grouper-users - Re: [grouper-users] Question about LDAP to Grouper provisioning
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- From: Tom Zeller <>
- To: "Bryan E. Wooten" <>
- Cc: "" <>
- Subject: Re: [grouper-users] Question about LDAP to Grouper provisioning
- Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2013 14:27:49 -0500
- Authentication-results:; dkim=pass (signature verified)
> Of course this assumes that the PSP can in fact both provision to and from
> AD. Is this true?
Bi-directional provisioning in a single configuration is something I
have not attempted, nor claim to support, but in theory the ordering
of the elements in psp.xml should allow you to do so.
> And last question. Provision from Grouper to AD is kicked off either at the
> gsh command prompt (loaderRunOneJob, gsh –psp –sync <id>) or using the
> Quartz timer in the Grouper loader. What command or setting kicks off
> ad-to-grouper provisioning? There is no change log to run against for AD
> changes.
Nothing shipped with the psp. Tailing an ldif audit log is old school,
not sure if AD has that.
- [grouper-users] Question about LDAP to Grouper provisioning, Bryan E. Wooten, 03/28/2013
- Re: [grouper-users] Question about LDAP to Grouper provisioning, Tom Zeller, 03/30/2013
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