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grouper-dev - grouper-qs build failure

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grouper-qs build failure

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "RL 'Bob' Morgan" <>
  • To: Grouper Dev <>
  • Subject: grouper-qs build failure
  • Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 14:45:44 -0700 (PDT)

Steps I took:

(1) unpack grouper-qs in /usr/local/pkg/grouper/

(2) put user info into tomcat-users.xml as doc indicates

(3) restart tomcat

(4) edit grouper-qs/grouper-ui/, only modifying the line


(5) change to grouper-qs, run "ant ui", select "default", get output below indicating it can't find grouper/dist/lib/Grouper.jar .

I also tried this with an unmodified, selecting "war" as the target, with the same result.

Oh, also, I had added catalina-ant.jar to ant/lib during some previous fiddling.

- RL "Bob"


# ant ui
Buildfile: build.xml



[echo] Please ensure you have read the documentation -
[echo] and created a file based on the template provided

[echo] The following targets are available - type the appropriate name:

[echo] 1) default
[echo] Simply builds, without cleaning, to the default.webapp.folder
[echo] 2) nice
[echo] Attempts to stop the Tomcat webapp before building.
[echo] Attempts to start the webappp afterwards
[echo] 3) clean
[echo] Always removes the webapp.class.folder. May remove the
[echo] webapp.folder if webapp.folder.cleanable=true
[echo] On Windows this may fail as Windows tends to lock files
[echo] 4) niceclean
[echo] Combination of nice and clean
[echo] 5) dist
[echo] Cleans and then builds to subfolder of dist.home
[echo] 6) war
[echo] Does dist and then makes a WAR file
[echo] 7) resources
[echo] Does not compile Java classes but 'refreshes' resources in
[echo] webapp.class.folder
[echo] 8) help
[echo] Displays this menu
[echo] 9) endhelp
[echo] Subsequent invocation of ant with no target will run
[echo] 'default' rather than help
[echo] 10) starthelp
[echo] Subsequent invocation of ant with no target will run 'help'
[echo] 11) html
[echo] Generate Javadoc - you must have done a 'default' build previously
[echo] 12) exit
[echo] Exit this menu without executing another target

[input] Make your choice (exit)>
[propertyfile] Creating new property file: /usr/local/pkg/grouper/grouper-qs/grouper-ui/



[echo] In setup - do.clean = ${do.clean} cleanable=true




[echo] In resources - Build folder = /usr/local/pkg/grouper/grouper-qs/grouper-ui/../build/grouper

/usr/local/pkg/grouper/grouper-qs/build.xml:44: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/local/pkg/grouper/grouper-qs/grouper-ui/build.xml:35: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/local/pkg/grouper/grouper-qs/grouper-ui/build.xml:538: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/local/pkg/grouper/grouper-qs/grouper-ui/build.xml:51: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/local/pkg/grouper/grouper-qs/grouper-ui/build.xml:449: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/usr/local/pkg/grouper/grouper-qs/grouper-ui/build.xml:136: ../grouper/dist/lib/Grouper.jar does not exist. You must build and configure Grouper before running this script

Total time: 13 seconds

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