COmanage Call 29-Oct-2010
Heather Flanagan,
Internet2 (chair)
Ken Klingenstein,
R.L. "Bob" Morgan, U.
Tom Barton, U. Chicago
Steven Carmody, Brown
Jim Leous,
Pennsylvania State U.
Benn Oshrin,
Renee Frost,
Steve Olshansky,
Emily Eisbruch,
Internet2 (scribe)
*New Action Items*
[AI] (Jim) will talk
with Chris about the VOMS GUMS work done in the past for LIGO.
[AI] (Ken) will work
on obtaining code for Foodle 3.0.
[AI] (TomB) will ask
U. Chicago people to contribute an academic
(intra-institutional) use case to the COmanage use case
[AI] (Steven) will
send Ann a list of potential targets for InCommon marketing.
*Carry Over Action
[AI] (Ken) will draft
a question for the survey concerning multiple affiliations and
send it to the group for review.
[AI] (Steven) will
prepare a few slides on ESWN for Heather to use at the FMM
session on VO/CO Topics (in progress)
[AI] (Heather) will
share final report on IRODS with Bob.
[AI] (Jim) will
share ESWN call notes with the COmanage-dev list.
[AI] (Steven or Jim)
will write up the ESWN use case on the COmanage wiki.
[AI] (Ken) will follow
up on discussion with UK around collaboration platform work.
Heather reported on a
recent call with IRODS to discuss iPlant requirements. (IRODS is
former SRB Storage Resource Broker.)
Definitions of
federation were discussed on the IRODS call.
It was noted that CIC
has also had discussions with IRODS regarding the CIC storage
A recent call was also
held with Open Science Grid. OSG supports several VOs but is not
itself a VO. OSG expressed some interest in COmanage and much
interest in the InCommon certificate service.
There have been emails
with VOMS GUMS developers in Italy. That group is working on
accepting SAML assertions and would welcome discussions about
Jim noted that there
was work with VOMS GUMS for the LIGO project several years ago.
[AI] (Jim) will talk
with Chris about the VOMS GUMS work done in the past for LIGO.
Ken suggested that the
Swiss and Dutch partners may have some helpful insights.
TomB has had
discussions with ESnet regarding OSG joining InCommon. OSG is
interested in SSL certs.
Ken has had recent
discussions with NSF and Networking and Information Technology
Research and Development (NITRD) Program about InCommon
participation and the advantages of becoming an IdP.
COmanage Wiki
Heather has been
enhancing the COmanage wiki, including the glossary. She is
particularly interested in feedback or additions to the use case
Jim will add the ESWN
use case to the library in the multi-institutional category of
the library.
TomB will add a
campus-based use case, focusing on collaborators on the same
campus using a common authentication and group management scheme
for tools such as mail list, wiki, etc. U. Chicago and Penn
State both have projects focusing on these needs. Tool
domestication and a common UI is key.
[AI] (TomB) will ask
U. Chicago people to contribute an academic
(intra-institutional) use case to the COmanage use case
It was noted that
calendaring is an especially tough problem when it comes to
getting a broad community using the same tool. The focus must be
on making tools interoperable. Steven stated that progress is
being made on using web services interfaces to sync Microsoft
Exchange and Bedework.
Microsoft is involved
in CalConnect interop testing.
It was agreed that it
is important to look into federating/domesticating Zimbra as
well as Bedework.
Bedework is excellent
for events calendaring. In the area of federated scheduling,
there is a lot of work to be done. Foodle seems to have
promising capabilities in the area of federated scheduling.
TomB has recently
connected Doodle with his Microsoft Outlook calendar and that
seems to work well.
Jim would like access
to Foodle 3.0 code.
[AI] (Ken) will work
on obtaining code for Foodle 3.0.
2010 Fall Member
Meeting in Atlanta
Heather is working on
the VO/CO track session at FMM. One speaker had to withdraw.
Another (Nirav from iPlant) will be brought in remotely if
Benn will present at
several working group and track sessions.
It was suggested that
a discussion at FMM of OpenID and/or Facebook Connect as
authentication vehicles would be worthwhile. Heather added this
to the agenda for the COmanage WG at FMM.
Ken noted that Von
Welch and others are working on a roadmap to InCommon. There are
parts that concern domestication and so overlap with COmanage.
Domestication is a powerful tool for federation.
Next Call:
Friday, Nov. 12 at 2 pm ET
+1-734-352-4996 | mobile