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grouper-dev - Re: [grouper-dev] Grouper design call, Wednesday, 6 January 2010, 1200EST (1700Z)

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Re: [grouper-dev] Grouper design call, Wednesday, 6 January 2010, 1200EST (1700Z)

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "GW Brown, Information Systems and Computing" <>
  • To: Tom Barton <>, Grouper Dev <>
  • Subject: Re: [grouper-dev] Grouper design call, Wednesday, 6 January 2010, 1200EST (1700Z)
  • Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 11:15:57 +0000

--On 05 January 2010 21:04 -0600 Tom Barton

3. decide on new xml import/export args and options
For reference I've attached the current gsh commands and properties.


GW Brown, Information Systems and Computing

Export the Groups Registry to XML

gsh -xmlexport
args: -h,            Prints this message
args: subjectIdentifier
      [-userAuditFilename ] [-userAuditOnly]
      [(-id ] | [-name )] [-relative]
      [-includeParent] [-childrenOnly] fileName [properties]
e.g.  gsh -xmlexport -userAuditFilename f:/temp/prodAudit.xml GrouperSystem f:/temp/prod.xml

  subjectIdentifier, Identifies a Subject 'who' will create a
  -userAuditFilename,The file name where user audits should go
  -id,               The UUID of a Group or Stem to export
  -name,             The name of a Group or Stem to export
  -relative,         If id or name specified do not export parent
  -includeParent,    If id or name identifies a Group and -relative
                     is selected, export the Group and its
                     parent Stem
  -childrenOnly,     If id or name identifies a Stem and -relative
                     is selected, export child Stems and Groups,
                     but not the stem itself
  filename,          The file where exported data will be written.
                     Will overwrite existing files
  properties,        The name of an optional Java properties file.
                     Values specified in this properties file will
                     override the default export behavior.

The export process is configured using the follow properties.

Key Values Default Value Description
export.metadata true/false true If true Group type and field information as well as Subject sources will be exported. true/false true If true data will be exported.
export.privs.naming true/false true If true naming privileges will be exported along with Stems.
export.privs.access true/false true If true access privileges will be exported along with Groups.
export.privs.immediate-only true/false false If true only directly granted privileges will be exported. true/false true If true group memberships are exported. true/false true If true only immediate group memberships will be exported. true/false true If true custom list attributes will be exported. true/false true If true only immediate list members will be exported.
export.uuids true/false true If true group and stem uuids will be exported true/false true If true system-maintained Group attributes (eg. modifyDate) will be exported. true/false true If true custom attributes will be exported.
export.stem.internal-attributes true/false true If true system-maintained Stem attributes (eg. modifyDate) will be exported.
export.privs.for-parents true/false false If true and only exporting a partial hierarchy then privileges for parent stems will be exported. true/false false If true and there is a problem resolving a subject attribute abort.
export.subject-attributes.source.<source name>.<subject type> Space separated list of attribute names ? Specifices any attributes that should be exported with a Subject given the specified Source and Subject Type.
export.subject-attributes.source.<source name> Space separated list of attribute names ? Specifies any attributes that should be exported with a Subject given the specified Source.
export.subject-attributes.type.<subject type> Space separated list of attribute names ? Specifies any attributes that should be exported with a Subject given the Subject Type.

Import the Groups Registry from XML

gsh -xmlimport
args: -h,            Prints this message
args: subjectIdentifier
      [-userAuditFilename ] [-userAuditOnly]
      [(-id  | -name  | -list)]
      [-ignoreInternal] [-noprompt] filename [properties]
e.g.  gsh -xmlimport -userAuditFilename f:/temp/prodAudit.xml GrouperSystem f:/temp/prod.xml

  subjectIdentifier, Identifies a Subject 'who' will create a
  -id,               The Uuid of a Stem, into which, data will be
  -name,             The name of a Stem, into which, data will be
                     imported.  If no -id / -name is specified,
                     use=ROOT stem.
  -list,             File contains a flat list of Stems or Groups
                     which may be updated. Missing Stems and Groups
                     are not created
  -ignoreInternal,   Do not attempt to import internal attributes
                     including Group/Stem uuids. Overrides property:
  -noprompt,         Do not prompt user to confirm the database that
                     will be updated
  filename,          The file to import
  properties,        The name of an optional Java properties file.
                     Values specified in this properties file will
                     override the default import behavior.


The import process is configured through the following properties.

Key Values Default Description true/false true If true create custom group types when importing. true/false true If true create custom fields when importing. true/false false If true, do not attempt to set internal attributes or Group/Stem uuids true/false true If true custom group types are applied to pre-existing groups when importing. true/false true If true overwrite attributes on pre-existing groups when importing. true/false false If true, and the import file references a subject which cannot be resolved abort the import, otherwise, log the problem and continue. ignore/replace/add replace Determines whether membership lists are ignored, replaced or appended to pre-existing memberships when importing. ignore/replace/add add Determines whether privileges are ignored, replaced or appended to pre-existing privileges when importing.

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