comanage-dev - Re: [comanage-dev] next F2F?
Subject: COmanage Developers List
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- From: Heather Flanagan <>
- To:
- Subject: Re: [comanage-dev] next F2F?
- Date: Wed, 08 May 2013 09:56:09 +0100
- Authentication-results:; dkim=pass (signature verified)
On 5/8/13 12:31 AM, Benn Oshrin wrote:
> On 5/7/13 6:13 PM, Scott Koranda wrote:
>> So we talked about having a F2F in Milwaukee the week of June 10.
>> Since Marie is leaving for a 3 week vacation, if she is going to buy a
>> reasonably priced ticket she
>> has to do it before COB on Friday.
>> Do we think we want to pull the trigger on a F2F that week?
> Heather may or may not be available, but do we think there is a win in
> having a (say) 2 day dev f2f? If so, I'd prefer something around 6/12 -
> 6/14.
Looking like probably not, since my trip to the Netherlands is going to
be extended by several days (come home June 11). But I could dial in
for the sprint part of the show.
- [comanage-dev] next F2F?, Scott Koranda, 05/07/2013
- Re: [comanage-dev] next F2F?, Benn Oshrin, 05/07/2013
- Re: [comanage-dev] next F2F?, Heather Flanagan, 05/08/2013
- Re: [comanage-dev] next F2F?, Benn Oshrin, 05/08/2013
- Re: [comanage-dev] next F2F?, Scott Koranda, 05/09/2013
- Re: [comanage-dev] next F2F?, Benn Oshrin, 05/07/2013
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