Draft Minutes: COmanage Call: 13-May-2011
Heather Flanagan, Internet2 (chair) Steven Carmody, Brown Tom Barton, U. Chicago Keith Hazelton, University of Wisconsin-Madison RL “Bob” Morgan, U. Washington Dan Pritts, Internet2 Benn Oshrin, Internet2 Steve Olshansky, Internet2 Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)
New Action Items
[AI] (Keith) will check with Project Bamboo concerning IRODS connection.
[AI] (RL "Bob") will initiate a GSS / SAML / LDAP discussion with Scott Cantor.
[AI] (Keith) will send a pointer to OpenSearch information
Carry Over Action Items
[AI] (Ken) will provide a link to the French listing regarding applications and sets/bundles of attributes.
[AI] (Ken) will contact David Groep about VOMS GUMS.
[AI] (Steven) will develop a one-page write-up on attribute aggregation.
List Names, Charters, and Project Org Structure
Heather reported that after discussions with stakeholders, it was decided:
- There is currently no need for a new oversight / advisory group for COmanage
- The existing COmanage-dev group should be renamed to COmanage TAC
- In the future, if there are multiple developers, the name COmanage-dev could be used again.
- "COmanage Gears" will be called "COmanage Registry." That is the name that has picked up traction anyhow.
iRODS/Shib call
- A recent call instigated by iPlant was useful in clarifying issues related to iRODS work
- iPlant plans to allocate some of the SDCI sub-award to fund iRODS to become Shibboleth enabled.
- Representatives from the iRODS program at UNC were on the call, and they had a good technical understanding
- The UNC group will look at writing policy in the iRODS policy engine to take advantage of SAML-delivered attributes
- In the longer term, the work ScottC has done as part of Project Moonshot could be helpful
- GSS is promising in solving the challenges the iRODS people are working on
- The Moonshot work connects GSS with Radius and EAP
- There is also a SAML, non-Radius approach
- If we want to reuse SAML infrastructure for this purpose, we need to make the resources available. JANET devoted resources to the Moonshot work, and JoshH has assembled a team with a broad set of skills.
- In the draft document, ( http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cantor-ietf-kitten-saml-ec-01GSS ) is the last mile to client, but there is SAML ECP architecture upstream
- On the iRODS call, there was some discussion of SP native attribute aggregation
- Some of the attributes relevant here are iRODS managed
- The attribute aggregation approach can imply a lower level of privacy
- IRODS has been deployed w Kerberos support
- JimL noted that storage grids use a server to server approach, using protocols other than HTTP
- It is likely that in the future a lot of repositories will be based on IRODS
- DuraSpace will make iRODS an option
- Could be important to include file sharing inside of the COmanage framework
[AI] (Keith) will check with Project Bamboo concerning IRODS connection.
[AI] (RL "Bob") will initiate a GSS / SAML / LDAP discussion with Scott Cantor.
- Steven reported that Tom Mitchell is working towards the July demo.
- This involves building a portal showing someone authenticating on the inbound side with SAML, and then being able to interact with GENI components on the backend via the portal
- The portal would have something like a CILogon functionality and map incoming SAML assertions to certificates
Project Bamboo
- Keith stated that the UK Bamboo folks are interested in making use of Project COIN and SURFConext
- Project Bamboo Phase 1 demo requirements are coming up; there is interest in restful interfaces
- Heather and Benn have been invited for meeting with SURFnet in July
- An item on the agenda is how we should align our efforts
- Internet2 seems interested in ramping up services, and there may be things to learn from the Dutch model
- Keith noted that Bamboo may be considering incorporating the OpenSearch approach to queries and repositories
[AI] Keith to send COmanage the URL for the wiki pages on opensearch.org
- Using Google Scholar can address some of the needs for federated search.
Heather is working on the glossary. There is an outstanding web support request with Internet2 that needs to be addressed. Heather will resend the request.
Next COmanage Call: Friday, June 10, 2pm ET
Emily Eisbruch, Technology Transfer Analyst
office: +1-734-352-4996 | mobile +1-734-730-5749