## Use 'mesh' blocks to to specify each mesh that the agent should ## configure the host against ## Use 'configuration_url' to specify the URL where the agent should obtain ## the mesh configuration from configuration_url ## To ensure that the configuration is trusted, you can set the ## 'validate_certificate' option to 1. This will validate that the certificate ## is valid, and matches the hostname. If the 'validate_certificate' option is ## set to 1, the 'ca_certificate_file' option must be set. #validate_certificate 0 ## The 'ca_certificate_file' specifies which CAs to use to validate the ## certificates. #ca_certificate_file /etc/pki/tls/bundle.crt # the default RedHat CAs ## The 'required' field specifies that if this mesh isn't available, or has ## problems, to skip making any changes to the host configuration. required 1 ## You can define more meshes to configure against by adding more 'mesh' blocks. # # configuration_url https://host.otherdomain.edu/mesh.json # #validate_certificate 0 # #ca_certificate_file /etc/pki/tls/bundle.crt # # Use the traceroute_master_conf, owmesh_conf and pinger_landmarks options to # specify the location of the files to write. In a normal configuration, these # should be left as what's included below. traceroute_master_conf /opt/perfsonar_ps/traceroute_ma/etc/traceroute-master.conf owmesh_conf /opt/perfsonar_ps/perfsonarbuoy_ma/etc/owmesh.conf pinger_landmarks /opt/perfsonar_ps/PingER/etc/pinger-landmarks.xml ## You can include one or more 'address' options to specify which address ## corresponds to this host. By default, the agent will attempt to guess the ## address using the hostname of the host, as well as the hostname IPs. #address chic-pt1.es.net # The 'restart_services' option can be used to specify whether the services # should be restarted after their configuration is updated. If the # 'use_toolkit' variable below is set to 0, you will need to use the # 'cron-restart_services' cron script included in # /opt/perfsonar_ps/mesh_config/doc to restart the services. restart_services 1 # The 'use_toolkit' option can be used to specify whether the agent should use # the pS-Performance Toolkit's configuration daemon to save the configuration, # and restart the services. If the agent is not installed on a toolkit # instance, you will make sure that the configuration files listed above are # all writable by user 'perfsonar'. The 'perfsonar' user cannot restart the # services so you will need to disable 'restart_services' above, and use the # 'cron-restart_services' cron script included in # /opt/perfsonar_ps/mesh_config/doc to restart the services. use_toolkit 1 # The 'send_error_emails' option can be used to tell the agent to send an email # (via sendmail) when an error occurs. These emails will be sent to the # applicable administrators (e.g. the local administrator(s), the mesh # administrator(s), the site administrator(s), and/or the host # administrator(s). send_error_emails 1 ## By default, the from address for the error emails will be ## mesh_agent@[hostname]. However, if you'd like to specify a different email ## address, you can do so here. #email_from_address admin@host.site.edu ## One or more 'admin_email' options can be included to specify email addresses ## to send errors to. These email addresses will receive all errors (including ## parsing errors). This is in addition to the emails that will be sent to the ## various affected administrators (e.g. the mesh administrator or the site ## administrator). #admin_email admin1@site.edu #admin_email admin2@site.edu ## The 'skip_redundant_tests' can be used so that if the meshes end up creating ## multiple tests between hosts with the exact same test parameters, it will ## only setup the hosts to only run one test. If you enable this, you won't see ## the skipped tests in the Toolkit GUI #skip_redundant_tests 1