comanage-dev - [comanage-dev] apology regarding call today
Subject: COmanage Developers List
List archive
- From: Scott Koranda <>
- To: comanage-dev <>
- Subject: [comanage-dev] apology regarding call today
- Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 09:25:25 -0600
I apologize but something has come up and I need to miss the
call I asked to schedule today at 12:00 EST.
The focus of the call was going to be on getting ready for the
LIGO demo at the F2F.
I will attempt to schedule again or/and ask that this be an
agenda item for Friday's dev call.
Again, my apologies.
- [comanage-dev] apology regarding call today, Scott Koranda, 11/12/2012
- Re: [comanage-dev] apology regarding call today, Benn Oshrin, 11/12/2012
- Re: [comanage-dev] apology regarding call today, Scott Koranda, 11/12/2012
- Re: [comanage-dev] apology regarding call today, Benn Oshrin, 11/12/2012
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