2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'f7a723cc02bc928d6b53961443fab8e2', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 1, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 4, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.12225730' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.2074631' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.8977844' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.7292539' } ], 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=show_test;args=test.12559298;session_id=f7a723cc02bc928d6b53961443fab8e2', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.10566465: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.12225730' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.7292539' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.2074631' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.8977844' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12559298: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.12225730' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.7292539' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.2074631' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.8977844' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17741293: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.12225730' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.7292539' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.2074631' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.8977844' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.10566465: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.12225730' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.7292539' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.2074631' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.8977844' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12559298: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.12225730' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.7292539' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.2074631' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.8977844' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17741293: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.12225730' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.7292539' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.2074631' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.8977844' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'f7a723cc02bc928d6b53961443fab8e2', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 1, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.12225730' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 4, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.2074631' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.8977844' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.7292539' } ], 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=show_test;args=test.12559298;session_id=f7a723cc02bc928d6b53961443fab8e2', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 11:24:40 (11724) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
This host is configured with both bandwidth and one-way latency tests. Bandwidth tests can interfere with one-way latency tests.
Throughput tests will be running 7% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to 56m-ps.sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable
test One-Way Delay Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to 56m-ps.sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)900
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
56m-ps.sox.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
Find Hosts To Test With
Communities This Host Participates In (Click To Find Community Hosts)
Other Communities As Of 2015-01-27 06:36 (Click To Find Community Hosts)

2015/01/27 11:25:13 (11770) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 11:25:13 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.10566465: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:13 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12559298: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:13 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17741293: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:13 (11770) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.10566465: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12559298: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17741293: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'f7a723cc02bc928d6b53961443fab8e2', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 1, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 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'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 4, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } ], 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=disable_test;args=test.17741293;session_id=f7a723cc02bc928d6b53961443fab8e2', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.10566465: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12559298: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17741293: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.10566465: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12559298: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17741293: $VAR1 = { 'test.12559298' => { 'members' => { 'member.12225730' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.10566465' => { 'members' => { 'member.2074631' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'member.8977844' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.17741293' => { 'members' => { 'member.7292539' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'f7a723cc02bc928d6b53961443fab8e2', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test disabled', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 1, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12225730', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 4, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12559298', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2074631', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8977844', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.10566465', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7292539', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } ], 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.17741293', 'description' => 'test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=disable_test;args=test.17741293;session_id=f7a723cc02bc928d6b53961443fab8e2', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 11:25:14 (11770) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
This host is configured with both bandwidth and one-way latency tests. Bandwidth tests can interfere with one-way latency tests.
Test disabled
Throughput tests will be running 7% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to 56m-ps.sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable
test One-Way Delay Test Configure Delete Enable

Test Parameters
Description Test to 56m-ps.sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)900
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
56m-ps.sox.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
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2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'group' => 'bwctl', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: local_interface 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: udp_bandwidth 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: tool 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: duration 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: packet_tos_bits 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: receive_only 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_result_directory 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:419 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_bwctl_throughput - Add: $VAR1 = { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'duration' => '20', 'buffer_length' => undef, 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'test_schedule' => undef, 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'window_size' => undef, 'test_interval' => '900' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.6470440 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.13108837 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.12751071', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:303 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_owamp - Adding owamp test 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu to test test.7781088 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.9378596 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8999353', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu to test test.9378596 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.10874832', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'max_ttl' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'local_interface' => undef, 'test_schedule' => undef, 'first_ttl' => undef, 'test_interval' => '600', 'packet_size' => undef }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.13969579 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8202263', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.17824722 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu to test test.17824722 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu to test test.13969579 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7781088: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:04 (17440) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7781088: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:35:05 (17440) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 1, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 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=> undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7781088: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7781088: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 1, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 4, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } ], 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=show_test;args=test.6470440;session_id=eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7781088: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7781088: $VAR1 = { 'test.7781088' => { 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'type' => 'owamp', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 1, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 4, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.17391734' } ], 'parameters' => { 'packet_interval' => '0.1', 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_padding' => 0 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=show_test;args=test.6470440;session_id=eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:35:10 (17452) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
This host is configured with both bandwidth and one-way latency tests. Bandwidth tests can interfere with one-way latency tests.
Throughput tests will be running 7% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to 56m-ps.sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable
test One-Way Delay Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to 56m-ps.sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)900
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
56m-ps.sox.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
Find Hosts To Test With
Communities This Host Participates In (Click To Find Community Hosts)
Other Communities As Of 2015-01-27 06:36 (Click To Find Community Hosts)

2015/01/27 12:35:17 (17473) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:35:17 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:17 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:17 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7781088: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:17 (17473) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7781088: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.7781088' => { 'members' => { 'member.17391734' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17391734', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' } }, 'parameters' => { 'packet_padding' => 0, 'sample_count' => 600, 'packet_interval' => '0.1' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'owamp', 'id' => 'test.7781088', 'description' => 'test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 1, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 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=> 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' 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'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.7781088;session_id=eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test deleted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 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=> 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' 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'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.7781088;session_id=eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:35:18 (17473) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test deleted
Throughput tests will be running 7% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to 56m-ps.sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to 56m-ps.sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)900
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
56m-ps.sox.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
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Communities This Host Participates In (Click To Find Community Hosts)
Other Communities As Of 2015-01-27 06:36 (Click To Find Community Hosts)

2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:35:25 (17495) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' 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=> 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:35:36 (17495) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:97 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - res: $VAR1 = [ 'limit root with allow_udp=on, bandwidth=900000000, allow_tcp=on, allow_open_mode=on, duration=30', 'limit regular with allow_udp=off, parent=root, allow_tcp=on, allow_open_mode=on, duration=30', 'limit jail with allow_udp=off, bandwidth=1, parent=root, allow_tcp=off, allow_open_mode=off, duration=1', 'assign net jail', 'assign default regular' ]; 2015/01/27 12:35:36 (17495) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:99 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - status, res: 0, $VAR1 = { 'groups' => { 'regular' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'duration' => '30', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on' }, 'jail' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'parent' => 'root', 'bandwidth' => '1', 'allow_tcp' => 'off', 'duration' => '1', 'allow_open_mode' => 'off' }, 'root' => { 'allow_udp' => 'on', 'bandwidth' => '900000000', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'duration' => '30', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on' } }, 'default_group' => 'regular', 'users' => {}, 'networks' => { '' => 'jail' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Configuration Saved And Services Restarted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15882363' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 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{ 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu', 'id' => 'member.1703260' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.7313165' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:35:46 (17495) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Configuration Saved And Services Restarted
Throughput tests will be running 7% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to 56m-ps.sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to 56m-ps.sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)900
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
56m-ps.sox.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
Find Hosts To Test With
Communities This Host Participates In (Click To Find Community Hosts)
Other Communities As Of 2015-01-27 06:36 (Click To Find Community Hosts)

2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:35:50 (17571) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:36:01 (17571) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:97 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - res: $VAR1 = [ 'limit root with allow_udp=on, bandwidth=900000000, allow_tcp=on, duration=30, allow_open_mode=on', 'limit regular with allow_udp=off, parent=root, allow_tcp=on, duration=30, allow_open_mode=on', 'limit jail with allow_udp=off, parent=root, bandwidth=1, allow_tcp=off, duration=1, allow_open_mode=off', 'assign net jail', 'assign default regular' ]; 2015/01/27 12:36:01 (17571) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:99 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - status, res: 0, $VAR1 = { 'groups' => { 'regular' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on', 'duration' => '30' }, 'jail' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'bandwidth' => '1', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'off', 'allow_open_mode' => 'off', 'duration' => '1' }, 'root' => { 'allow_udp' => 'on', 'bandwidth' => '900000000', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on', 'duration' => '30' } }, 'default_group' => 'regular', 'users' => {}, 'networks' => { '' => 'jail' } }; 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.17824722: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.6470440: $VAR1 = { 'test.17824722' => { 'members' => { 'member.1703260' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, 'member.7313165' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.6470440' => { 'members' => { 'member.15882363' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Configuration Saved And Services Restarted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15882363', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.6470440', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1703260', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }, { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7313165', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.17824722', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=eaff03080b7d2a57693aff508d2f2922', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:36:11 (17571) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Configuration Saved And Services Restarted
Throughput tests will be running 7% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to 56m-ps.sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to 56m-ps.sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)900
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
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56m-ps.sox.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
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2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:37:46 (18123) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/27 12:37:47 (18123) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: receive_only 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: local_interface 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: udp_bandwidth 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: tool 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: duration 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: packet_tos_bits 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_result_directory 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'max_ttl' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'local_interface' => undef, 'test_schedule' => undef, 'first_ttl' => undef, 'test_interval' => '600', 'packet_size' => undef }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu to test test.14293578 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => 'University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.4566618', 'address' => 'modv.perf-brb.net.isc.upenn.edu' }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.14293578 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:419 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_bwctl_throughput - Add: $VAR1 = { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'duration' => '20', 'buffer_length' => undef, 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'test_schedule' => undef, 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'window_size' => undef, 'test_interval' => '900' }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.7052933 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:40:56 (18191) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=show_test;args=test.13959706;session_id=92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=show_test;args=test.13959706;session_id=92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:41:07 (18203) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Throughput tests will be running 7% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to 56m-ps.sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to 56m-ps.sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)900
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
56m-ps.sox.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
Find Hosts To Test With
Communities This Host Participates In (Click To Find Community Hosts)
Other Communities As Of 2015-01-27 06:36 (Click To Find Community Hosts)

2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '7', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '900', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 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'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 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'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=update_bwctl_throughput_test;args=test.13959706;args=Test%20to%2056m-ps.sox.net;args=20;args=300;args=;args=iperf3%2Ciperf;args=tcp;args=;args=0;args=0;args=p1p2;session_id=92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:488 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::update_test_bwctl_throughput - Updating bwctl test test.13959706 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:41:23 (18225) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test updated', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.17697227', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.15411287', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=update_bwctl_throughput_test;args=test.13959706;args=Test%20to%2056m-ps.sox.net;args=20;args=300;args=;args=iperf3%2Ciperf;args=tcp;args=;args=0;args=0;args=p1p2;session_id=92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:41:24 (18225) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test updated
Throughput tests will be running 23% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to 56m-ps.sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to 56m-ps.sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)300
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
56m-ps.sox.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
Find Hosts To Test With
Communities This Host Participates In (Click To Find Community Hosts)
Other Communities As Of 2015-01-27 06:36 (Click To Find Community Hosts)

2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:41:26 (18246) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:41:37 (18246) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:97 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - res: $VAR1 = [ 'limit root with allow_udp=on, bandwidth=900000000, allow_tcp=on, duration=30, allow_open_mode=on', 'limit regular with allow_udp=off, parent=root, allow_tcp=on, duration=30, allow_open_mode=on', 'limit jail with allow_udp=off, parent=root, bandwidth=1, allow_tcp=off, duration=1, allow_open_mode=off', 'assign net jail', 'assign default regular' ]; 2015/01/27 12:41:37 (18246) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:99 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - status, res: 0, $VAR1 = { 'groups' => { 'regular' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on', 'duration' => '30' }, 'jail' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'bandwidth' => '1', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'off', 'allow_open_mode' => 'off', 'duration' => '1' }, 'root' => { 'allow_udp' => 'on', 'bandwidth' => '900000000', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on', 'duration' => '30' } }, 'default_group' => 'regular', 'users' => {}, 'networks' => { '' => 'jail' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.13959706: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.7052933: $VAR1 = { 'test.7052933' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.15411287' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.13959706' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'members' => { 'member.17697227' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Configuration Saved And Services Restarted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.17697227' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.13959706', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.15411287' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.7052933', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=92aa0cf03f08b0fb78dab86369d50915', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:41:47 (18246) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Configuration Saved And Services Restarted
Throughput tests will be running 23% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to 56m-ps.sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to 56m-ps.sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)300
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
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56m-ps.sox.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
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2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/27 12:45:58 (18800) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/27 12:45:59 (18800) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/27 12:45:59 (18800) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/27 12:45:59 (18800) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: receive_only 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: local_interface 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: udp_bandwidth 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: tool 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: duration 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: packet_tos_bits 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_result_directory 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'max_ttl' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'local_interface' => undef, 'test_schedule' => undef, 'first_ttl' => undef, 'test_interval' => '600', 'packet_size' => undef }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.9541909 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.6849458', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:419 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_bwctl_throughput - Add: $VAR1 = { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'duration' => '20', 'buffer_length' => undef, 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'test_schedule' => undef, 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'window_size' => undef, 'test_interval' => '300' }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.2642748 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.3361736', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.sox.net to test test.8297916 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.2642748: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.2642748' => { 'members' => { 'member.3361736' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.3361736', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.2642748' => { 'members' => { 'member.3361736' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.3361736', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.2642748: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.2642748' => { 'members' => { 'member.3361736' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.3361736', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.2642748' => { 'members' => { 'member.3361736' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.3361736', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:46:33 (18879) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.3361736', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.2642748: $VAR1 = { 'test.2642748' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.3361736' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.3361736' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.2642748' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.3361736' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.3361736' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.2642748: $VAR1 = { 'test.2642748' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.3361736' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.3361736' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.2642748' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.3361736' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.3361736' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.3361736' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.2642748', 'description' => 'Test to 56m-ps.sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.2642748;session_id=55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test deleted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.2642748;session_id=55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:46:37 (18892) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test deleted
Scheduled Tests
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:46:41 (18913) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:46:52 (18913) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:97 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - res: $VAR1 = [ 'limit root with allow_udp=on, bandwidth=900000000, allow_tcp=on, allow_open_mode=on, duration=30', 'limit regular with allow_udp=off, parent=root, allow_tcp=on, allow_open_mode=on, duration=30', 'limit jail with allow_udp=off, bandwidth=1, parent=root, allow_tcp=off, allow_open_mode=off, duration=1', 'assign net jail', 'assign default regular' ]; 2015/01/27 12:46:52 (18913) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:99 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - status, res: 0, $VAR1 = { 'groups' => { 'regular' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'duration' => '30', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on' }, 'jail' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'parent' => 'root', 'bandwidth' => '1', 'allow_tcp' => 'off', 'duration' => '1', 'allow_open_mode' => 'off' }, 'root' => { 'allow_udp' => 'on', 'bandwidth' => '900000000', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'duration' => '30', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on' } }, 'default_group' => 'regular', 'users' => {}, 'networks' => { '' => 'jail' } }; 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Configuration Saved And Services Restarted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:47:02 (18913) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Configuration Saved And Services Restarted
Scheduled Tests
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 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sox.net', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'test_schedule' => undef, 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'window_size' => '0', 'test_interval' => '300' }; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => {}, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => {}, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => {}, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => {}, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'test.8297916' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test Test to sox.net Added', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 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'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net', 'id' => 'member.13563920' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=add_bwctl_throughput_test;args=Test%20to%20sox.net;args=20;args=300;args=;args=iperf3%2Ciperf;args=tcp;args=0;args=0;args=0;args=p1p2;session_id=55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:48:01 (19034) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test Test to sox.net Added
Throughput tests will be running 0% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)300
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
No Members In Test   
Find Hosts To Test With
Communities This Host Participates In (Click To Find Community Hosts)
Other Communities As Of 2015-01-27 06:36 (Click To Find Community Hosts)

2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'members' => {}, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'members' => {}, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'members' => {}, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.8297916: $VAR1 = { 'test.8297916' => { 'members' => { 'member.13563920' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'members' => {}, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 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'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13563920', 'address' => '56m-ps.sox.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.8297916', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=add_member_to_test;args=test.3344690;args=56m-ps.soz.net;args=4823;args=;session_id=55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> index.cgi:967 main::add_member_to_test - Adding address: 56m-ps.soz.net Port: 4823 Description: 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.3344690 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => '4823', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.11218303', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.1440050 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14077152', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1440050: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14077152', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => '4823', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.11218303', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14077152', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => '4823', 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.11218303', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1440050: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14077152', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => '4823', 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.11218303', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14077152', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => '4823', 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.11218303', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Host(s) Added To Test', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'can_test_ipv4' => 1, 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => '4823', 'can_test_ipv6' => 0, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.11218303', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => '', 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14077152', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=add_member_to_test;args=test.3344690;args=56m-ps.soz.net;args=4823;args=;session_id=55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:48:13 (19055) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Host(s) Added To Test
Throughput tests will be running 23% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)300
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
56m-ps.soz.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
Find Hosts To Test With
Communities This Host Participates In (Click To Find Community Hosts)
Other Communities As Of 2015-01-27 06:36 (Click To Find Community Hosts)

2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1440050: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1440050: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:48:19 (19076) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:48:30 (19076) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:97 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - res: $VAR1 = [ 'limit root with allow_udp=on, bandwidth=900000000, allow_tcp=on, duration=30, allow_open_mode=on', 'limit regular with allow_udp=off, parent=root, allow_tcp=on, duration=30, allow_open_mode=on', 'limit jail with allow_udp=off, parent=root, bandwidth=1, allow_tcp=off, duration=1, allow_open_mode=off', 'assign net jail', 'assign default regular' ]; 2015/01/27 12:48:30 (19076) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:99 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - status, res: 0, $VAR1 = { 'groups' => { 'regular' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on', 'duration' => '30' }, 'jail' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'bandwidth' => '1', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'off', 'allow_open_mode' => 'off', 'duration' => '1' }, 'root' => { 'allow_udp' => 'on', 'bandwidth' => '900000000', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on', 'duration' => '30' } }, 'default_group' => 'regular', 'users' => {}, 'networks' => { '' => 'jail' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1440050: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1440050: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.3344690: $VAR1 = { 'test.1440050' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.14077152' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.3344690' => { 'members' => { 'member.11218303' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } }, 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Configuration Saved And Services Restarted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'current_test' => { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'can_test_ipv4' => '1', 'test_ipv6' => '0', 'test_ipv4' => '1', 'name' => undef, 'port' => '4823', 'description' => '', 'can_test_ipv6' => '0', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.11218303' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'duration' => '20', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'test_interval' => '300', 'window_size' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'members'}[0] ], 'parameters' => $VAR1->{'current_test'}{'parameters'}, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.3344690', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => '', 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.14077152' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.1440050', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=55b1f7094f5fb21f9e69604e77776520', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 12:48:40 (19076) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Configuration Saved And Services Restarted
Throughput tests will be running 23% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Disable

Test Parameters
Description Test to sox.net
Interface p1p2
Time Between Tests (seconds)300
Test Duration (seconds)20
Protocol TCP
Use Autotuning yes
TOS Bits 0
Edit Test Parameters
Test Members
56m-ps.soz.netipv4 onlyEdit Delete
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Other Communities As Of 2015-01-27 06:36 (Click To Find Community Hosts)

2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 13:09:29 (20173) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/27 13:09:30 (20173) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 13:09:45 (20201) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/27 13:09:46 (20201) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: receive_only 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: local_interface 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: udp_bandwidth 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: tool 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: duration 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: packet_tos_bits 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_result_directory 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'max_ttl' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'local_interface' => undef, 'test_schedule' => undef, 'first_ttl' => undef, 'test_interval' => '600', 'packet_size' => undef }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.2212911 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.4283460', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:419 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_bwctl_throughput - Add: $VAR1 = { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'duration' => '20', 'buffer_length' => undef, 'description' => 'Test to sox.net', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'test_schedule' => undef, 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'window_size' => undef, 'test_interval' => '300' }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.9486804 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14689227', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.2803380 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.16190401', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.2803380: $VAR1 = { 'test.9486804' => { 'members' => { 'member.14689227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14689227', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.9486804', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'test.2803380' => { 'members' => { 'member.16190401' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.16190401', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.2803380', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9486804: $VAR1 = { 'test.9486804' => { 'members' => { 'member.14689227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14689227', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.9486804', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'test.2803380' => { 'members' => { 'member.16190401' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.16190401', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.2803380', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.2803380: $VAR1 = { 'test.9486804' => { 'members' => { 'member.14689227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14689227', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.9486804', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'test.2803380' => { 'members' => { 'member.16190401' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.16190401', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.2803380', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9486804: $VAR1 = { 'test.9486804' => { 'members' => { 'member.14689227' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14689227', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.9486804', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, 'test.2803380' => { 'members' => { 'member.16190401' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.16190401', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.2803380', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 14:25:33 (23596) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '95f7eca1d70fbfcccdadccb61a524f5f', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN CENIC CalREN-HPR Internet2 TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.14689227', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.9486804', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.16190401', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.2803380', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422358594 }; 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 14:51:26 (4565) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/27 14:51:27 (4565) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 21:06:46 (23399) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/27 21:06:47 (23399) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/27 23:14:38 (29385) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/27 23:14:39 (29385) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/27 23:14:39 (29385) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/28 09:11:47 (30774) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/28 09:11:48 (30774) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: receive_only 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: local_interface 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: udp_bandwidth 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: tool 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: duration 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: packet_tos_bits 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/28 09:11:53 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_result_directory 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'max_ttl' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'local_interface' => undef, 'test_schedule' => undef, 'first_ttl' => undef, 'test_interval' => '600', 'packet_size' => undef }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.3347720 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.11337563', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:419 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_bwctl_throughput - Add: $VAR1 = { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'duration' => '20', 'buffer_length' => undef, 'description' => 'Test to sox.net', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'test_schedule' => undef, 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'window_size' => undef, 'test_interval' => '300' }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.1550709 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13248521', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.11218587 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1955692', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.11218587: $VAR1 = { 'test.11218587' => { 'members' => { 'member.1955692' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1955692', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.11218587', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1550709' => { 'members' => { 'member.13248521' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13248521', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1550709', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1550709: $VAR1 = { 'test.11218587' => { 'members' => { 'member.1955692' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1955692', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.11218587', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1550709' => { 'members' => { 'member.13248521' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13248521', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1550709', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.11218587: $VAR1 = { 'test.11218587' => { 'members' => { 'member.1955692' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1955692', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.11218587', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1550709' => { 'members' => { 'member.13248521' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13248521', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1550709', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1550709: $VAR1 = { 'test.11218587' => { 'members' => { 'member.1955692' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1955692', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.11218587', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1550709' => { 'members' => { 'member.13248521' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13248521', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1550709', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/28 09:11:54 (30804) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '1814f61deed1f8417c14a8fa721e4f46', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 6 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RAL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'STFC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.13248521', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1550709', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.1955692', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.11218587', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422444549 }; 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/28 14:34:41 (15607) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/28 14:34:42 (15607) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/28 16:35:21 (21712) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/28 16:35:22 (21712) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/28 16:59:15 (22364) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/28 16:59:16 (22364) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/28 17:19:24 (23778) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/28 17:19:25 (23778) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/28 18:34:40 (27819) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/28 18:34:41 (27819) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/28 21:41:44 (5116) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/28 21:41:45 (5116) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/30 12:14:34 (4982) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/30 12:14:35 (4982) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/30 12:43:37 (6418) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/30 12:43:38 (6418) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/30 13:41:49 (9403) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/30 13:41:50 (9403) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/30 22:01:01 (2061) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/30 22:01:02 (2061) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/30 22:02:43 (2121) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/30 22:02:44 (2121) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/31 04:02:21 (20516) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/31 04:02:22 (20516) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/31 16:37:14 (26728) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/31 16:37:15 (26728) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/31 17:25:53 (29026) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/31 17:25:54 (29026) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/31 17:37:47 (29960) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/31 17:37:48 (29960) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/01/31 20:42:52 (7109) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/01/31 20:42:53 (7109) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: receive_only 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: local_interface 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: udp_bandwidth 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: tool 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: duration 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: packet_tos_bits 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_result_directory 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'max_ttl' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'local_interface' => undef, 'test_schedule' => undef, 'first_ttl' => undef, 'test_interval' => '600', 'packet_size' => undef }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.13609760 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.9653678', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:419 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_bwctl_throughput - Add: $VAR1 = { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'duration' => '20', 'buffer_length' => undef, 'description' => 'Test to sox.net', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'test_schedule' => undef, 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'window_size' => undef, 'test_interval' => '300' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.1204405 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.9256218 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:36 (29876) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:37 (29876) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:37 (29876) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:37 (29876) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:37 (29876) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:37 (29876) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:37 (29876) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 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'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=disable_test;args=test.9256218;session_id=abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 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'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test disabled', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 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'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=disable_test;args=test.9256218;session_id=abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:40 (29888) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test disabled
Throughput tests will be running 23% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Enable

2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' 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'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test disabled', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 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'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8588902', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=disable_test;args=test.1204405;session_id=abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:41 (29891) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test disabled
Throughput tests will be running 23% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Enable
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Enable

2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.1204405: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.1204405' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8588902' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8588902' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => 1, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.1204405', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.1204405;session_id=abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } }, 'disabled' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test deleted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 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K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.7394507' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.1204405;session_id=abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:42 (29930) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test deleted
Scheduled Tests
perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test Traceroute Test Configure Delete Enable

2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.9256218: $VAR1 = { 'test.9256218' => { 'members' => { 'member.7394507' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 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1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.7394507', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => 1, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.9256218', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.9256218;session_id=abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test deleted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [], 'traceroute_tests' => 0, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.9256218;session_id=abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:43 (29933) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test deleted
Scheduled Tests
No Tests Configured

2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:52 (29970) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/02/02 11:23:53 (29970) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: receive_only 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: test 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: local_interface 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: udp_bandwidth 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: tool 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_ipv4_ipv6 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: duration 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: packet_tos_bits 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: target 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: address 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: force_ipv4 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: override_parameters 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: target 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: target 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: description 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: interval 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: schedule 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: test 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_result_directory 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'max_ttl' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'local_interface' => undef, 'test_schedule' => undef, 'first_ttl' => undef, 'test_interval' => '600', 'packet_size' => undef }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.4888723 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.16880497', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:419 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_bwctl_throughput - Add: $VAR1 = { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'duration' => '20', 'buffer_length' => undef, 'description' => 'Test to sox.net', 'tos_bits' => '0', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'test_schedule' => undef, 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'window_size' => undef, 'test_interval' => '300' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.12608654 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8181959', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:657 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_traceroute - Add: $VAR1 = { 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test', 'test_interval' => 600 }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:827 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Adding address 56m-ps.soz.net to test test.12780802 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:856 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::add_test_member - Added new test member: $VAR1 = { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2187766', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12608654: $VAR1 = { 'test.12780802' => { 'members' => { 'member.2187766' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2187766', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.12608654' => { 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8181959', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12780802: $VAR1 = { 'test.12780802' => { 'members' => { 'member.2187766' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2187766', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.12608654' => { 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8181959', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12608654: $VAR1 = { 'test.12780802' => { 'members' => { 'member.2187766' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2187766', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.12608654' => { 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8181959', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12780802: $VAR1 = { 'test.12780802' => { 'members' => { 'member.2187766' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2187766', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.12608654' => { 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8181959', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:23:57 (30000) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8181959', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.2187766', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12608654: $VAR1 = { 'test.12780802' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2187766' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.2187766' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.12608654' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8181959' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12780802: $VAR1 = { 'test.12780802' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2187766' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.2187766' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.12608654' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8181959' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12608654: $VAR1 = { 'test.12780802' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2187766' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.2187766' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.12608654' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8181959' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12780802: $VAR1 = { 'test.12780802' => { 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'members' => { 'member.2187766' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.2187766' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'type' => 'traceroute', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' }, 'test.12608654' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8181959' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8181959' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' }, { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.2187766' } ], 'parameters' => { 'test_interval' => 600 }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'traceroute', 'id' => 'test.12780802', 'description' => 'perfSONAR Toolkit Default Traceroute Test' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 1, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.12780802;session_id=0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12608654: $VAR1 = { 'test.12608654' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8181959' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12608654: $VAR1 = { 'test.12608654' => { 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8181959' } }, 'name' => undef, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test deleted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 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'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net', 'id' => 'member.8181959' } ], 'parameters' => { 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 0, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.12780802;session_id=0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30012) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test deleted
Throughput tests will be running 23% of the time
Scheduled Tests
Test to sox.net Throughput Test Configure Delete Disable

2015/02/02 11:24:00 (30015) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12608654: $VAR1 = { 'test.12608654' => { 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8181959', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> RegularTesting.pm:232 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::RegularTesting::get_tests - lookup up test: test.12608654: $VAR1 = { 'test.12608654' => { 'members' => { 'member.8181959' => { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8181959', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } }, 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'added_by_mesh' => undef, 'name' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } }; 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '23', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 4, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 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}, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [ { 'members' => [ { 'receiver' => 1, 'test_ipv6' => 0, 'test_ipv4' => 1, 'name' => undef, 'description' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'sender' => 1, 'id' => 'member.8181959', 'address' => '56m-ps.soz.net' } ], 'parameters' => { 'local_interface' => 'p1p2', 'protocol' => 'tcp', 'udp_bandwidth' => '0', 'tool' => 'iperf3,iperf', 'duration' => '20', 'test_interval' => '300', 'tos_bits' => '0' }, 'disabled' => undef, 'type' => 'bwctl/throughput', 'id' => 'test.12608654', 'description' => 'Test to sox.net' } ], 'traceroute_tests' => 0, 'throughput_tests' => 1, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.12608654;session_id=0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Test deleted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 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'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [], 'traceroute_tests' => 0, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=delete_test;args=test.12608654;session_id=0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:24:01 (30015) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Test deleted
Scheduled Tests
No Tests Configured

2015/02/02 11:24:03 (30054) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:24:03 (30054) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:24:03 (30054) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:24:03 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:24:03 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:24:03 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:24:03 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:24:03 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:24:03 (30054) DEBUG> index.cgi:146 main:: - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => undef, 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 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'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [], 'traceroute_tests' => 0, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 1, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) INFO> index.cgi:63 main:: - templates dir: /opt/perfsonar_ps/toolkit/web/root/admin/regular_testing//templates 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: test_result_directory 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_window 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: event_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary_type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: summary 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:67 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Starting block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: database 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: password 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: type 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: username 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:92 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Ending block: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) DEBUG> ConfigFile.pm:108 perfSONAR_PS::RegularTesting::Utils::ConfigFile::parse_file - Setting variable: measurement_archive 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:24:05 (30077) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:24:06 (30077) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:24:06 (30077) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:24:06 (30077) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:24:06 (30077) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:24:06 (30077) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:24:06 (30077) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => '0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'The on-disk configuration has changed. Any changes you made have been lost.', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [], 'traceroute_tests' => 0, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=0004b68d0e22bc6656a101d26b781875', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:24:06 (30077) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
The on-disk configuration has changed. Any changes you made have been lost.
Scheduled Tests
No Tests Configured

2015/02/02 11:24:14 (30054) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:97 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - res: $VAR1 = [ 'limit root with allow_udp=on, bandwidth=900000000, allow_tcp=on, duration=30, allow_open_mode=on', 'limit regular with allow_udp=off, parent=root, allow_tcp=on, duration=30, allow_open_mode=on', 'limit jail with allow_udp=off, parent=root, bandwidth=1, allow_tcp=off, duration=1, allow_open_mode=off', 'assign net jail', 'assign default regular' ]; 2015/02/02 11:24:14 (30054) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:99 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::save - status, res: 0, $VAR1 = { 'groups' => { 'regular' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on', 'duration' => '30' }, 'jail' => { 'allow_udp' => 'off', 'bandwidth' => '1', 'parent' => 'root', 'allow_tcp' => 'off', 'allow_open_mode' => 'off', 'duration' => '1' }, 'root' => { 'allow_udp' => 'on', 'bandwidth' => '900000000', 'allow_tcp' => 'on', 'allow_open_mode' => 'on', 'duration' => '30' } }, 'default_group' => 'regular', 'users' => {}, 'networks' => { '' => 'jail' } }; 2015/02/02 11:24:24 (30054) INFO> index.cgi:537 main::fill_variables_keywords - $VAR1 = [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ]; 2015/02/02 11:24:24 (30054) INFO> index.cgi:470 main::fill_variables_hosts - display_found_hosts() 2015/02/02 11:24:24 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:311 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is IPv4 2015/02/02 11:24:24 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:313 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:24:24 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:24:24 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/ as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:24:24 (30054) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:24:24 (30054) INFO> index.cgi:605 main::display_body - Using variables: $VAR1 = { 'remote_login' => 'ettorej', 'session_id' => 'abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'warning_message' => undef, 'status_message' => 'Configuration Saved And Services Restarted', 'owamp_ports' => {}, 'bwctl_port_range' => 1200, 'network_percent_used' => '0', 'member_keywords' => [ 'Internet2', 'UPenn' ], 'bwctl_ports' => { 'min_port' => 5001, 'max_port' => 6200 }, 'cacti_available' => undef, 'owamp_port_range' => undef, 'interfaces' => [ { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'em2' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em3' }, { 'ips' => [], 'name' => 'em4' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p1' }, { 'ips' => [ '' ], 'name' => 'p1p2' } ], 'owamp_tests' => 0, 'bwctl_port_usage' => 0, 'hosts_file_matches_dns' => undef, 'error_message' => undef, 'known_keywords' => [ { 'keyword' => '', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => '10G', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => '40G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AARNet-Edge', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ACORN-NS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ALICE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AmLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'APAN-JP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'AREON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'asnet.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLAS', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'Atlas', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ATLASIT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Belle2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Blue Waters', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Brazil', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'BUAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CAAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CalREN-HPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CANARIE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CENIC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Cenic', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CIC-OmniPop-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CMS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNGI-6IX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CNRS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ComputeCanada pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Connecticut Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'CSTNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Diamond Light Source', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE Sites', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'DOE-SC-LAB', 'class' => 7 }, { 'keyword' => 'Emory University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ESnet', 'class' => 8 }, { 'keyword' => 'esnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Fermilab', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FIBRE-BR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Florida LambdaRail', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'FRGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Funet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GAMMON', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GEANT', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GENI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Georgia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GISELA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'grid.am', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GRIDPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'GridPP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Harwell Campus', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPiX IPv6 testbed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'HEPnet-Canada', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICCN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'icngw', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICNWG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ICTBioMed', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'idpl', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'iDPL', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IHEP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IllinoisNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'IN2P3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'INFN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet 2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'internet2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Internet2_CTP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ITS Engineering', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JANET Users', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'JGN-X', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'KanREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LEARN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHC', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCb', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCONE', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCOPN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LHCTier2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LONI', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Los Nettos', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'LSU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MaineREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MAX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MCNC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Merit', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MonIPE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MWT2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'MYREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NASA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NCSA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NDGF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NeiC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nemak', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NIIF', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NKN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NLR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Nmax', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NOAA-Boulder', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NORDUnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Northern-Lights', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Notre Dame', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'NYSERNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OARnet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OmniPOP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OneNet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Open Science Grid', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OpenStack', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'OSG', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'our channels', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PennState', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PerfClub', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfCube testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'perfSONAR-PS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PNWGP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'PREGINET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.2.2', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.1', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.3.2', 'class' => 10 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-3.4', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveCD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'pS-NPToolkit-LiveUSB', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Purdue', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Qatar-Education-City', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RedCLARA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RENATER', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Russia', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SANReN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ScienceDMZ/RNP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SDSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SINP', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIU', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SIUE', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'South Dakota - REED', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SOX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SoX', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SSERCA', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Stanford', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'StarLight', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'SUNET', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TEST', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Texas A&M University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ThaiREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The George Washington University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'The University of Alabama at Birmingham', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TLPW', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TransPAC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'TWAREN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UAB Research Computing System', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UARK', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ucdenver', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UChicago-10G', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCInet', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UCSD', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'ULM', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNC-CH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UniNet-TH', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ-of-Utah/UEN', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Univ. of Michigan', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Kentucky', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of Minnesota', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'University of the Virgin Islands', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UNTSYS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UPR', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USATLAS', 'class' => 2 }, { 'keyword' => 'USC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'USCMS', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'UT Austin TACC', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Utah', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Viawest', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Virginia Tech', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WA-K-20', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Backbone', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington K-20 Endsite Testing', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State K-20 Education Network', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Washington State University', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wayne State University DMZ', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'Wisconsin', 'class' => 1 }, { 'keyword' => 'WLCG', 'class' => 3 }, { 'keyword' => 'XSEDE', 'class' => 1 } ], 'owamp_port_usage' => 0, 'tests' => [], 'traceroute_tests' => 0, 'throughput_tests' => 0, 'is_modified' => 0, 'pinger_tests' => 0, 'self_url' => 'https://perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu/toolkit/admin/regular_testing/?fname=save_config;session_id=abebbfd3ae22118292d8c20ebf1fa4fe', 'known_keywords_check_time' => 1422876565 }; 2015/02/02 11:24:24 (30054) DEBUG> index.cgi:612 main::display_body - Returning:
Scheduled Tests Configuration Tool
Configuration Saved And Services Restarted
Scheduled Tests
No Tests Configured

2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:25:08 (30165) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/02/02 11:25:09 (30165) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 11:25:13 (30195) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/02/02 11:25:14 (30195) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 12:19:57 (669) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/02/02 12:19:58 (669) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 12:25:14 (739) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/02/02 12:25:15 (739) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 12:35:18 (1648) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 12:35:23 (1648) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 12:35:23 (1648) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/02/02 12:35:23 (1648) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/02/02 12:35:23 (1648) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/02/02 12:35:23 (1648) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/02/02 12:35:24 (1648) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/02/02 12:35:24 (1648) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/02/02 12:35:24 (1648) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/02/02 12:35:24 (1648) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/02/02 12:35:24 (1648) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:256 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:258 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:254 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:357 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 13:05:53 (3271) DEBUG> Host.pm:375 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/02/02 13:05:54 (3271) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:228 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Getting all interface addresses 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:93 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::get_ips - Interfaces to return: $VAR1 = { 'em1' => [ '' ], 'p1p1' => [ '' ], 'p1p2' => [ '' ], 'em2' => [ '' ] }; 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:250 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - IPs to check,,, 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:261 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:263 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:265 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:261 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:263 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: hnt-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:265 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:261 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:263 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - has a DNS name: vag-brdr.perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:265 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - isn't private or we're okay with private addresses 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:261 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - is ipv4 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:364 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary address 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:371 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - Selected em1/perf-hnt.net.isc.upenn.edu as the primary ipv4 address 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:382 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::discover_primary_address - No primary ipv6 address found 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:847 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::reset_state - BWCTL_CONF: $VAR1 = { 'log_location' => undef, 'group' => 'bwctl', 'nuttcp_port' => '5301-5600', 'owamp_port' => '5601-5900', 'iperf_port' => '5001-5300', 'user' => 'bwctl', 'peer_port' => '6001-6200', 'facility' => 'local5' }; 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for iperf3_ports 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for thrulay_ports 2015/02/02 14:01:38 (9869) ERROR> BWCTL.pm:646 perfSONAR_PS::NPToolkit::Config::BWCTL::get_port_range - No port range for test_ports 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking owamp 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:93 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::get_ips - Interfaces to return: $VAR1 = { 'em1' => [ '' ], 'p1p1' => [ '' ], 'p1p2' => [ '' ], 'em2' => [ '' ] }; 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking bwctl 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:93 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::get_ips - Interfaces to return: $VAR1 = { 'em1' => [ '' ], 'p1p1' => [ '' ], 'p1p2' => [ '' ], 'em2' => [ '' ] }; 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking npad 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:93 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::get_ips - Interfaces to return: $VAR1 = { 'em1' => [ '' ], 'p1p1' => [ '' ], 'p1p2' => [ '' ], 'em2' => [ '' ] }; 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking ndt 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:93 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::get_ips - Interfaces to return: $VAR1 = { 'em1' => [ '' ], 'p1p1' => [ '' ], 'p1p2' => [ '' ], 'em2' => [ '' ] }; 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking regular_testing 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> index.cgi:166 main:: - Checking esmond 2015/02/02 14:01:39 (9869) DEBUG> Host.pm:93 perfSONAR_PS::Utils::Host::get_ips - Interfaces to return: $VAR1 = { 'em1' => [ '' ], 'p1p1' => [ '' ], 'p1p2' => [ '' ], 'em2' => [ '' ] };