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comanage-dev - [comanage-dev] Agenda/Access info COmanage Int'l call, 8-Jul-2010

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[comanage-dev] Agenda/Access info COmanage Int'l call, 8-Jul-2010

Chronological Thread 
  • From: heather flanagan <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [comanage-dev] Agenda/Access info COmanage Int'l call, 8-Jul-2010
  • Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 12:16:49 -0700
  • Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;; s=gamma; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; b=TsLVFCBKqQl5AcKk6vkXZLj7Z/tW+Y7Zu3A5Locsa70MmfrKv71D6gXAqK6kxTfexa mI/Oy8VGN5Da7ApNv3abBUxp1yfqpKDCr39od2gPxBc14kS3nGzeYkOLo+KpZURemKXt gJ5YbQcl+9lJAYkTaKDH1kc7bSGsVRukQkWZw=

Connection info:

Please find below the contact data for the July 8 meeting 16.00 - GMT +
01:00, Amsterdam time.)

I propose we use the SURFnet HD mcu, which requies everyone to have H323
compatible clients (either hardware or software)

Point your client to: (
or 0031800198004 if you are using GDS

next enter/choose 98004 as the room number
and enter 3511 as its pin.
If the consensus for the call is that the H323 effort does not work, we will revert back the I2 conference bridge:
Dial-in numbers:
+1-734-615-7474 PREFERRED (from any phone where Long Distance calling has no add'l cost over local or 800 calling, e.g., cell phones or callers with fixed price LD plans)

+1-866-411-0013 (US/Canada Only and only if above 734- number costs user more than 800/866 calls; this number costs Internet2 substantially more than above 734 number and should be avoided if possible)

   Access code: 0133006#

       Connect directly:
      or via Free World Dialup to 4233425 ("I2eDial") and
             enter 0133006

0) validating connection and discussing technology

1) Status of COmanage demo

2) Documentation for bringing in new VO's

3) Your Item Here

And a sneak preview for Friday morning's COmanage call:
* nsf update and next steps
               developer/deployer vs service manager
* lbl and esnet visit
* invitation/registration revisit
* console issues
* other open issues?

We as always will adjust based on attendee input.

  • [comanage-dev] Agenda/Access info COmanage Int'l call, 8-Jul-2010, heather flanagan, 07/07/2010

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