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comanage-dev - Re: [comanage-dev] on COs, COUs, and groups

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Re: [comanage-dev] on COs, COUs, and groups

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Benn Oshrin <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [comanage-dev] on COs, COUs, and groups
  • Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2012 10:56:34 -0400

My first thought is that LIGO Identity Management would be a fourth CO, with members enrolled from the other COs. This would preserve groups as being attached to COs.

Another option would be to explore federated group memberships across COs.

I think we should enforce the notion of the CMP enabling multi-tenancy (ie: multiple unrelated entities/COs/VOs hosted on the same platform), and allowing CMP-rooted groups would violate that design. (The only data that can be rooted at the CMP right now are org identities, and only if configured as such, and only because they're not really data that belongs to the CMP or the COs in the first place.)

Hmm, we should capture "CMP = multi-tenant" somewhere... that'll resonate with systems-oriented people.


On 4/3/12 10:47 AM, Scott Koranda wrote:

We had been thinking of a CO and COU structure like this:

CO: LIGO Laboratory
COU: Caltech

CO: LIGO Laboratory Collaborators
COU: Theory
COU: Experiment
COU: Cardiff
COU: UW-Milwaukee
COU: Syracuse

CO: Virgo

We need, however, some groups to have members across all COs
and COUs. A good example is the LIGO Identity Managment
Project. It has members from at least 2 different COs and
multiple COUs.

Right now the data model assumes a group is rooted in a CO. Is
that correct for all use cases?

Do we need a CMP wide option on whether groups must be
"rooted" (and hence only visible) to a CO?


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