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comanage-dev - Draft Minutes: COmanage Call 22-Jan-2010

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Draft Minutes: COmanage Call 22-Jan-2010

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Emily Eisbruch <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Draft Minutes: COmanage Call 22-Jan-2010
  • Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2010 11:52:24 -0500

COmanage Call 22-Jan-2010


Heather Flanagan, Stanford (chair)  
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2  
R.L. "Bob" Morgan,  U. Washington  
George Brett, Internet2 
Chris Hubing, Penn State  
Dan Pritts, Internet2 
Steven Carmody, Brown U. 
 Renee Frost, Internet2 
Ann West, Internet2 
Steve Olshansky, Internet2  
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)  

*New Action Items*

[AI] (Tom) and (Ken) will discuss moving forward on incorporating the Grouper Lite UI into COmanage.

[AI] (Ken and Renee) will discuss the proposed track sessions on collaboration for SMM.

[AI] (Ken) will inform the Dutch that the COmanage WG session will be held on Monday, April 26.

[AI] (Ken) will discuss with Kevin possible CIC engagement with COmanage.

*Carry Over Action Items*

[AI] (Everyone) provide ideas to Ken about what to request for COmanage in the STCI grant submission.

[AI] (Jim) will arrange logistics for the tech writer and contact Renee with details.

[AI] (Ken) will follow up with Shilen about domesticating Adobe Connect. 

[AI] (Danno) will contact U. Minnesota about domesticating Adobe Connect. 

[AI] (Ken) will email the COmanage-dev group explaining how they can join the CollabIdM list.

[AI] (Heather) will resubmit the request for COmanage service for the Ivy+ Infrastructure. 

[AI] (Michael, Heather, SteveO & StevenC) will work on solving issues with OpenMeetings. 


*CSG Meeting Report*

Ken, Bob, Michael, and Chris attended the CSG meeting in San Diego Jan 13-15. 

At CSG, there was a workshop on collaboration management platforms, coordinated by Michael, Ken, Chuck Powell, and Bruce Vincent. Michael presented a COmanage demo, Chris presented a simple demo of the federating capability on Google Wave, and Bruce presented on OpenSocial.

Impressions from CSG:
  • Collaboration platforms are a hot topic. 
  • An important question for institutions is “Do we build this or do we get it from Google?” Domestication of domain applications is an area that favors approaches other than Google. 
  • There was conversation about whether it makes sense to use the LMS (such as Sakai) as a collaboration management platform. University of Indiana is an example of doing that. But the trend is to decouple a lot of the pieces, or to have loose coupling.

*News from the Dutch*

- SURF and SURFnet are planning a study trip to visit the Internet2 Spring Member Meeting, including about twelve ICT directors (CIOs) and policy makers from Dutch Universities. In addition to visiting the SMM, they will probably visit some U.S. universities and software companies. If you have ideas about institutions that the Dutch delegation should visit, tell Ken, and he will pass that along. 

- SURFnet is preparing to roll out a national collaboration service. For academia, the collaboration service will provide federated identity and group management services, while most of the applications will be delivered by third parties or campuses (Google, etc.). Federated provisioning and de-provisioning is an important issue. 

- SURFnet also plans a collaboration management platform specifically for science communities (such as LIGO), and in that case, the service will most likely provide applications. 

- SURFnet has achieved limited integration between Foodle and Groups. The user can identify a group that Foodle can populate the scheduling page with using the EPPN.

- All services are able to function with SAML 2.0, by means of a translating protocol. 

- Concerning the build versus buy question, the Dutch see major policy issues in the privacy area, especially with info held outside the country, if they outsource applications to Google.

- Google has become a member of SURFfederatie. SURFfederatie speaks for all its IdPs, which is a different model from that used in North America. To some extent Google apps and SharePoint have been domesticated for education.

- SURFnet experimented with Twitter and hash tags to automatically inform users of changes in groups (or changes to content in Alfresco?), but problems arose with the message volume and Twitter disabled their account. George suggested that Yammer could be a solution for such high volume uses and supports closed groups. 

- SURFnet is looking at Grouper’s capability in the priv. management area. 

- SURFnet is interested in the permission management and eager to work with us on how to utilize permission management inside collaborations.

- SURFnet is looking at bronze, silver and gold designations but not for levels of authentication. They are looking at these designations for the quality of the application in terms of respecting certain security principles.

- SURFnet is looking at interfederation issues. 

Ken plans to talk with Niels on alternate Friday mornings, and he welcomes others to join the conversation, especially to add technical expertise. Heather expressed a willingness to join.  

Ken will also talk more with the Dutch about their activities at the upcoming EMC2 meeting.


Steven mentioned that many vendors/SPs have complaints about dealing with federations. They have asked him – via NISO - to reach out to REFEDs about their concerns.

Ken will attempt to add this issue to the EMC2 agenda. 

*Internet2 SMM*

At the Internet2 SMM, there will be a 90 minute COmanage BOF on Monday, April 26.

[AI] (Ken) will inform the Dutch that the COmanage WG session will be held on Monday, April 26.

The Middleware Track Session Planning group, under Tom’s direction, is looking at options for collaboration management sessions at the Internet2 SMM, April 26-28.

We may want to ensure there is a track session in which the 12 Dutch CIOs can share their activities with the community.

[AI] (Ken and Renee) will discuss the proposed track sessions on collaboration for SMM.

*Grouper GUI in COmanage*

Ken did a demo for iPlant of COmanage at the iPlant board meeting in early January. He finds it’s important to move forward with getting a simplified Grouper GUI into COmanage. 

[AI] (Tom) and (Ken) will discuss moving forward on incorporating the Grouper Lite UI into COmanage.

*SDCI Grant*

Work on the SDCI grant submission is progressing. What resources will be needed for COmanage within the grant submission? Heather, Ken and others will discuss this after the working group call.

The possibility was raised that the CIC play a role in piloting COmanage. 

[AI] (Ken) will discuss with Kevin possible CIC engagement with COmanage.

Next Meeting: Friday, 5-Feb-2010 at 2pm ET

Emily Eisbruch, Technology Transfer Analyst
office: +1-734-352-4996 | mobile +1-734-730-5749

Winter 2010 ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs
Hosted by the University of Utah - Salt Lake City, UT
January 31 - February 4, 2010

  • Draft Minutes: COmanage Call 22-Jan-2010, Emily Eisbruch, 01/29/2010

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