click the entity to see an entity summary.
infodot.title.groups.action.find-new-members=Fourni la possibilit&eacute; de
rechercher des personnes &agrave; ajouter &agrave; ce groupe. Vous pouvez
aussi agir sur vos r&eacute;sultas de recherche pour modifier les permissions
des membres du groupe.
infodot.title.find.browse=Cliquez sur les nom de dossiers dans l'arborescence
ci-desssous pour localiser les groupes qui vous concernent.

infodot.title.groups.action.move=Vous pouvez d&eacute;placer le groupe dans
un autre dossier. Vous devez avoir les privil&egrave;ges Create Group sur le
dossier de destination.
infodot.title.groups.action.copy=Vous pouvez copier le groupe dans un autre
dossier. Vous devez avoir les privil&egrave;ges Create Group sur le dossier
de destination. page lets you examine the groups where you are
enrolled a member. <br />You could be enrolled as a direct member, or as an
indirect member (as a direct member of a group that is itself a member of
another group). <br /><br />You have a choice of two exploring modes (Browse
or List) and two search modes (basic or advanced). <br /><br />Note: <br
/>During your session, if you click "My memberships" in the left menu, this
page will always display<br /> &nbsp; - your most recent choice of mode <br
/> &nbsp; - your most recently selected location (folder) in the hierarchy<br
/>even if you click away and return later.

infodot.title.groups.manage=After locating a group (by browsing or searching)
you can act on the group using the buttons at the bottom of the screen.
infodot.title.groups.manage.groups.action.create=Fill in the form to create a
new group at this folder location in the hierarchy

infodot.title.groups.create=When selecting the create group button you will
be creating a group in the current folder location

infodot.title.groups.join=Liste des groupes dont vous pouvez devenir membre
infodot.title.groups.join.groups.action.create=Fill in the form to create a
new group at this folder location in the hierarchy

infodot.title.saved.subjects=Cet espace de travail vous permet d'y placer des
entit&eacute;s qui pourront vous servir &agrave; cr&eacute;er des groupes
infodot.title.saved.groups=Cet espace de travail vous permet d'y placer des
groupes qui pourront vous servir &agrave; cr&eacute;er des groupes composites

infodot.title.saved.subjects=Cet espace de travail vous permet d'y placer des
entit&eacute;s qui pourront vous servir &agrave; cr&eacute;er des groupes
composites search
provides a means to select a variety of attributes and logic condition to use
as criteria for your search. le nom ainsi que des
d&eacute;tails sur l'entit&eacute;.

infodot.title.saved.groups.saved-subjects.groups.list=The listing of groups
that you can use to create composite groups
infodot.title.saved.groups.saved-subjects.list=The listing of entities that
you can use to create composite groups

infodot.title.saved.groups=This is a workspace where you place groups that
you will be using to create composite groups des entit&eacute;s you see this infodot on other pages you can
click it to provide more from a group search are displayed
below as a list of groups. The listings are in alphabetical order, and there
is a max number of results displayed. The text displayed is the group Path
(default), Name, or ID path, which you probably selected in the previous

infodot.subtitle.groups.heading.browse=Vous pouvez utiliser ce panneau de
duex mani&eacute; : <br /> &nbsp; - Parcourir la hi&eacute;rarchie des
dossiers et des groupes <br /> &nbsp; - Liste des groupes indépendamment de
leur position hiérarchique.
infodot.subtitle.groups.composite.add=Membership of a group can be defined as
the UNION [or], INTERSECTION [and], or COMPLEMENT [not] of two other groups.
This special type of member is known as a <strong>Composite</strong> member.
A composite member is created from two <strong>Factor</strong> groups.<br
/><br />For example, take two ordinary groups:<br /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
1. fionas = <strong>Fiona</strong> Windsor, <strong>Fiona</strong> Benson,
<strong>Fiona</strong> Tarbuck<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2. bensons= Keith
<strong>Benson</strong>, Fiona <strong>Benson</strong>, Ian
<strong>Benson</strong><br /><br /><strong>fionas</strong> UNION
<strong>bensons</strong> = Fiona Windsor, Fiona Benson, Fiona Tarbuck, Keith
Benson, Ian Benson<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; union indicates the result of
<strong>adding the members</strong> of fionas and bensons.<br /><br
/><strong>fionas</strong> INTERSECTION <strong>bensons</strong> = Fiona
Benson<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; intersection indicates the
<strong>members-in-common</strong> of fionas and bensons.<br /><br
/><strong>fionas</strong> COMPLEMENT <strong>bensons</strong> = Fiona
Windsor, Fiona Tarbuck<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; complement indicates the
members of fionas <strong>minus the members</strong> of bensons.<br
/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (In this case the position -- left or right
-- of the groups is important.)<br /><br />A group can have a single
composite member, OR any number of subjects (including groups) as members,
but not a combination.<br />However, groups which have a composite member can
be used anywhere other groups can be used.

##Define error text here
error.repeat=Si vous continuez &agrave; rencontrer des erreurs, contactez
l'&eacute;quipe technique.
error.ticket=If you wish to follow up on this error, please quote reference
error.heading=Erreur inattendue to remove attribute [{0}].
<i>{0}</i> may be a required attribute.
error.saved-subjects.missing-parameter=Unable to save entity to your
workspace. At least one input parameter was missing.
error.saved-subjects.groups.missing-parameter=Unable to save group to your
workspace. At least one input parameter was missing.
error.saved-stems.stems.missing-parameter=Unable to save folder to your
workspace. At least one input parameter was missing.
error.saved-subjects.exception=There was an unexpected error saving the
entity [{0}] to your workspace.
error.saved-groups.exception=There was an unexpected error saving the group
[{0}] to your workspace.
error.saved-stems.exception=There was an unexpected error saving the folder
[{0}] to your workspace.
error.subject-summary.missing-field=An invalid membership field ({0}) was
requested. Reverting to 'members'
error.subject-summary.missing-parameter=Unable to show entity details. At
least one input parameter was missing.
error.subject-summary.subject.exception=There was an unexpected error
retrieving the requested entity.
error.subject-summary.member.exception=There was an unexpected error
retrieving the requested entity as a member.
error.subject.unresolvable=Subject [{0}] is unresolvable i.e. unavailable
from the registered source [{1}].
error.login.not-recognised=You successfully authenticated, however, Grouper
was unable to find your details.
error.login.not-unique=You successfully authenticated, however, Grouper could
not uniquely identify you.
error.login.serious-error=You successfully authenticated, however, there was
a serious error finding your details.
error.browse-stems.bad-node=A browsing error ocurred. Could not retrieve
group or folder [{0}]. Group or folder may have been deleted or you may have
insufficient privileges.
error.browse-stems.bad-find-node=A problem occurred determining the group or
folder [{0}] for which you were finding members or assigning privileges.
error.delete-group.missing-parameter=Error deleting group.
error.delete-group.bad-id=Error deleting group. Could not retrieve group
[{0}]. Group may already have been deleted or you may have insufficient
error.delete-group.unknown-error=The group could not be deleted.
error.delete-stem.missing-parameter=Error deleting folder. Could not
determine which to folder to delete.
error.delete-stem.bad-id=Error deleting folder. Could not retrieve folder
[{0}]. Folder may already have been deleted.
error.delete-stem.unknown-error=The folder could not be deleted. May be it
has child groups or folders?
error.assign-new-members.bad-field=Error retrieving membership list [{0}].
error.assign-members.missing-subject-parameter=Could not identify a selected
error.assign-members.none-selected=You did not select any entities.
error.SchemaException=The request was incompatible with the Grouper database
error.assign-new-members.missing-id=Missing parameter. Unable to determine
group or folder.
error.assign-members.retrieve-subject=Error retrieving entity [{0}].
error.assign-members.assign-privs=Error assigning privileges.
error.import-members.missing-parameter=Unable to determine group to import
members to.
error.import-members.bad-id=Unable to retrieve group [{0}] to import members
error.import-members.bad-field=Unable to find membership list [{0}] for import
error.join-group.missing-parameter=Missing parameter so could not identify
group to join.
error.join-group.bad-id=Error joining group. Unable to retrieve group [{0}].
Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges.
error.join-group.add-error=Error joining group. Could not add you as a member.
error.leave-group.missing-parameter=Missing parameter so could not identify
group to leave.
error.leave-group.bad-id=Error leaving group. Unable to retrieve group [{0}].
Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges.
error.leave-group.add-error=Error leaving group. Could not remove you as a
error.add-composite.missing-parameter=Missing parameter so could not identify
group to add composite to.
error.add-composite.bad-id=Error adding composite. Unable to retrieve group
[{0}]. Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges.
error.add-composite.delete-members-error=Error removing existing members
prior to adding composite.
error.populate-assign-new-members.bad-id=Error retrieving group or folder
[{0}]. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges.
error.populate-assign-new-members.missing-id=Missing parameter. Could not
retrieve group or folder.
error.populate-assign-new-members.bad-subject=Unable to process selected
error.chain.missing-parameter=Missing parameter. Unable to retrieve entity.
error.chain.subject.exception=An error occurred retrieving the entity [{0}].
error.chain.missing-group-id=Missing group identifier. Unable to retrieve
error.chain.bad-id=Error retrieving group [{0}]. Group may have been deleted
or you may have insufficient privileges.
error.chain.bad-chain-id=Error retrieving associated group [{0}]. Group or
membership may have been deleted.
error.chains.determine=Error determining ways in which entity [{0}] is a
member of group [{1}] for membership list [{2}].
error.create-groups.find-root=Error retrieving root folder [{0}].
error.create-groups.find-current-node=Error retrieving current group or
folder [{0}]. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges
error.browse.bad-current-id=Error retrieving current group or folder [{0}].
It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges
error.populate-find-new-members.missing-parameter=Missing parameter. Could
not identify group or folder.
error.populate-find-new-members.bad-id=Error retrieving target group or
folder [{0}].
error.populate-find-new-members.bad-parent-stems=Error retrieving parent
folders for [{0}]. parameter. Could not retrieve
group. retrieving current group or folder [{0}].
It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges retrieving membership list [{0}]. retrieving membership list [{0}]. parameter. Could not
retrieve group or folder. parameter. Could not
retrieve group or folder. retrieving current group or folder [{0}]. It
may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges retrieving current group [{0}]. Group may
have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges not identify the selected
entity. retrieving entity [{0}]. parameter. Could not retrieve group. retrieving current group [{0}]. Group may
have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges retrieving current group [{0}].
Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges retrieving current folder [{0}].
Folder may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges
error.InsufficientPrivilegeException=You do not have sufficient privileges.
error.GrantPrivilegeException=You do not have sufficient privileges to grant
privileges to the current group or stem.
error.MissingGroupOrStemException=Grouper was unable to retrieve a group or
folder. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges.
error.SubjectNotFoundException=The entity does not exist.
error.SourceUnavailableException=Unable to connect to an entity database.
error.SubjectNotUniqueException=The system found a duplicate entity
error.GenericJDBCException=There was a serious error connecting to the
error.GrouperDAOException=There was a serious error connecting to the database
error.CallerPageException=Invalid parameter. This might be due to following
an out-of-date bookmark, because you have clicked the browser back button, or
because you have started a new session. You should be able to continue by
clicking a menu item.
error.unknown.exception=L'erreur est enregistr\u00E9e et l'administrateur
error.hook.veto=This operation is not allowed: {0}.
error.browse.reset=Error retrieving current group or folder [{0}]. It may
have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges. Switching to root

error.debug.bad-group=Debuggers group specified but does not exist
error.401=Vous n'&ecirc;tes pas autoris&eacute; &agrave; utiliser Grouper.
error.500=L'erreur est enregistr&eacute;e et l'aadministrateur averti.
error.404=La page demand&eacute;e n'existe pas.

## General ui lite
###################################################### connecter &agrave; Lite UI
ui-lite.login.intro=G&eacute;rer simplement des membres ? Essayez Lite UI des membres lite lite UI Pour g&eacute;rer les
membres du groupe

ui-lite.invite-link=Invite external people
tooltipTargetted.ui-lite.invite-link=Invite external people who are not
already registered to be a member of this group.<br />Note: the systems that
use this group must be ready to use external people

ui-lite.invite-menu=Invite external people
ui-lite.invite-menuTooltip=Invite external people who are not already
registered to be a member of this group. Note: the systems that use this
group must be ready to use external people.

ui-lite.fromInvite-link=Lite UI
tooltipTargetted.ui-lite.fromInvite-link=Return to the lite membership
management UI for this group
ui-lite.fromInvite-admin-link=Admin UI
tooltipTargetted.ui-lite.fromInvite-admin-link=Return to the admin UI for
this group

guiAjaxSessionProblem = There was an error communicating with the server.
Your session probably expired. You will be redirected to log in again.

## Simple membership update screens


simpleMembershipUpdate.title=Gestion rapide des groupes

simpleMembershipUpdate.groups.summary.display-name=Adresse longue
simpleMembershipUpdate.groups.summary.extension= Nom court Adresse courte
simpleMembershipUpdate.field.displayName.alternateName=Alternate ID path

is the label that identifies this group, and might change.
consists of the name of each enclosing folder plus the group name, separated
by colons.
contains notes about the group, which could include: <br />what the group
represents, why it was created, etc.
simpleMembershipUpdate.tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.extension=ID is the
unique identifier chosen by the group creator for this group. <br /><br
/>The ID is unique within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be
used by other systems to refer to this group.'ID Path se
compose de l'unique ID de chaque dossier parent menant jusqu'au groupe plus
l'ID du groupe s&eacute;par&eacute; par des deux-points. <br /><br />Cet ID
Path est unique pour chaque groupe est ne doit pas changer. Il est
utilis&eacute; par le syst&egrave;me manipuler ce groupe. stands for
Universal Unique Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other
UUID in this or any other system. <br /><br />The UUID does not change, and
can be used as an identifier in other systems.
ID Path allows groups to be searchable using an alternate name. The format
is the same as the format of ID Path.<br /><br />This is especially useful
when moving a group, which will add the old ID Path of the group as the
Alternate ID Path by default. Like the ID Path, the Alternate ID Path can be
used by other systems to refer to this group.

simpleMembershipUpdate.logout=Vous &ecirc;tes d&eacute;connect&eacute;.
Veuillez fermer votre fen&ecirc;tre pour vous assurer d'&ecirc;tre
simpleMembershipUpdate.logoutImageAlt=Se d&eacute;connecter
simpleMembershipUpdate.logoutText=Se d&eacute;connecter

infodot.title.simpleMembershipUpdate.topIndexTitle=Click on an operation below

simpleMembershipUpdate.topIndexSectionHeader=Grouper operations
#infodot.subtitle.simpleMembershipUpdate.topIndexSectionHeader=Testing stuff

simpleMembershipUpdate.topIndexMembershipUpdate=Mettre &agrave; jour les
membres d'un groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.indexSectionHeader=Mettre &agrave; jour les membres
d'un groupe - cherchez d'abord le groupe
infodot.subtitle.simpleMembershipUpdate.indexSectionHeader=Type in search
text in the combobox below to find a group. Click Select group to proceed to
the membership update screen

simpleMembershipUpdate.updateTitle=Mettre &agrave; jour les membres d'un
infodot.title.simpleMembershipUpdate.updateTitle=This page lets you view and
update the memberships of a group.<br /><br />It is meant for only simple
operations. = Vous &ecirc;tes actuellement sur:

simpleMembershipUpdate.viewInAdminUi=Admin UI
tooltipTargetted.simpleMembershipUpdate.viewInAdminUi=Admin UI pour plus de
fonctionnalit&eacute;s, par exemple cr&eacute;er des dossiers

simpleMembershipUpdate.groupSubtitle=G&eacute;rer les groupes
simpleMembershipUpdate.changeLocation=Trouver un autre groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.addMemberSubtitle=Ajouter un membre
simpleMembershipUpdate.addMemberButton=Ajouter un membre
simpleMembershipUpdate.selectGroupButton=Choisir ce groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.membershipListSubtitle=Liste des membres
simpleMembershipUpdate.pagingLabelPrefix=Les membres du groupe:
simpleMembershipUpdate.noMembersFound=Aucun membre dans ce groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteConfirm =&Ecirc;tes-vous s&ucirc;r de vouloir
supprimer cette personne de la liste des membres de ce groupe ?
simpleMembershipUpdate.pagingResultPrefix =Page de r&eacute;sultat:
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNotEnoughGroupChars=Saisir au moins 2
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNotEnoughSubjectChars=Saisir au moins 2
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNotEnoughFilterChars=Saisir au moins 3
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNotEnoughFilterCharsAlert=Enter 3 or more
characters in the filter field
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNoGroupsFound=No results found
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorTooManyGroups=Not all results returned, narrow
your query
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupSearchNothingEntered=Enter search criteria
in the combobox to search for a group
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupSearchNoParams=Need to pass in groupName or
groupId in url, e.g.
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupSearchCantFindGroup=Cant find group, enter
search criteria in the combobox to search for a group
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupSearchPermissions=You cannot read and update
group, enter search criteria in the combobox to search for a group
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupComposite=This is a composite group, please
select a non-composite group
simpleMembershipUpdate.successMemberDeleted=R&eacute;ussi: cette personne
n'est plus membre de ce groupe: {0}
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorUserSearchNothingEntered=Enter search criteria
into the auto-complete box for an entity to add to the group
simpleMembershipUpdate.warningSubjectAlreadyMember=Entity already a member:
simpleMembershipUpdate.successMemberAdded=R&eacute;ussi: cette personne a
&eacute;t&eacute; ajout&eacute;e comme membre de ce groupe: {0}
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorSubjectNotFound=Entity not found: {0}
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorSubjectNotUnique=Entity not unique: {0}
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorSourceUnavailable=Source unavailable
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorUserSearchTooManyResults=Trop de
r&eacute;sultats, pr&eacute;cisez davantage votre recherche
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorUserSearchNoResults=Aucun r&eacute;sultat,
changer les crit&egrave;res de recherche
simpleMembershipUpdate.confirmLogout=\u00CAtes-vous s\u00FBr de vouloir vous
d\u00E9connecter ?
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorTooManyBrowsers=The group you are editing is out
of sync in the user interface. Perhaps you have two browser tabs open
editing different groups. This group will be refreshed, please start over.
simpleMembershipUpdate.sortBy=Trier par:

simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuDeleteMultiple=Supprimer plusieurs membres
en les s&eacute;lectionnant
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuDeleteMultipleTooltip=&Agrave; utiliser
pour supprimer plusieurs membres en cochant la case correspondante
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuShowGroupDetails=Voir les d&eacute;tails
du groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuShowGroupDetailsTooltip=Pour obtenir plus
d'informations sur le groupe tel que son identifiant
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuShowMemberFilter=Recherchez un membre
parmi les membres de ce groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuShowMemberFilterTooltip=Pour vous
permettre de rechercher un membre dans un groupe quand la liste des membres
d'un groupe est longue
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuImportExport=Importer / exporter les
membres de ce groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuImportExportTooltip=Importer des members
depuis un fichier de valeurs (CSV) ou exporter les membres dans un fichier CSV
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExport=Exporter les membres de ce groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportTooltip=Exporter des membres vers un
fichier de valeurs type CSV
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportSubjectIds=Exporter uniquement les
identifiants des membres de ce groupe pour l'utiliser avec un tableur par
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportSubjectIdsTooltip=Exporter les
identifiants des membres de ce groupe vers un fichier de valeurs de type CSV
pour l'utiliser avec un tableur par exemple
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportAll=Exporter toutes les
donn&eacute;es des membres de ce groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportAllTooltip=Exporter toutes les
donn\u00E9es des membres de ce groupe vers un fichier de valeurs de type CSV
manipulable avec un programme de type tableur
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuImport=Importer les membres de ce groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuImportTooltip=Importe les membres de ce
groupe depuis un fichier d'identifiants de type CSV

simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteMultipleButton=Supprimer les membres
simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteMultipleTooltip=Select multiple members by
checking checkboxes next to the members. Click this button to remove them
from the group.
simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteAllButton=Supprimer tous les membres
simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteAllTooltip=Remove all members in the group,
including members not shown on the screen if there are more than the page
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorDeleteCheckboxRequired=Error: select one or more
members to remove from the group
simpleMembershipUpdate.successMembersDeleted=Fait : {0} membres
simpleMembershipUpdate.successAllMembersDeleted=Fait : tous les membres de
{0} ont &eacute;t&eacute;i supprim&eacute;s
simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedButton=Plus de choix...

simpleMembershipUpdate.addMemberCombohint=Saisir les premiers
caract&egrave;res pour trouver un membre &agrave; ajouter - Merci de
patienter car la recherche dans l'annuaire peut mettre un certain temps.
simpleMembershipUpdate.selectGroupCombohint=Saisir une recherche pour trouver
un groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.filterMemberCombohint=Saisir les
&eacute;l&eacute;ments pour trouver un membre dans la liste

simpleMembershipUpdate.downloadSubjectIdsLabel=Click the link to download the
entityIds of the members:
simpleMembershipUpdate.downloadAllLabel=Cliquez sur le lien pour
t&eacute;l&eacute;charger les informations
simpleMembershipUpdate.importLabel=Select a comma separated values (CSV) file
(e.g. from a spreadsheet program like Excel) which has a column for sourceId,
and any of: entityId, entityIdentifier, entityIdOrIdentifier.<br /><br
/>Alternately, you can upload a text file of entityIdOrIdentifiers, each on a
new line, with the first line labeled as: entityIdOrIdentifier

simpleMembershipUpdate.importSubtitle=Importer des membres
infodot.subtitle.simpleMembershipUpdate.importSubtitle=Upload members from a
file. You check replace existing members, or just add new members.<br /><br
/>The file must be a comma separated values (CSV) file, e.g. from a
spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel. There should be a column sourceId,
and a column of any of the following: entityId, entityIdentifier,
entityIdOrIdentifier. If there is no sourceId, then all sources will be
found (this is less efficient), and if two sources have the same entityId,
there will be an error. Each member is on its own line. The sourceId is one
of a few entity source IDs configured in the Grouper server.<br /><br />The
entityId is typically a person ID, the entityIdentifer could be a login ID,
and the entityIdOrIdentifier will look by ID, and if not found, look by
identifier.<br /><br />Note if you omit the sourceId column, it will be less
efficient, but it will still work if you dont have two sources with the same
entityId. This does not need to be CSV, it could be a text file. e.g. you
could upload a text file of entityIdOrIdentifiers, each on a new line, with
the first line labeled as: entityIdOrIdentifier<br /><br />Example CSV file
1: <br /><br /><tt>sourceId,entityId<br />someSourceId,12345<br
/>anotherSourceId,23456</tt><br /><br /><br />Example 2:<br /><br
/><tt>sourceId,entityIdentifier<br />someSourceId,sjohnson<br
/>anotherSourceId,jsmith</tt><br /><br /><br />Example 3:<br /><br
/><tt>sourceId,entityIdOrIdentifier<br />someSourceId,45678<br
/>anotherSourceId,jsmith</tt><br /><br /><br />Example 4:<br /><br
/><tt>sourceId,entityId,entityIdentifier<br />someSourceId,45678<br
/>anotherSourceId,,jsmith</tt><br /><br /><br />Example 5:<br /><br
/><tt>entityId<br />56789<br />67890</tt><br /><br /><br />Example 6:<br
/><br /><tt>entityIdentifier<br />sjohnson<br />jsmith</tt><br /><br /><br
/>Example 7:<br /><br /><tt>entityIdOrIdentifier<br />76543<br
/>jsmith</tt><br /><br /><br />

simpleMembershipUpdate.importAvailableSourceIds=Available sourceIds:
simpleMembershipUpdate.importReplaceExistingMembers=Remplacer les membres
simpleMembershipUpdate.importCommaSeparatedValuesFile=Fichier &agrave;
simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorNoWrongFile=Le fichier ne doit pas
&acirc;tre vide et son nom doit se terminer par .csv ou .txt :
simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorBlankTextarea=Proposer un fichier d'import
ou donner les courriels dans la zone de saisie
simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorNoId=Cant find any identifer, need to pass
in a entityId or entityIdentifier or entityIdOrIdentifier
simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorNoIdCol=Veuillez indiquer
"entityIdOrIdentifier sur la 1&egrave;re ligne de votre fichier
simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorSubjectProblems=Erreur: aucun membre
supprim&eacute; car il y a un probl&egrave;me dans votre fichier d'import
simpleMembershipUpdate.importSuccessSummary=R&eacute;ussi: import fait
simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorSummary=Erreur: l'import a
&eacute;chou&eacute;, veuillez consulter les {0} erreurs suivantes
simpleMembershipUpdate.importSizeSummary=Le nombre de membres &eacute;tait de
{0} et est maintenant de {1}
simpleMembershipUpdate.importAddsDeletesSummary=Il y a eu {0} membres
ajout&eacute;s et {1} membres supprm&eacute;s
simpleMembershipUpdate.importSubjectErrorsLabel=Entity errors
simpleMembershipUpdate.importAddErrorsLabel=Erreurs en ajoutant des membres
simpleMembershipUpdate.importRemoveErrorsLabel=Erreurs en supprimant des
simpleMembershipUpdate.importDirectInput=Entities (CSV or list of id's each
on new line)

simpleMembershipUpdate.membershipLiteImportFileButton=Input members directly
on screen
simpleMembershipUpdate.membershipLiteImportTextfieldButton=Input members from

simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuDetailsLabel=Les d&eacute;tails d'un membre
de groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuDetailsTooltip=Voir tous les d\u00E9tails
concernant ce membre
simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuEnabledDisabled=Enregistrer les dates de
d&eacute;but et de fin de participation &agrave; ce groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuEnabledDisabledTooltip=Renseigner les dates
de d\u00E9but et de fin de participation \u00E0 ce groupe

simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuAlt=Member menu

simpleMembershipUpdate.memberDetailsSubtitle=D&eacute;tails sur le membre

simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableSubtitle=Enregistrer les dates de
d&eacute;but et de fin de participation &agrave; ce groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableGroupPath=Chemin du groupe
simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableEntityId=Identifiant du membre:
simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableEntitySource=Provenance de ce membre:
simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableStartDate=D&eacute;but de son
simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableEndDate=Fin de son appartenance:
simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisabledSuccess=R&eacute:ussi: membre

simpleMembershipUpdate.startOver=Your session had problems, maybe it timed
out. Click <a href="grouper.html">here</a> to try again, or close your
window and start the application again from the starting point. If you have
repeated problems contact the helpdesk

simpleMembershipUpdate.filterMemberButton=Rechercher un membre
simpleMembershipUpdate.filterLabel=Recherche d'un membre:
simpleMembershipUpdate.clearFilterButton=Effacer la recherche
simpleMembershipUpdate.errorMemberFilterTooManyResults=Trop de
r&eacute;sultats, pr&eacute;cisez votre recherche


simpleMembershipUpdate.notAllowedInUi=You are not allowed to use this
application, please contact your administrator.

simpleMembershipUpdate.noContainer=simpleMembershipUpdateContainer is null,
start the application over with refresh and try again. Contact the help desk
if you have repeated problems.

simpleMembershipUpdate.errorCircularReference=Error, you cannot add a group
to be a member of itself

page.size=nombre d'\u00E9l\u00E9ments dans la page:



## Simple membership update named text (second key is the name, e.g. for
## then the name is grouperMembershipExample

membership update lite3

page lets you view and update the memberships of a group.<br /><br />It is
meant for only simple operations.3

#you can add any of the keys from a skinned membership update lite

## Subject picker defaults
subjectPickerDefault.header = Find a person
subjectPickerDefault.title = Person picker
subjectPickerDefault.searchSectionTitle = Enter search term
subjectPickerDefault.searchButtonText = Search

subjectPickerDefault.resultsSectionTitle = Search results

subjectPickerDefault.noSearchTerm = Enter a search term

subjectPickerDefault.noResultsFound = No results found

subjectPickerDefault.tooManyResults = Too many results, please narrow your
search. Note, a partial listing might still display.

subjectPickerDefault.cancelText = Cancel

## Subject picker test for subject picker with name subjectPickerExample

subjectPicker.subjectPickerExample.title = Person picker

## AttributeDefName picker defaults
attributeDefNamePickerDefault.header = Find a resource
attributeDefNamePickerDefault.title = Resource picker
attributeDefNamePickerDefault.searchSectionTitle = Enter search term
attributeDefNamePickerDefault.searchButtonText = Search

attributeDefNamePickerDefault.resultsSectionTitle = Search results

attributeDefNamePickerDefault.noSearchTerm = Enter a search term

attributeDefNamePickerDefault.noResultsFound = No results found

attributeDefNamePickerDefault.tooManyResults = Too many results, please
narrow your search. Note, a partial listing might still display.

attributeDefNamePickerDefault.cancelText = Cancel

## AttributeDefName picker test for attributeDefName picker with name

attributeDefNamePicker.attributeDefNamePickerExample.title = Resource picker

## External subject self register

externalSubjectSelfRegister.topIndexSectionHeader=Applications for users
external to this institution

externalsubjectSelfRegister.topIndexSelfRegister=Self-register personal
information for people external to this institution

externalSubjectSelfRegister.registerTitle=Self registration for people
external to this institution
infodot.title.externalSubjectSelfRegister.registerTitle=This application
allows people external to this institution to register they login credential
and personal information. This allows them to be able to use applications at
this institution. Your personal information is private and will only be used
for business purposes at this institution. Refer to the institution privacy

externalSubjectSelfRegister.registerSectionHeader=Register a new account

externalSubjectSelfRegister.registerSectionHeaderEdit=Edit your information

externalSubjectSelfRegister.noContainer=externalRegisterContainer is null,
start the application over with refresh and try again. Contact the help desk
if you have repeated problems.

externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.identifier.label=Login ID
externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.identifier.tooltip=Login ID is
detected from the single-signon ID that was logged in with. This can only be
edited by the adminstrator. and last name
to show up in pick lists

externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.institution.tooltip=Name of the
institution that identifies you in pick lists address where
notifications will be sent

externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.jabber.label=Jabber ID
externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.jabber.tooltip=Jabber ID for
online chat

externalSubjectSelfRegister.submitButtonTooltip=Submit and save your
externalSubjectSelfRegister.deleteRecordButtonText=Delete record
externalSubjectSelfRegister.deleteRecordButtonTooltip=Delete your personal
information from the system. Note, if you register again, you might not have
the same roles and permissions that you had before the delete.

externalSubjectSelfRegister.startOver=Your session had problems, maybe it
timed out. Click <a
to try again, or close your window and start the application again from the
starting point. If you have repeated problems contact the helpdesk

externalSubjectSelfRegister.fieldRequiredError=Error: this field is required:

externalSubjectSelfRegister.cantFindInviteButCanRegister=Error: your
invitation cannot be found or is expired. Make sure the link from the email
was not wrapped to a new line. You can still register, though you may not
have the correct role memberships. Register and contact the person who
invited you to grant role memberships if applicable.

externalSubjectSelfRegister.cantFindInvite=Error: your invitation cannot be
found or is expired. Make sure the link from the email was not wrapped to a
new line. You successfully registered, though you may not have the correct
role memberships. Contact the person who invited you to grant role
memberships if applicable.

externalSubjectSelfRegister.invalidInvite=Error: your invitation from {0} is
expired or invalid. Make sure the link from the email was not wrapped to a
new line. You successfully registered, though you may not have the correct
role memberships. Contact the person who invited you to grant role
memberships if applicable.

externalSubjectSelfRegister.inviteSuccess=Success: your invitation from {0}
has been processed. You were added to the roles: {1}.

externalSubjectSelfRegister.cannotRegisterWithoutInvite=Error: you cannot
register without an invitation.
externalSubjectSelfRegister.cantFindInviteAndCannotRegister=Error: your
invitation cannot be found or is expired. Make sure the link from the email
was not wrapped to a new line. You are not allowed to register without a
valid invitation. Contact the person who invited you to issue another

externalSubjectSelfRegister.successEdited=Success: your information was
saved: {0}

externalSubjectSelfRegister.invalidIdentifier=Error: invalid identifier: {0},
either you are not allowed to register or your identity department needs to
release the eduPersonPrincipalName to this server.
externalSubjectSelfRegister.invalidIdentifierInvite=Error: invalid
identifier: {0}

externalSubjectSelfRegister.invalidIdentifierButFound=Note: invalid
identifier: {0}, which cannot be used an external user, but your profile
details were found. Your data might not be saved, but if you were granted
access, those grants will succeed.

externalSubjectSelfRegister.notAllowed=Error: you are not allowed to register

## Invite external subjects

inviteExternalSubjects.noContainer=inviteExternalSubjectsContainer is null,
start the application over with refresh and try again. Contact the help desk
if you have repeated problems.

inviteExternalSubjects.inviteTitle=Invite external people to participate in
infodot.title.inviteExternalSubjects.inviteTitle=This application allows
invitations to external people to login and register some personal
information. When they register they will be assigned to the groups that you
specify below. This allows them to be able to use applications at this
institution. Refer to the institution privacy policy.

inviteExternalSubjects.inviteSectionHeader=Enter the invitation information

inviteExternalSubjects.messageToUsersLabel=Message to users
inviteExternalSubjects.messageToUsersTooltip=Enter an optional message to
users in the email that will be sent to them. There will be other
instructions and a link in the email as well.

inviteExternalSubjects.subjectLabel=Email subject
inviteExternalSubjects.subjectTooltip=Enter an optional subject for the email
to the users. If one if not entered, a standard one will be used.

inviteExternalSubjects.emailAddressesLabel=Email addresses of people to invite
inviteExternalSubjects.emailAddressesTooltip=Enter the email addresses of
people to invite separated by space, newline, comma, or semicolon.

inviteExternalSubjects.loginIdsLabel=Login IDs of people to invite
inviteExternalSubjects.loginIdsTooltip=Enter the login IDs of people to
invite separated by space, newline, comma, or semicolon. You must know the
exact login ID. If you are not sure, invite by email address or find out
from them what it is. This is the ID that the institutional authentication
system sends to this application when the user logs in. It might be in the

inviteExternalSubjects.ccEmailAddressLabel=Email addresses to notify when
inviteExternalSubjects.ccEmailAddressTooltip=This email address will be
notified when the registration is complete. Note, you can put multiple email
addresses in this field separated by space, comma, or semicolon.

inviteExternalSubjects.groupsToAssignLabel=Groups to assign to new users
inviteExternalSubjects.groupsToAssignTooltip=Once the external users have
registered, they will be assigned to these groups. Note, you must have
privileges to assign users to these groups at the time of invitation. Type
in the UUID, the Group Name, the Group ID, or a substring and select the
result from the drop down.
inviteExternalSubjects.groupsToAssignHelp=Enter search text to find a group

inviteExternalSubjects.submitButtonTooltip=Submit and save your information

inviteExternalSubjects.errorNotEnoughGroupChars=Enter 2 or more characters
inviteExternalSubjects.errorNoGroupsFound=No results found
inviteExternalSubjects.errorTooManyGroups=Not all results returned, narrow
your query

inviteExternalSubjects.confirmDelete=Confirm that you want to delete your
information. This will remove your access.

inviteExternalSubjects.deleteNotFound=Warning: cannot find identifier: {0}
inviteExternalSubjects.deleteSuccess=Success: deleted external entity: {0}

inviteExternalSubjects.emailAddressRequired=Error: email address to invite is
inviteExternalSubjects.emailAddressInvalid=Error: email address is invalid:
inviteExternalSubjects.invalidGroupUuid=Error: Cannot find group. Please
enter search criteria in the field, and select the desired group: {0}
inviteExternalSubjects.invalidGroupPrivileges=Error: You do not have UPDATE
privileges on Group: {0}

inviteExternalSubjects.errorInvitingUsers=Error: Problem sending invites: {0}
inviteExternalSubjects.successInvitingUsers=Success: Invites have been sent

inviteExternalSubjects.notAllowed=Error: you are not allowed to invite
external people

inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByIdentifierLabel=Invite by
inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByIdentifierTooltip=Choose if you want to invite
people by email address or login ID, if you know the exact login ID. If you
are not sure, invite by email address or find out from them what it is.
inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByIdentifierRadioLabel=Login ID
inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByIdentifierRadioTooltip=This is the ID that the
institutional authentication system sends to this application when the user
logs in. This might be in the form:

though if you are not sure, invite by email address.
inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByEmailRadioLabel=Email address
inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByEmailRadioTooltip=This any email address the
user uses. The user will get an invitation in the email, they can click on
the link, and register for the application

inviteExternalSubjects.errorAssigningGroup=Error: could not assign entity:
{0} to group: {1}. {2}

inviteExternalSubjects.successCreatedExternalSubject=Success: created
external entity: {0}
inviteExternalSubjects.successExistedExternalSubject=Note: external entity:
{0} was already registered in the system

inviteExternalSubjects.successAssignedSubjectToGroup=Success: entity: {0} was
assigned to group: {1}
inviteExternalSubjects.noteSubjectAlreadyInGroup=Note: entity: {0} was
already a member of group: {1}

inviteExternalSubjects.errorNotAllowedToInviteByIdentifer=Error: not allowed
to invite by identifier

## Simple attribute update

simpleAttributeUpdate.title=Grouper UI

simpleAttributeUpdate.indexSectionHeader=Attribute management

simpleAttributeUpdate.topIndexAssignAttribute=View or assign attributes

simpleAttributeUpdate.topIndexCreateEdit=Create or edit attributes


simpleAttributeAssign.assignIndexTitle=View or assign attributes

simpleAttributeAssign.assignIndexTitleInfodot=Assign or unassign attributes
and values

simpleAttributeAssign.indexSectionHeader=Filter or assign attributes

simpleAttributeAssign.selectOwnerTypeButton=Select owner type

simpleAttributeAssign.ownerType = Owner type:

simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeGroup = Group
simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeFolder = Folder
simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeMember = Entity
simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeMembership = Membership
simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeImmediateMembership = Immediate membership
simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeAttributeDefinition = Attribute definition

simpleAttributeAssign.requiredOwnerType = Owner type is required

simpleAttributeAssign.attributeDefinition = Attribute definition:
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.attributeDefinition = The definition
part of the attribute holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally
attribute definitions have multiple attribute names.

simpleAttributeAssign.attributeName = Attribute name:
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.attributeName = The attribute name is
the part of the attribute which is assigned to owner objects. Generally
multiple attribute names are related to one attribute definition.

simpleAttributeAssign.assignGroup = Owner group:
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignGroup = The group which has
attributes assigned to it

simpleAttributeAssign.assignStem = Owner folder:
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignStem = The folder which has
attributes assigned to it

simpleAttributeAssign.assignMember = Owner entity:
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignMember = The entity which has
attributes assigned to it

simpleAttributeAssign.assignMembershipGroup = Owner membership group:
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignMembershipGroup = The group part
of the membership which has attributes assigned to it

simpleAttributeAssign.assignMembershipSubject = Owner membership entity:
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignMembershipSubject = The entity
part of the membership which has attributes assigned to it

simpleAttributeAssign.assignOwnerAttributeDef = Owner attribute definition:
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignOwnerAttributeDef = The
attribute definition which has attributes assigned to it

simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterButton = Filter

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignAssignments = Attribute assignments

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignNoResultsFound = No attribute assignments found

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderUuid = Assignment UUID

simpleAttributeAssign.assignAttributeButton = Assign

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorAttributeNameRequired = Error: attribute
name required

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorGroupRequired = Error: owner group is

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorStemRequired = Error: owner folder is

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorEntityRequired = Error: owner entity is

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorMembershipRequired = Error: cannot find the
membership of the entity in the group, first add the member, then add an

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorAttrDefRequired = Error: owner attribute
definition is required

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickGroup = Error: select a group from the
combo box

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickFolder = Error: select a folder from the
combo box

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickSubject = Error: select an entity from
the combo box

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickAttributeName = Error: select an
attribute name from the combo box

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickOwnerAttributeDef = Error: select an
owner attribute definition from the combo box

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignSuccess = Success: the attribute was assigned

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorNotMultiAssign = Error: the attribute is
already assigned, and is not multi-assignable

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerGroup = Owner group

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerFolder = Owner folder

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerMember = Owner entity

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerMembership = Owner membership

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerAttributeDefinition = Owner attribute

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderAttributeName = Attribute name

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderAttributeDef = Attribute definition

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderEnabled = Enabled?

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderValues = Assignment values

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete
this attribute assignment?

simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteAssignmentAlt = Delete the attribute assignment

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignSuccessDelete = Success: the attribute assignment
was deleted

simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditSubtitle = Edit attribute assignment

simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditSubtitleInfodot = Edit attribute assignment
to assign enabled or disabled dates

simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditId = Attribute assignment UUID

simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditCancelButton = Cancel

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditSuccess = Success: your changes were saved

simpleAttributeUpdate.editAssignmentAlt = Edit assignment details

simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditSubmitButton = Submit

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditDisabledDate = End attribute assignment on

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditEnabledDate = Start attribute assignment on

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditEnabledDisabledDateMask = (yyyy/mm/dd)

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEnabled = enabled

tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEnabled = This attribute
assignment is enabled based on the enabled and disabled dates

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignDisabled = disabled

tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.assignDisabled = This attribute
assignment is disabled based on the enabled and disabled dates

simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabled = Enabled / disabled:

simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueEnabled = Enabled only
simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueDisabled = Disabled only
simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueAll = All

simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditNotAllowed = You are not allowed to edit the
attribute assignment

simpleAttributeAssign.assignMenuAddValue = Add value
simpleAttributeAssign.assignMenuAddValueTooltip = Add a value to this

simpleAttributeAssign.assignAddValueSubtitle = Add value to attribute
simpleAttributeAssign.assignAddValueSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment
can have one or more values associated with it. Add a value to the assignment

simpleAttributeAssign.assignAddValueCancelButton = Cancel

simpleAttributeAssign.assignAddValueSubmitButton = Submit

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignAddValue = Value to add

simpleAttributeUpdate.addValueRequired = Enter a value to add

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignAddValueSuccess = Success: the attribute
assignment value was added

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignValueDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to
delete this attribute assignment value?

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignDeleteValueAlt = Delete the attribute assignment

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignValueSuccessDelete = Success: the attribute
assignment value was deleted

simpleAttributeUpdate.editValueAssignmentAlt = Edit the attribute assignment

simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditSubtitle = Edit the attribute assignment
simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment
can have one or more values associated with it. Edit this value to the

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignValueEdit = Value to edit

simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditId = Value UUID

simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditCancelButton = Cancel

simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditSubmitButton = Submit

simpleAttributeUpdate.editValueRequired = Enter a value to edit

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditValueSuccess = Success: the attribute
assignment value was saved

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadata = Metadata on assignment

simpleAttributeAssign.assignMenuAddMetadataAssignment = Add metadata
simpleAttributeAssign.assignMenuAddMetadataAssignmentTooltip = Attribute
assignments can have attribute assignments assigned to them. This is
metadata about the original assignment.

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignCantAddMetadataOnAssignmentOfAssignment = Error:
Cannot add metadata assignment on a metadata assignment

simpleAttributeAssign.assignMetadataAddSubtitle = Add metadata attribute
simpleAttributeAssign.assignMetadataAddSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment
can occur on object owners (group, folder, member, etc), or on an attribute
assignment itself. An assignment on an attribute assignment is metadata
about that assignment.

simpleAttributeAssign.assignMetadataAddCancelButton = Cancel
simpleAttributeAssign.assignMetadataAddSubmitButton = Submit

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataAddSuccess = Success: the metadata
assignment was saved

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataLabelSuffix = (underlying)

tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataLabelSuffix = The
underlying data for a metadata assignment is the information about the
underlying assignment, not the assignment on that assignment

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataAttributeNameRequired = Error: select an
attribute name from the combobox

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataAlreadyAssigned = Error: that attribute
name is already assigned to the owner and its attribute definition does not
allow multiple assignments to the same owner


simpleAttributeUpdate.addEditTitle=Grouper UI

simpleAttributeUpdate.createEditIndexTitle = Create or edit attribute

simpleAttributeUpdate.createEditIndexTitleInfodot = Attributes can be
assigned to certain types of objects in Grouper. They can be managed by
certain people, they can have value(s), and can be used as permissions.<br
/><br />The attribute definition (managed on this screen) holds information
about who can manage it and what type it is. To fully define the attribute,
you attach Attribute Definition Names to this Attribute Definition. The
Attribute Definition Name is what is assigned to the attribute owner
(assignee). Each attribute definition can have multiple Attribute Definition

simpleAttributeUpdate.selectAttributeButton = Edit attribute

simpleAttributeUpdate.createAttributeButton = New attribute

simpleAttributeUpdate.selectAttributeDefCombohint = Enter search text to find
an attribute definition

simpleAttributeUpdate.errorNotEnoughChars = Enter 2 or more characters

simpleAttributeUpdate.errorTooManyAttributeDefs = Not all results returned,
narrow your query

simpleAttributeUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDef = Error: Input search text
and select an attribute definition to edit

simpleAttributeUpdate.filterAttributeDefButton = Edit attribute definition

simpleAttributeUpdate.newAttributeDefButton = New attribute definition

simpleAttributeUpdate.editSectionHeader = Attribute definition

simpleAttributeUpdate.editId = UUID
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.editId= UUID stands for Universal
Unique Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other UUID in
this or any other system. <br /><br />The UUID does not change, and can be
used as an identifier in other systems.

simpleAttributeUpdate.folder = Folder
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.folder = Folder is the namespace where
this attribute definition resides. Note, you can set this on create, but not
change it once it is created.

simpleAttributeUpdate.extension = ID
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.extension=ID is the unique identifier
you set for this attribute definition. <br /><br />The ID must be unique
within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other
systems to refer to this attribute definition. <br /><br />The ID field
cannot contain spaces or special characters.

simpleAttributeUpdate.description = Description
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.description = Description contains
notes about the attribute definition, which could include: <br />what the
attribute definition represents, why it was created, etc.

simpleAttributeUpdate.type = Type
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.type = Attribute definition type
describes the attribute definition.<br />Generally it will be attribute or
permission. Type is used for tepmlates, limit describes a permission, and
domain identifies which application the object refers to.

simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType = Value type
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType = If this attribute
assignment holds one or more values, this is the type. If there are no
allowed values, select No value. The Member ID option means that a member
UUID is the value.

simpleAttributeUpdate.multiAssignable = Multi-assignable
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.multiAssignable = If this attribute
can be assigned to the same owner object more than once. For instance, a
Group can have more than one Rule attachd to it, so the Rule attribute is

simpleAttributeUpdate.multiValued = Multi-valued
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.multiValued = If this attribute has
values, if it can have more than one value assigned at once.

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo = Assign to
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo = Designate which types of
objects that this definition can be assigned to. There are six base object
types, or you can assign attributes to the assignment of attributes to those
base object types. Membership can be assigned to an immediate or an
effective membership, and will still exist as an orphan if the membership is
unassigned until the membership is reassigned. Immediate membership
attribute assignments are only assignable to immediate memberships and are
automatically deleted once the membership is unassigned.

simpleAttributeUpdate.type.attr = Attribute
simpleAttributeUpdate.type.domain = Domain
simpleAttributeUpdate.type.limit = Limit
simpleAttributeUpdate.type.perm = Permission
simpleAttributeUpdate.type.type = Type

simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.integer = Integer number
simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.timestamp = Timestamp
simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.string = String
simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.floating = Decimal number
simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.marker = No value
simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.memberId = Member ID

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.attributeDef = Attribute definition
simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.stem = Folder = Group / Role / Local entity
simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.member = Member
simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.membership = Membership
simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.immediateMembership = Membership - immediate

simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.attributeDefAssign = Attribute definition
attribute assignment
simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.stemAssign = Folder attribute assignment
simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.groupAssign = Group / Role / Local entity
attribute assignment
simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.memberAssign = Member attribute assignment
simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.membershipAssign = Membership attribute
simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.immediateMembershipAssign = Membership -
immediate only - attribute assignment

simpleAttributeUpdate.errorNoAttributeDefsFound = No results found
simpleAttributeUpdate.errorNoFoldersFound = No results found
simpleAttributeUpdate.errorFolderRequired = Invalid entry: select a folder
simpleAttributeUpdate.errorAttributeTypeRequired = Invalid entry: select an
attribute type
simpleAttributeUpdate.errorAssignToRequired = Invalid entry: select at least
one object type that this attribute type can be assigned to
simpleAttributeUpdate.errorPermissionAssignToGroupOrMshipOnly = Invalid
entry: permission type attributes can only be assigned to groups or
memberships (immediate only)
simpleAttributeUpdate.errorExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input an ID
simpleAttributeUpdate.errorPermissionSingleAssignRequired = Invalid entry:
permission type attributes cannot be multi-assignable
simpleAttributeUpdate.errorPermissionNoValueRequired = Invalid entry:
permission type attributes must have a no-value value type

simpleAttributeUpdate.errorNoMultiValuedIfMarker = Invalid entry: cannot be
multi-valued if the value type is: No value

simpleAttributeUpdate.errorTooManyFolders = Not all results returned, narrow
your query

simpleAttributeUpdate.selectFolderCombohint = Enter search text to find a

simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelDelete = Delete
simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelDeleteConfirm = This will permanently delete
the attribute definition, all associated attribute definition names, and all
assignments and values. Are you sure you want to delete it?
simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelSubmit = Save
simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelCancel = Cancel
simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelActions = Actions
simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelPrivileges = Privileges
simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelEditActionHierarchies = Action inheritance

simpleAttributeUpdate.attributeDefSaved=The attribute definition [{0}] was
successfully saved
simpleAttributeUpdate.attributeDefDeleted=The attribute definition [{0}] was
successfully deleted

## actions section

simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsSectionHeader = Attribute actions
infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsSectionHeader=Attributes are
assigned in a triple with action as part of it. By default, the action is
"assign". But it can be different. You could have an attribute as a
permissions which is English101. You can assign it with an action of Read to
someone, and Update to someone else.

simpleAttributeUpdate.actions = Actions

simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete
this action?
simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImageAlt = Delete action

simpleAttributeUpdate.cantDeleteLastAction = You cannot delete the last
action. To delete that action, add another first.

simpleAttributeUpdate.changeActions = Change actions
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.changeActions = Add an action, or
input multiple actions (whitespace, comma, or semicolon separated). Note you
can also replace the existing list with the new list.

simpleAttributeUpdate.addActions = Add actions

simpleAttributeUpdate.replaceActions = Replace actions

simpleAttributeUpdate.successChangeActions = The action list has been
successfully changed
simpleAttributeUpdate.successDeleteAction = The action [{0}] was successfully

simpleAttributeUpdate.editActionImageAlt = Edit action

simpleAttributeUpdate.actionGraphImageAlt = Action inheritance graph

## graph actions

simpleAttributeUpdate.graphActionsSectionHeader = Action inheritance graph
infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.graphActionsSectionHeader = Attribute
actions can imply other actions for permissions. i.e. if an action is
assigned, then other actions will be effectively assigned. For example the
action Admin can imply Read and Update

## edit actions

simpleAttributeUpdate.editActionsSectionHeader = Edit attribute action
infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.editActionsSectionHeader = Attribute
actions can imply other actions for permissions. i.e. if an action is
assigned, then other actions will be effectively assigned. For example the
action Admin can imply Read and Update

simpleAttributeUpdate.editActionChange = Change action inheritance

simpleAttributeUpdate.errorChangeActions = Invalid entry: input the actions

simpleAttributeUpdate.addActionEditImplies = Add action that implies
simpleAttributeUpdate.addActionEditImpliedBy = Add action implied by

simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsImply = Actions that imply {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsImply = All actions (immediate
or effective) which imply the action which is being edited

simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateActionsImply = Actions that immediately imply
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateActionsImply = All actions
which imply the action which is being edited, whose immediate relationships
can be removed

simpleAttributeUpdate.actionEdit = Action name
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.actionEdit = the action currently
being edited

simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsImpliedBy = Actions implied by {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsImpliedBy = All actions
(immediate or effective) which are implied by the action which is being edited

simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateActionsImpliedBy = Actions immediately implied
by {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateActionsImpliedBy = All
actions which are implied by the action which is being edited, whose
immediate relationships can be removed

simpleAttributeUpdate.editAttributeNames = Attribute names

simpleAttributeUpdate.cantEditActionIfOnlyOne = You must have more than one
action to setup action inheritance
simpleAttributeUpdate.mustSelectAnActionToImply = Invalid entry: select an
action that will imply this action. If there are none to choose, then all
actions already imply this action.
simpleAttributeUpdate.mustSelectAnActionToImpliedBy = Invalid entry: select
an action that will be implied by this action. If there are none to choose,
then all actions already are implied by this action.

simpleAttributeUpdate.successAddImpliesAction = The implies relationship was
successfully added
simpleAttributeUpdate.successAddImpliedByAction = The implied by relationship
was successfully added

simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImpliesConfirm = Are you sure you want the
break this implies relationship?
simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImpliesImageAlt = Remove implies
simpleAttributeUpdate.successRemoveImpliesAction = The implies relationship
was successfully removed

simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImpliedByConfirm = Are you sure you want
the break this implied by relationship?
simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImpliedByImageAlt = Remove implied by
simpleAttributeUpdate.successRemoveImpliedByAction = The implied by
relationship was successfully removed

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeSubject = Add entity to list
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeSubject = Find an entity to
add to the list of entities to view or assign

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeSubjectCombohint = Enter search text to find
an entity to add to the list

## attribute def privileges

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegesSectionHeader = Attribute definition
infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegesSectionHeader = View and
edit which subjects have privileges to see that an attribute definition
exists, read which objects it is assigned to, assign it to objects, or
administer the attribute definition<br />To add privileges to a new entity,
or to view entities which are not shown below, use the 'Add entity to list'




tooltipTargetted.priv.attrOptin=Entity may assign this attribute to its own
Member object. Note this privilege is implied by 'Update' or 'Admin'
tooltipTargetted.priv.attrOptout=Entity may unassign this attribute to its
own Member object. Note this privilege is implied by 'Update' or 'Admin'
tooltipTargetted.priv.attrView=Entity may see that this attribute definition
exists. Note this privilege is implied by 'Read', 'Update', 'Optin',
'Optout', or 'Admin'
tooltipTargetted.priv.attrRead=Entity may see the list of objects that this
attribute is assigned to. Note this privilege is implied by 'Admin'
tooltipTargetted.priv.attrUpdate=Entity may assign this attribute definition.
Note this privilege is implied by 'Admin'
tooltipTargetted.priv.attrAdmin=Entity may modify attribute definition
attributes, delete this attribute definition, or assign any privilege to an

simpleAttributeUpdate.entityHeader = Entity
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.entityHeader = Entity is a single
thing which can be a assigned privileges. Generally an entity is a person,
but it could also be a group or resource.

simpleAttributeUpdate.unassignedTooltip = This privilege is not assigned to
this entity
simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateTooltip = This privilege is immediately
assigned to this entity and can be unassigned
simpleAttributeUpdate.effectiveTooltip = This privilege is effectively
assigned to this entity due to a group membership, another privilege e.g.
admin, or a globally assigned privilege, and can be unassigned by removing
the subject from the group, or unassigning the privilege from the group, or
removing the other action, or unassigning the global privilege
simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateAndEffectiveTooltip = This privilege is
immediately assigned to this entity and can be unassigned. However this
privilege is also effectively assigned to this entity due to a group
membership, another privilege e.g. admin, or a globally assigned privilege,
and can be completely unassigned by subsequently addressing the effective

simpleAttributeUpdate.filterAttributePrivilegeSubject = Add entity to list

simpleAttributeUpdate.errorTooManyPrivilegeSubjects=Not all results returned,
narrow your query
simpleAttributeUpdate.errorPrivilegeUserSearchNoResults=No results found,
change your search criteria

simpleAttributeUpdate.additionalPrivilegeSubjectNotFound=Error: not expected,
but entity not found

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegePanelSubmit = Save
simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegePanelCancel = Cancel

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeGrant = Success: Privilege {0} was assigned to
entity: {1}

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeRevoke = Success: Privilege {0} was revoked
from entity: {1}

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeGrantWarn = Warning: Privilege {0} was already
assigned to entity: {1}

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeRevokeWarn = Warning: Privilege {0} was
already revoked from entity: {1}

simpleAttributeUpdate.noPrivilegeChangesDetected = Warning: no privilege
changes detected

simpleAttributeUpdate.noPrivilegesFound = No privileges found

simpleAttributeUpdate.indirectPrivileges = Indirect privileges
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.indirectPrivileges = Indirect
privileges are not assigned directly to the entity, and cannot be directly
unassigned.<br />They are inherited for instance dur to a membership of the
entity in a group, and a privilege granted to the group

simpleAttributeUpdate.indirectPrivilegesCheckbox = Show indirect privileges
due to group memberships

simpleAttributeUpdate.create.privs-for-all=Donner ces privil&egrave;ges
&agrave; tous ses membres
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.create.privs-for-all=Select which
privileges should be public for everyone. -This is the same as assigning a
privilege to EveryEntity.

simpleAttributeUpdate.pagingLabelPrefix = Showing privilege entities:
simpleAttributeUpdate.pagingResultPrefix = Result page:

simpleAttributeUpdate.pagingAndAdditional = (not including additional
entities added)

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeImageConfirmAllow = Are you sure you want to
allow this privilege to this entity?

simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeImageConfirmDeny = Are you sure you want to
revoke this privilege from this entity?

simpleAttributeUpdate.topIndex = Gestion des attributs et des permissions

## Attribute names

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.addEditTitle = Grouper UI

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.topIndexAttributeName = Cr&eacute;er ou modifier
les noms d'attribut

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.createEditIndexTitle = Create or edit attribute

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.createEditIndexTitleInfodot = Attribute names are
the labels which are related to attribute definitions. The attribute
definition holds the settings for the attribute names. The attribute names
are what is assigned to the object owner.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.selectAttributeDefCombohint = Enter search text to
find an attribute definition to filter by

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.indexSectionHeader = Find an attribute definition

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDef = Attribute definition
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDef = The attribute
definition holds the settings and security for attribute. Each attribute
definition can have multiple attribute names. Narrow your search for
attribute definition names by selecting an attribute definition.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefName = Attribute name
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefName = The attribute
name is what is assigned to the owner object. Find an attribute name to
edit, or create a new one

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.selectAttributeDefNameCombohint = Enter search text
to find an attribute name to edit

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorNotEnoughChars = Enter 2 or more characters

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorNoAttributeNamesFound = No results found

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorTooManyAttributeDefNames = Not all results
returned, narrow your query

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantFindAttributeDef = Error: Cannot find
attribute definition, please type in search text and select a result from the
drop down

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDefName = Error: Input search
text and select an attribute name to edit

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDefNameHierarchy = Error:
Input search text and select an attribute name to add inheritance

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editSectionHeader = Attribute name

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.folder = Folder
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.folder = Folder is the namespace
where this attribute name resides. Note, you can set this on create, but not
change it once it is created.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.selectFolderCombohint = Enter search text to find a

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editId = UUID
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editId= UUID stands for Universal
Unique Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other UUID in
this or any other system. <br /><br />The UUID does not change, and can be
used as an identifier in other systems.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.extension = ID
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.extension=ID is the unique
identifier you set for this attribute name. <br /><br />The ID must be
unique within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other
systems to refer to this attribute name. <br /><br />The ID field cannot
contain spaces or special characters.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.displayExtension = Name
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.displayExtension=Name is the label
that identifies this attribute name, and might change.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.description = Description
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.description = Description contains
notes about the attribute name, which could include: <br />what the attribute
name represents, why it was created, etc.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelDelete = Delete
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelDeleteConfirm = This will permanently
delete the attribute name, all associated inheritance, and all assignments
and values. Are you sure you want to delete it?
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelSubmit = Save
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelCancel = Cancel
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelHierarchies = Inheritance

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelHierarchyGraph = Inheritance graph

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameSaved=The attribute name [{0}] was
successfully saved
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameDeleted=The attribute name [{0}]
was successfully deleted

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.filterAttributeDefNameButton = Edit attribute name
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.newAttributeDefNameButton = New attribute name

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNotFound = Attribute definition [{0}]
not found

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDefName = Error: Input search
text and select an attribute name to edit

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorFolderRequired = Invalid entry: select a folder

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input an ID

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorDisplayExtensionRequired = Invalid entry:
input a display extension

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameSaved = The attribute name [{0}]
was successfully saved

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameExists = Invalid entry: the
attribute name [{0}] already exists

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editIdPath = ID Path
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editIdPath = L'ID Path se compose
de l'unique ID de chaque dossier parent menant jusqu'au groupe plus l'ID du
groupe s&eacute;par&eacute; par des deux-points. <br /><br />Cet ID Path est
unique pour chaque attribut et ne doit pas changer. Il est utilis&eacute; par
le syst&egrave;me manipuler ce nom d'attribut.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDef = Error: Input search
text and select an attribute definition for this attribute name

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelAttributeDef = Attribute definition

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorNotPermission = Error: this is not a permission

############## attribute def name sets

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameSetSectionHeader = Attribute name
infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.attributeDefNameSetSectionHeader =
Attribute names for permissions can imply other attribute names. i.e. if an
attribute name is assigned, then other attribute names will be effectively
assigned. For example if the attribute names are an organization chart, then
assigning a parent organization can imply a child organization

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameGraphSectionHeader = Attribute name
infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.attributeDefNameGraphSectionHeader =
Attribute names for permissions can imply other attribute names. i.e. if an
attribute name is assigned, then other attribute names will be effectively
assigned. For example if the attribute names are an organization chart, then
assigning a parent organization can imply a child organization. This graph
shows relationships relevant to the selected attribute name above. Not all
relationships of all nodes is shown.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.hierarchies.attributeDefName = Attribute name
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.hierarchies.attributeDefName = The
attribute name is the part of the attribute that is assigned to the owner

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editHierarchyChange = Edit inheritance
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editHierarchyChange = Add an
attribute name which is implied by this or which implies this

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.addAttributeNameThatImplies = Add attribute name
that implies

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.addAttributeNameImpliedByThis = Add attribute name
implied by

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.selectAttributeDefNameHierarchyCombohint = Enter
search text to find an attribute name

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeNamesImply = Attribute names that imply {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeNamesImply = Attribute
names that when they are assigned, then it implies an effective assignment to
this attribute name.

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.immediateAttributeNamesImply = Immediate attribute
names that imply {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.immediateAttributeNamesImply =
Immediate attribute names that imply this attribute name are directly
assigned and can be unassigned. In other words, there is not a multi-level

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.immediateAttributeNamesImpliedBy = Immediate
attribute names implied by {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.immediateAttributeNamesImpliedBy =
Immediate attribute names implied by this attribute name are directly
assigned and can be unassigned. In other words, there is not a multi-level

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeNamesImpliedBy = Attribute names implied
by {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeNamesImpliedBy =
Attribute names that when this attribute name is assigned, then they are
implied as an effective assignment

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.failureAddImpliesAttributeDefName = The implies
relationship was already assigned
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.successAddImpliesAttributeDefName = The implies
relationship was successfully added
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.failureAddImpliedByAttributeDefName = implied by
relationship was already assigned
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.successAddImpliedByAttributeDefName = The implied
by relationship was successfully added

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.deleteAttributeNameImpliesConfirm = Are you sure
you want the break this implies relationship?
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.deleteAttributeNameImpliesImageAlt = Remove implies

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.deleteAttributeNameImpliedByConfirm = Are you sure
you want the break this implies relationship?
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.deleteAttributeNameImpliedByImageAlt = Remove
implied by relationship

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.successRemoveImpliesAttributeDefName = The implies
relationship was successfully removed
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.failureRemoveImpliesAttributeDefName = The implies
relationship did not exist

simpleAttributeNameUpdate.successRemoveImpliedByAttributeDefName = The
implied by relationship was successfully removed
simpleAttributeNameUpdate.failureRemoveImpliedByAttributeDefName = The
implied by relationship did not exist

## Groups and roles

simpleGroupUpdate.topIndexGroupUpdate = Groupes / r&ocirc;les /
entit&eacute;s locales

simpleGroupUpdate.topIndexAdminUi = Admin UI

simpleGroupUpdate.title = Grouper UI

simpleGroupUpdate.indexSectionHeader = Groupes / r&ocirc;les / entit&eacute;s
simpleGroupUpdate.topIndexCreateEdit = Cr\u00E9er ou modifier Groupes /
r\u00F4les / entit\u00E9s locales

simpleGroupUpdate.addEditTitle = Grouper UI

simpleGroupUpdate.errorCantEditGroup = Erreur: tapez le texte dans le champ
de recherche et s&eacute;lectionnez un groupe ou un r&ocirc;le pour le

simpleGroupUpdate.errorInsertGroupExists = Erreur: le groupe existe
d&eacute;j&agrave;, modifier le groupe existant au lieu d'en cr&eacute;er un

simpleGroupUpdate.createEditIndexTitle = Cr\u00E9er ou modifier Groupes /
r\u00F4les / entit\u00E9s locales

simpleGroupUpdate.createEditIndexTitleInfodot = Groups are a collection of
groups / roles / local entities / subjects. Roles are a special type of
group which can also hold permissions centrally for applications. Local
entities can represent applications, system account, or anything else that
needs to be a member or have permissions.

simpleGroupUpdate.selectGroupCombohint = Entrez un texte pour trouver un
groupe / r&ocirc;le / entit&eacute; locale

simpleGroupUpdate.filterGroupButton = Modifier un groupe / r\u00F4le /
entit\u00E9 locale

simpleGroupUpdate.newGroupButton = Nouveau groupe / r\u00F4le / entit\u00E9

simpleGroupUpdate.errorNotEnoughChars = Entrez au moins 2 caract&egrave;res

simpleGroupUpdate.errorNoGroupsFound = Aucun r&eacute;sultat
simpleGroupUpdate.errorNoRolesFound = Aucun r&eacute;sultat

simpleGroupUpdate.errorTooManyGroups = Not all results returned, narrow your
simpleGroupUpdate.errorTooManyRoles = Not all results returned, narrow your

simpleGroupUpdate.editSectionEntityHeader = Entit&eacute; locale
simpleGroupUpdate.editSectionGroupHeader = Groupe
simpleGroupUpdate.editSectionRoleHeader = R&ocirc;le
simpleGroupUpdate.editSectionGroupRoleHeader = Groupe / r&ocirc;le /
entit&eacute; locale

simpleGroupUpdate.folder = Dossier
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.folder = Le dossier est l'emplacement d'un

simpleGroupUpdate.selectFolderCombohint = Entrez un texte de recherche pour
trouver un dossier

simpleGroupUpdate.editId = UUID
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.editId= UUID stands for Universal Unique
Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other UUID in this or
any other system. <br /><br />The UUID does not change, and can be used as
an identifier in other systems.

simpleGroupUpdate.extension = ID
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.extension=ID is the unique identifier you
set for this group / role / local entity. <br /><br />The ID must be unique
within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other
systems to refer to this group / role / local entity. <br /><br />The ID
field cannot contain spaces or special characters.

simpleGroupUpdate.displayExtension = Nom
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.displayExtension=Name is the label that
identifies this group / role / local entity, and might change.

simpleGroupUpdate.description = Description
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.description = Description contains notes
about the group / role / local entity, which could include: <br />what the
group represents, why it was created, etc.

simpleGroupUpdate.type = Type
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.type = This could be a Group, Role or
Local entity. A Group is a collection of entities (groups/roles/subjects).
A Role is a Group which can also hold permission information centrally for
the application. A local entity could be a system id, or some other subject
which can be a member or have permissions. = Group = A Group is a collection of
groups / roles / local entities / subjects.
simpleGroupUpdate.type.role = Role
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.type.role = A Role is a Group which can
also hold permission information centrally for the application.
simpleGroupUpdate.type.entity = Local entity
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.type.entity = A local entity could
represent a system ID or an application or something else which can be a
member or have permissions.

simpleGroupUpdate.create.privs-for-all = Donner ces privil&egrave;ges
&agrave; tout le monde
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.create.privs-for-all = Select which
privileges should be public for everyone. This is the same as assigning a
privilege to EveryEntity.

simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelDelete = Supprimer
simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelDeleteConfirm = This will permanently delete the
group/role, all associated memberships, privileges, permissions, etc. Are
you sure you want to delete it?
simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelSubmit = Sauvegarder
simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelCancel = Annuler
simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelPrivileges = Privileges
simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelEditActionHierarchies = Role inheritance

simpleGroupUpdate.errorFolderRequired = Invalid entry: select a folder

simpleGroupUpdate.errorExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input an ID

simpleGroupUpdate.errorDisplayExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input a Name

simpleGroupUpdate.groupSaved=The group [{0}] was successfully saved
simpleGroupUpdate.groupDeleted=The group [{0}] was successfully deleted

simpleGroupUpdate.memberships = Membres

# group update privilege panel
simpleGroupUpdate.unassignedTooltip = This privilege is not assigned to this
simpleGroupUpdate.immediateTooltip = This privilege is immediately assigned
to this entity and can be unassigned
simpleGroupUpdate.effectiveTooltip = This privilege is effectively assigned
to this entity due to a group membership, another privilege e.g. admin, or a
globally assigned privilege, and can be unassigned by removing the subject
from the group, or unassigning the privilege from the group, or removing the
other action, or unassigning the global privilege
simpleGroupUpdate.immediateAndEffectiveTooltip = This privilege is
immediately assigned to this entity and can be unassigned. However this
privilege is also effectively assigned to this entity due to a group
membership, another privilege e.g. admin, or a globally assigned privilege,
and can be completely unassigned by subsequently addressing the effective

simpleGroupUpdate.filterAttributePrivilegeSubject = Add entity to list

simpleGroupUpdate.errorTooManyPrivilegeSubjects=Not all results returned,
narrow your query
simpleGroupUpdate.errorPrivilegeUserSearchNoResults=No results found, change
your search criteria

simpleGroupUpdate.additionalPrivilegeSubjectNotFound=Error: not expected, but
entity not found

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegePanelSubmit = Save
simpleGroupUpdate.privilegePanelCancel = Cancel

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeGrant = Success: Privilege {0} was assigned to
entity: {1}

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeRevoke = Success: Privilege {0} was revoked from
entity: {1}

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeGrantWarn = Warning: Privilege {0} was already
assigned to entity: {1}

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeRevokeWarn = Warning: Privilege {0} was already
revoked from entity: {1}

simpleGroupUpdate.noPrivilegeChangesDetected = Warning: no privilege changes

simpleGroupUpdate.noPrivilegesFound = No privileges found

simpleGroupUpdate.indirectPrivileges = Indirect privileges
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.indirectPrivileges = Indirect privileges
are not assigned directly to the entity, and cannot be directly
unassigned.<br />They are inherited for instance dur to a membership of the
entity in a group, and a privilege granted to the group

simpleGroupUpdate.indirectPrivilegesCheckbox = Show indirect privileges due
to group memberships

simpleGroupUpdate.pagingLabelPrefix = Showing privilege entities:
simpleGroupUpdate.pagingResultPrefix = Result page:

simpleGroupUpdate.pagingAndAdditional = (not including additional entities

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeImageConfirmAllow = Are you sure you want to allow
this privilege to this entity?

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeImageConfirmDeny = Are you sure you want to revoke
this privilege from this entity?

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegesSectionHeader = Group / role privileges
infodot.subtitle.simpleGroupUpdate.privilegesSectionHeader = View and edit
which subjects have privileges to see that a group / role exists, read its
memberships, or administer the group / role.<br />To add privileges to a new
entity, or to view entities which are not shown below, use the 'Add entity to
list' dialog

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeSubject = Add entity to list
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeSubject = Find an entity to add
to the list of entities to view or assign

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeSubjectCombohint = Enter search text to find an
entity to add to the list

simpleGroupUpdate.filterGroupPrivilegeSubject = Add entity to list

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegePanelCancel = Cancel

simpleGroupUpdate.privilegePanelSubmit = Submit

simpleGroupUpdate.entityHeader = Entity
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.entityHeader = Entity is a single thing
which can be a assigned privileges. Generally an entity is a person, but it
could also be a group or resource.

simpleGroupUpdate.errorTooManyPrivilegeSubjects = Not all results returned,
narrow your query

simpleGroupUpdate.errorPrivilegeUserSearchNoResults = No results found,
change your search criteria

simpleGroupUpdate.additionalPrivilegeSubjectNotFound = Error: not expected,
but entity not found

########### role hierarchies

simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelRoleHierarchies = Role inheritance

simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelRoleHierarchyGraphButton = Role inheritance graph

simpleGroupUpdate.roleHierarchiesSectionHeader = Role inheritance
infodot.subtitle.simpleGroupUpdate.roleHierarchiesSectionHeader = Roles with
permissions can imply assignment to other roles with permissions. i.e. if a
role is assigned, then permissions from other roles will be effectively
assigned. For example if a role 'Senior approver' implies role 'Approver',
then assigning an entity to 'Senior approver' will assign all permissions
assigned to 'Senior approver' in addition to effectively assigning all
permissions in 'Approver'

simpleGroupUpdate.roleHierarchyGraphSectionHeader = Role inheritance graph
infodot.subtitle.simpleGroupUpdate.roleHierarchyGraphSectionHeader = Roles
with permissions can imply assignment to other roles with permissions. i.e.
if a role is assigned, then permissions from other roles will be effectively
assigned. For example if a role 'Senior approver' implies role 'Approver',
then assigning an entity to 'Senior approver' will assign all permissions
assigned to 'Senior approver' in addition to effectively assigning all
permissions in 'Approver'. The arrow in this graph means that the Role at
the start of the arrow inherits all the permissions assigned to the Role that
the arrow is pointing to.

simpleGroupUpdate.mustSelectRoleImpliedBy = Invalid entry: select a role that
will be implied by this role.
simpleGroupUpdate.mustSelectRoleToImply = Invalid entry: select a role that
will imply this role.

simpleGroupUpdate.successAddImpliesRole = The implies relationship was
successfully added
simpleGroupUpdate.failureAddImpliesRole = The implies relationship already
simpleGroupUpdate.successAddImpliedByRole = The implied by relationship was
successfully added
simpleGroupUpdate.failureAddImpliedByRole = The implied by relationship
already existed

simpleGroupUpdate.deleteRoleImpliesConfirm = Are you sure you want the break
this implies relationship?
simpleGroupUpdate.deleteRoleImpliesImageAlt = Remove implies relationship
simpleGroupUpdate.successRemoveImpliesRole = The implies relationship was
successfully removed
simpleGroupUpdate.failureRemoveImpliesRole = The implies relationship did not

simpleGroupUpdate.deleteRoleImpliedByConfirm = Are you sure you want the
break this implied by relationship?
simpleGroupUpdate.deleteRoleImpliedByImageAlt = Remove implied by relationship
simpleGroupUpdate.successRemoveImpliedByRole = The implied by relationship
was successfully removed
simpleGroupUpdate.failureRemoveImpliedByRole = The implied by relationship
did not exist

simpleGroupUpdate.hierarchies.rolePath = Role path
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.hierarchies.rolePath = Role path consists
of the name of each enclosing folder plus the role name, separated by colons.

simpleGroupUpdate.editHierarchyChange = Edit inheritance
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.editHierarchyChange = Add a role which is
implied by this or which implies this

simpleGroupUpdate.addRoleThatImplies = Add role that implies

simpleGroupUpdate.addRoleImpliedByThis = Add role implied by

simpleGroupUpdate.selectRoleHierarchyCombohint = Enter search text to find a

simpleGroupUpdate.rolesImply = Roles that imply {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.rolesImply = Roles that when they are
assigned, then it implies an effective permission to this role.

simpleGroupUpdate.immediateRolesImply = Immediate roles that imply {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.immediateRolesImply = Immediate roles that
imply this role are directly assigned and can be unassigned. In other words,
there is not a multi-level inheritance.

simpleGroupUpdate.immediateRolesImpliedBy = Immediate roles implied by {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.immediateRolesImpliedBy = Immediate roles
implied by this role are directly assigned and can be unassigned. In other
words, there is not a multi-level inheritance.

simpleGroupUpdate.rolesImpliedBy = Roles implied by {0}
tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.rolesImpliedBy = Roles that when this role
is assigned, then they are implied as an effective assignment

simpleGroupUpdate.impliesSameRole = The role selected must be different than
the role being edited

################ permission assignments

simplePermissionUpdate.topIndexAssignPermission = View or assign permissions

simplePermissionAssign.assignIndexTitle = View or assign permissions

simplePermissionAssign.assignIndexTitleInfodot = Permissions for external
applications can be stored centrally in Grouper. Use this screen to view,
assign, or unassign permissions or limits on permission assignments. Note
that only enabled limits will display on this screen. You can view disabled
(due to start or end date) limits on the attribute assign screen.

simplePermissionAssign.indexSectionHeader = Filter or assign permissions

simplePermissionAssign.attributeDefinition = Permission definition

simplePermissionAssign.attributeDefinition = Permission definition:
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.attributeDefinition = The definition
part of the permission holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally
permission definitions have multiple permission resources.

simplePermissionAssign.permissionResource = Permission resource:
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.permissionResource = The permission
resource is the part of the permission which is assigned to owner objects.
Generally multiple permission resources are related to one permission

simplePermissionAssign.assignRole = Role:
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignRole = The role is a special
type of Group which can associate members with permissions or allow members
to have individual permissions assigned in the context of the role.

simplePermissionAssign.assignAction = Action:
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignAction = A permission
assignment has multiple parts, the role, or entity (in the context of a
role), the resource, and the action. For example, the role might be Payroll
User, the entity might be John Smith, the resource might be Org123, and the
action might be Read or Write. The permission definition defines which
actions are available for that definition. The list of actions is free-form.
Generally there are not more than a few dozen actions for a permission

simplePermissionAssign.assignMember = Entity:
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignMember = The entity which has
permissions assigned to it

simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterButton = Filter

simplePermissionUpdate.assignAssignments = Permission assignments

simplePermissionUpdate.assignAssignmentPanelSubtitle = Assign new permission

simplePermissionAssign.assignPermissionCancelButton = Cancel

simplePermissionAssign.assignPermissionSubmitButton = Submit

simplePermissionUpdate.assignNoResultsFound = No permission assignments found

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderUuid = Assignment UUID

simplePermissionAssign.assignPermissionButton = New assignment

simplePermissionAssign.assignAllowedLabel = Allowed:
simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderAllowed = Allowed

tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignAllowedLabel = Normally a
permission assignment will be allow. The default is for the permission to
not be allowed. But if you have inheritance, and you want to allow a wider
set, and restrict a part, then disallow here. For example you could allow
All and disallow one part of All.
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderAllowed = Normally a
permission assignment will be allow. The default is for the permission to
not be allowed. But if you have inheritance, and you want to allow a wider
set, and restrict a part, then disallow here. For example you could allow
All and disallow one part of All.

simplePermissionAssign.assignHeaderScore = Assignment rank
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignHeaderScore = Assignment rank
is an ordering of more important permissions assignments to less important
permissions assignments. Rows with a lower rank are more important.

simplePermissionAssign.whyRankNotOne = Rank reason
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.whyRankNotOne = If there are more
than one row, then the first row has the highest rank for a reason. This
column explains why the first row is ranked higher than this row.

simplePermissionAssign.analyzeIsBetterThan = is ranked higher than

simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.personRole = an assignment assigned
directly to a subject
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.role.0 = a direct assignment to a role
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.role = an inherited assignment to a role
with depth {0}
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.assignedToUserNotGroup = an assignment to
a non-group subject
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.resource.0 = a direct assignment to a
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.resource = an inherited assignment to a
resource with depth {0}
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.action.0 = a direct action
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.action = an inherited action with depth {0}
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.allow = an allow
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.disallow = a disallow
simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.same = the two assignments are equivalent

simplePermissionAssign.assignAllowedAllow = Allow

simplePermissionAssign.assignAllowedDisallow = Disallow

simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorRoleRequired = Error: owner role is required

simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorMembershipRequired = Error: entity is not a
member of the role. Please select an entity from the combo box

simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorEntityRequired = Error: owner entity is

simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickRole = Error: select a role from the
combo box

simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickPermissionDefinition = Error: select a
permission definition from the combo box

simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickSubject = Error: select an entity from
the combo box

simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickPermissionResource = Error: select a
permission resource from the combo box

simplePermissionUpdate.assignSuccess = Success: the permission was assigned

simplePermissionUpdate.errorAssignedAlready = Error: the permission already
exists and cannot be assigned twice. If you want to change the assignment,
first unassign the current assignment, then reassign

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerRole = Role

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerMember = Entity

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderPermissionResource = Resource

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderActions = Actions

simplePermissionUpdate.errorNotEnoughChars = Enter 2 or more characters

simplePermissionUpdate.errorNoRolesFound = No results found

simplePermissionUpdate.errorTooManyRoles = Not all results returned, narrow
your query

simplePermissionUpdate.errorNoAttributeDefsFound = No results found

simplePermissionUpdate.errorTooManyAttributeDefs = Not all results returned,
narrow your query

simplePermissionUpdate.errorTooManySubjects = Too many entities, narrow your

simplePermissionUpdate.errorNoSubjectResults = No results found

simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantFindAttributeDef = Error: Cannot find
permission definition, please type in search text and select a result from
the drop down

simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantFindAttributeDefName = Error: Cannot find
permission resource, please type in search text and select a result from the
drop down

simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantFilterByActionWithNoDefOrName = Error: To
filter by action, select a permission definition or permission resource

simplePermissionUpdate.errorNoPermissionResourcesFound = No results found

simplePermissionUpdate.errorTooManyPermissionResources = Not all results
returned, narrow your query

simplePermissionAssign.ownerType = Permission type:
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.ownerType = Permissions can be
assigned to a role. To view / edit role permissions, select Role. Entities
can have roles, or permissions can be assigned to entities directly in the
context of a role. To view / edit permissions associated with entities,
select Entity.

simplePermissionAssign.ownerTypeRole = Role
simplePermissionAssign.ownerTypeEntity = Entity

simplePermissionAssign.requiredOwnerType = Owner type is required

simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickSubjectForRoleSubject = The Owner Type
selected is Entity. The Owner Entity is required, select a result from the
Owner Entity combo box. To assign a permission to all entities in the Role,
select the Owner Type of Role.

simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickAction = Select an Action from the
combo box

simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabled = Enabled / disabled:

simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueEnabled = Enabled only

simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueDisabled = Disabled

simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueAll = All

simplePermissionAssign.unassignedTooltip = This permission is not allowed
simplePermissionAssign.immediateTooltip = This permission is immediately
assigned and can be unassigned
simplePermissionAssign.effectiveTooltip = This permission is effectively
assigned due to a group membership, a role assignment, role inheritance,
action inheritance, or resource inheritance. This can be unassigned by
removing the subject from the group, or unassignment the root permission
assignment that this assignment inherits from
simplePermissionAssign.immediateAndEffectiveTooltip = This permission is
immediately assigned and can be unassigned. However this permission is also
effectively assigned due to a group membership, a role assignment, role
inheritance, action inheritance, or resource inheritance. It can be
completely unassigned by subsequently addressing the effective permission

simplePermissionUpdate.permissionImageConfirmDeny = Are you sure you want to
allow this permission?
simplePermissionUpdate.permissionImageConfirmAllow = Are you sure you want to
revoke the assignment of this permission?

simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantManageRole = Error: you are not allowed to
edit permissions for this role

simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDef = Error: you are not allowed
to assign this permission definition

simplePermissionUpdate.permissionAllowRole = Success: Role: {0} can now
perform action: {1} on permission resource: {2}

simplePermissionUpdate.permissionRevokeRole = Success: Role: {0} is no longer
assigned action: {1} on permission resource: {2}

simplePermissionUpdate.permissionAllowRoleSubject = Success: Subject: {0} can
now perform action: {1} on permission resource: {2} in the context of role:

simplePermissionUpdate.permissionRevokeRoleSubject = Success: Subject: {0} is
no longer assigned action: {1} on permission resource: {2} in the context of
role: {3}

simplePermissionUpdate.permissionPanelSubmitButton = Submit
simplePermissionUpdate.permissionPanelCancelButton = Cancel

simplePermissionUpdate.noPermissionChangesDetected = Warning: no permission
changes detected

contextOptionsAlt = Options

simplePermissionAssign.editAssignment = Edit assignment

simplePermissionAssign.editAssignmentTooltip = Edit the enabled and disabled
dates for this assignment

simplePermissionAssign.addLimit = Add limit

simplePermissionAssign.addLimitTooltip = Add a limit to this assignment.
Note you can only do this for an immediate allow permission assignment.

simplePermissionUpdate.noImmediatePermissionFound = No immediate permission
assignment found

simplePermissionUpdate.noImmediatePermissionFoundForLimit = A limit can only
be assigned to an immediate permission assignment allow, and the selected
permission is not immediate or is disallowed

simplePermissionAssign.assignEditSubtitle = Edit permission assignment

simplePermissionAssign.assignEditSubtitleInfodot = Edit permission assignment
to assign enabled or disabled dates

simplePermissionAssign.assignEditId = Permission assignment UUID

simplePermissionAssign.assignEditCancelButton = Cancel

simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditSuccess = Success: your changes were saved

simplePermissionUpdate.editAssignmentAlt = Edit assignment details

simplePermissionAssign.assignEditSubmitButton = Submit

simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditDisabledDate = End permission assignment on

simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditEnabledDate = Start permission assignment on

simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditEnabledDisabledDateMask = (yyyy/mm/dd)

simplePermissionUpdate.assignEnabled = enabled

tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.assignEnabled = This permission
assignment is enabled based on the enabled and disabled dates

simplePermissionUpdate.assignDisabled = disabled

tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.assignDisabled = This attribute
assignment is disabled based on the enabled and disabled dates

permissionUpdateRequestContainer.permissionType = Permission type

permissionUpdateRequestContainer.permissionType.role = Role
permissionUpdateRequestContainer.permissionType.role_subject = Entity

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderRoleName = Role

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderEntity = Entity

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderResource = Permission resource

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderPermissionDefinition = Permission

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderDefinition = Permission definition

simplePermissionAssign.assignEditId = UUID

simplePermissionAssign.assignMenuAnalyzeAssignment = Analyze result

simplePermissionAssign.assignMenuAnalyzeAssignmentTooltip = The result of the
permission is ALLOW or NOT ALLOWED. This item will show the underlying
permission assignments that could affect the decision for this combination of
Role, Entity, Action, Resource.

simplePermissionUpdate.analyzeNoPermissionFound = No permissions affect this
result, the default result is NOT ALLOWED

simplePermissionAssign.analyzeSubtitle = Analyze permission result

simplePermissionAssign.analyzeSubtitleInfodot = The overall result of whether
a role or a subject in a role can perform an action on a resource could
depend on many permission assignments which imply other permissions. This
screen shows the relevant assignments and which assignment is responsible for
the result.

simplePermissionAssign.analyzeOkButton = OK

simplePermissionUpdate.analyzeResult = Permission result

simplePermissionAssign.analyzeRelevantAssignmentsSubtitle = Relevant

simplePermissionAssign.analyzeRelevantAssignmentsSubtitleInfodot = These are
the assignments which can affect the overall result. For instance, each row
could be an assignment of a resource that implies this resource, or actions,
or role inheritance, or group memberships.

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerUuid = UUID

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderAction = Action

simplePermissionAssign.analyzeRelevantAssignmentsSubtitle = Result reason

simplePermissionAssign.analyzeRelevantAssignmentsSubtitleInfodot = This
explains why the relevant assignments cause the result

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerUuid = UUID

permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeImmediateAssignment = Direct
permission assignment to a subject in a role

permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeSubjectRoleAssignmentImmediate =
There is a direct permission assigned to the subject in the role, and it
takes precendence over other assignments
permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeSubjectRoleAssignmentResource = There
is an indirect permission assigned to the subject in the role, and the
assignment is for a permission resource which implies this permission
resource, and that assignment takes precendence over other assignments
permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeSubjectRoleAssignmentAction = There
is an indirect permission assigned to the subject in the role, and the
assignment is for an action which implies this action, and that assignment
takes precendence over other assignments
permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeSubjectRoleAssignmentNone = There are
no direct or indirect permission assignments to the subject in the role

simplePermissionAssign.limitSimulationButton = Simulate limits

simplePermissionAssign.limitProcessor = Permission processor
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.limitProcessor = None will show all
permissions without taking into acccount limits. Process Limits will use the
environment variables in the filter form to simulate a permissions query.
This might cause some allows to become disallows.

simplePermissionAssign.limitDropDownNone = None
simplePermissionAssign.limitDropDownProcessLimits = Process limits

simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariables = Limit environment variables
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariables = If you
are processing limits, then you probably need to pass in some environment
variables similar to how the system using the permissions will pass them in
at run-time. You need to use the variable names required by the limits used.

simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableName = Environment variable
simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableValue = Environment variable
simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableType = Type

simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeString = Text
simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeInteger = Whole number
simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeDecimal = Decimal
simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeTimestamp = Timestamp
simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeBoolean = True or False
simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeNull = Null
simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeEmpty = Empty text

simplePermissionAssign.moreLimitEnvVars = More...

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPanelSubtitle = Add limit to permission
simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPanelSubtitleInfodot = A permission limit is a
runtime check which probably involves data from the querying application.
For example, you could limit a permission to be during business hours.

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitRole = Permission role
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitRole = This is the role
involved in the permission assignment. If it is a role assignment, this is
the role. If it is a subject assignment, then this is the role that the
assignment is in the context of.

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitSubject = Permission subject
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitSubject = This is the subject
involved in the permission assignment. If it is a role assignment, this will
not display.

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPermissionName = Permission name
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPermissionName = This is the
permission name in the permission assignment.

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPermissionAction = Permission action
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPermissionAction = This is
part of the permission assignment: there is a subject/role, an action, and a
resource. For example, John Smith can read data from the Arts and Sciences
school In this case, the subject is John Smith, the action is read, and the
resource is Arts and Sciences

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitName = Limit name
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitName = This is the attribute
name of the limit to add. Only limits which are allowed to be assigned will
show in the results. Type in the combobox to see the results.

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitDefinition = Limit definition
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitDefinition = The limit
definition narrows down the search results for the permission limits. This
is optional, you can also just search for all permission limits.

simplePermissionAssign.addLimitValue = Limit value
tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.addLimitValue = If the limit is a
marker attribute, then you cannot enter a value. Most limits are single
values and you can enter it here. You need to know the type of attribute
(text, whole number, decimal, timestamp, etc) so the value will save
correctly. Note you can add/edit/delete the value on permissions filter
screen as well.

simplePermissionAssign.addLimitCancelButton = Cancel
simplePermissionAssign.addLimitSubmitButton = Submit

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitSuccess = Success: the limit was assigned

simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantEditLimit = Error: cannot edit the limit

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitAlreadyAssigned = Error: the limit was already
assigned is not multi-assignable

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitValueSuccess = Success: the limit value was
assigned successfully

simplePermissionUpdate.errorLimitNameIsRequired = Error: limit name is
required, type in a search string and pick a limit from the results

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitValueError = Error: problem assigning limit
value to the limit. Maybe it is not the right type.

simplePermissionUpdate.limitDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete
this limit?

simplePermissionUpdate.deleteLimitAlt = Delete limit

simplePermissionUpdate.deleteLimitSuccessMessage = Success: the limit was
successfully deleted

simplePermissionUpdate.limitLabel = Limit

simplePermissionUpdate.limitActions = Actions:
simplePermissionUpdate.limitAction = Action:

simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueLabel = Value:

simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToLabel = Assigned to
simplePermissionUpdate.limitRoleTypeLabel = Role limit:
simplePermissionUpdate.limitMembershipTypeLabel = Membership limit:
simplePermissionUpdate.limitPermisssionTypeLabel = Permission assignment
simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToRoleLabel = Role:
simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToEntityLabel = Entity:
simplePermissionUpdate.limitIdLabel = Limit UUID:
simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToPermissionActionLabel = Action:
simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToPermissionNameLabel = Permission name:

simplePermissionUpdate.editLimitAlt = Edit limit

simplePermissionAssign.limitEditSubtitle = Edit limit assignment

simplePermissionAssign.limitEditSubtitleInfodot = Edit limit assignment to
assign enabled or disabled dates

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerRole = Permission role

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerRoleMembership = Permission role

simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderPermissionName = Permission name

simplePermissionAssign.limitEditId = Permission assignment UUID

simplePermissionAssign.limitAction = Action

simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditEnabledDate = Start permission on date

simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditDisabledDate = End permission on date

simplePermissionUpdate.limitEditEnabledDate = Start limit on date

simplePermissionUpdate.limitEditDisabledDate = End limit on date

simplePermissionAssign.limitEditCancelButton = Cancel

simplePermissionAssign.limitEditSubmitButton = Submit

simplePermissionAssign.editLimitNotAllowed = You are not allowed to edit the

simplePermissionUpdate.editLimitSuccess = Success: your changes were saved

simplePermissionAssign.limitName = Limit name

simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuAddValue = Add value
simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuAddValueTooltip = Add a value to this

simplePermissionAssign.limitAddValueSubtitle = Add value to attribute
simplePermissionAssign.limitAddValueSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment
can have one or more values associated with it. Add a value to the assignment

simplePermissionAssign.limitAddValueCancelButton = Cancel

simplePermissionAssign.limitAddValueSubmitButton = Submit

simplePermissionUpdate.limitAddValue = Value to add

simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitValueRequired = Enter a value to add

simplePermissionUpdate.limitAddValueSuccess = Success: the limit value was

simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to
delete this limit value?

simplePermissionUpdate.limitDeleteValueAlt = Delete the limit value

simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueSuccessDelete = Success: the limit value was

simplePermissionUpdate.editLimitValueAssignmentAlt = Edit the attribute
assignment value

simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditSubtitle = Edit the attribute assignment
simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment
can have one or more values associated with it. Edit this value to the

simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEdit = Value to edit

simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditId = Value UUID

simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditCancelButton = Cancel

simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditSubmitButton = Submit

simplePermissionUpdate.editLimitValueRequired = Enter a value to edit

simplePermissionUpdate.limitEditValueSuccess = Success: the attribute
assignment value was saved

simplePermissionUpdate.noLimitDocumentationConfigured = No documentation
configured for this limit

simplePermissionUpdate.limitDocumentation = Documentation of limits

tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.limitDocumentation = Documentation of
limits which are applicable to the permission filter. Only limits shown
above are documented here.

grouperPermissionExpressionLanguage.doc = <span style="white-space:
nowrap">The expression limit allows a value which is an expression language
script.<br />Note: the caller needs to be configured to process the amount or
labels etc.<br />e.g. check that an amount is less than 50000: amount <
50000<br />e.g. check that an amount is less than 30000 and authentication is
two factor or certificate: amount < 30000 &amp;&amp;
limitElUtils.labelsContain(authnAttributes, 'twoFactor, certificate')<br
/>e.g. check the time is between 9am and 5pm: hourOfDay >= 9 &amp;&amp;
hourOfDay <= 17<br />e.g. check that the user's IP address is on a certain
network: limitElUtils.ipOnNetwork(ipAddress, '', 24)<br />e.g. check
that the user's IP address is on certain networks:
limitElUtils.ipOnNetworks(ipAddress, ',')<br />e.g.
check that the user's IP address is on a configured network (note, these are
the configured network realms: {0}): limitElUtils.ipOnNetworkRealm(ipAddress,

grouperPermissionAmountLessThan.doc = This limit checks that the environment
variable 'amount' is less than a certain value. The value must be a whole
number without commas. Note that the application checking permissions needs
to configure an environment variable named 'amount' which has a whole number

grouperPermissionAmountLessThanEquals.doc = This limit checks that the
environment variable 'amount' is less than or equal to a certain value. The
value must be a whole number without commas. Note that the application
checking permissions needs to configure an environment variable named
'amount' which has a whole number type

grouperPermissionIpOnNetworks.doc = This limit checks that the environment
variable 'ipAddress' is on any of the specified networks. The value must be
a comma separated list of CIDR notation networks, e.g.,
This example means that the IP address on the network with a 24 bit
mask, or any host on the network with a 16 bit mask. Note that the
application checking permissions needs to configure an environment variable
named 'ipAddress' which has an IPv4 ip address, e.g.

grouperPermissionIpOnNetworkRealm.doc = This limit checks that the
environment variable 'ipAddress' is on any of the configured networks. The
value must be one of the following values: {0}. Note that the application
checking permissions needs to configure an environment variable named
'ipAddress' which has an IPv4 ip address, e.g.

grouperPermissionWeekday9to5.doc = This limit checks that the time is between
9am and 5pm and that the day is Monday through Friday. If the application
checking permissions does not pass in the hourOfDay environment variable,
then the time used will be the time of the Grouper server.

grouperPermissionLabelsContain.doc = This limit checks that a comma separated
list of text labels sent by the calling application contains one of the
configured comma separated labels. For example, if the calling application
passes in the labels environment variable with the values: authenticated,
twoFactor. And the configured labels in this limit are: twoFactor,
certificate, then it would be allowed.

simplePermissionUpdate.limitNameHelpButtonAlt = Documentation of limits

simplePermissionUpdate.limitTypeProblemInt = Whole number is expected
simplePermissionUpdate.limitTypeProblemDate = Date is expected in the format:
yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss
simplePermissionUpdate.limitTypeProblemDecimal = Decimal is expected

grouperPermissionInvalidIpNetworks = The network specification is a comma
separated list of CIDR notated networks, e.g., Note
that a /32 is a single IP Address.

grouperPermissionIpOnNetworks.required = The network is required

grouperPermissionIpOnNetworkRealm.required = The network realm is required.
It must be one of the following values: {0}.

grouperPermissionInvalidIpNetworkRealm = The network realm must be one of the
following values: {0}.

## Directed graph text

directedGraph.radialLayoutToggle = Radial layout toggle
directedGraph.collapseSelectedNode = Collapse selected node
directedGraph.expandSelectedNode = Expand selected node
directedGraph.zoom = Zoom
directedGraph.switchToSelectingMode = Switch to selecting mode
directedGraph.switchToTransformingMode = Switch to transforming mode

## Main menu

mainMenu.liteLink = Menu lite UI = Menu Principal
miscMenu.index = Accueil lite UI
miscMenu.indexTooltip = Lite UI est une interface graphique qui permet de
cr\u00E9er, g\u00E9rer et modifier des groupes.

miscMenu.admin = Accueil Admin UI
miscMenu.adminTooltip = Admin UI est une interface graphique qui permet
d'utiliser toutes les fonctionnalit\u00E9s de Grouper.

miscMenu.groupsAndRoles = Groupes / r\u00F4les / entit\u00E9s locales
miscMenu.groupsAndRolesTooltip = Groupes / r\u00F4les / entit\u00E9s locales
permet la cr\u00E9ation, mise \u00E0 jour et suppression de groupes.

miscMenu.groupMemberships = Membres de groupe
miscMenu.groupMembershipsTooltip = Voir ou agir sur les membres d'un groupe.
Vous pouvez ajouter ou supprimer de membres individuellement, ou

miscMenu.attributesAndPermissions = Attributs et permissions
miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsTooltip = View or edit the new attribute
framework or centrally managed permissions.

miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsCreateEdit = Cr\u00E9er ou modifier des
d\u00E9finitions d'attributs
miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsCreateEditTooltip = Create or edit attribute
or permission definitions. Manage privileges (e.g. who can view the
privileges), manage permission actions, action inheritance, etc.

miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsCreateEditNames = Cr\u00E9er ou modifier des
noms d'attributs
miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsCreateEditNamesTooltip = Create or edit
attribute or permission names. Attribute or permission names are the objects
that are assigned to the attribute owners or the permission role or subject.
Manage permission resource inheritance, etc.

miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsAssign = Voir ou assigner des attributs
miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsAssignTooltip = View attribute assignments
or assign or unassign attributes.

miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsPermAssign = Voir ou assigner des permissions
miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsPermAssignTooltip = View centrally managed
permission assignments or assign or unassign permissions. Analyze
permissions, assign limits, etc

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